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Time to confess! (1 Viewer)


Sep 1, 2005
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Monrovia, CA
Political Leaning
That's right! Confess your religion! Or, to put it mildly, what religion are you? Obviously, this question was either posted before me, or mankind is truly incurious. . . anyway, gimme your religion, and a few facts about it. here's an example:

Name: Argonath
Religion: Buddhist
Facts about Buddhism:
1) The Buddha means "The Enlightened One".
2) Hinduism and Buddhism almost directly affect each other.
3) Hinduism believes that the Buddha was a reincarnation of Vishnu, meaning that there was no need to convert to Buddhism, as the Buddha was Vishnu.
4) The Buddha's original name was Sidartha Gautama
5) Einstein was quoted in saying that "If he were not Atheist, he would surly be Buddhist"

And there you have it. Now it's your turn. . .
As a Great Psychologist Once Said, Confessing your "religion" Is binding, and it is ignorant and reckless. Saying such a Broad Religion is too broad, just like saying your "smart" or "unsmart" or something. He said its better to be like "Christ-Like" or more examples. But Just for Refrence:

Name: Eric
Religion: Atheist-Philosophical

Facts About Atheist Philosophy:
1.) It Can Change, its supposed to change if contradictory facts are found to it.
2.) It states The View of "God" cannot exist (In The Current Christian Form/Allah, meaning a All-Good, All Powerful, God Cannot exist that the Christian Religion describes from the Bible, or Muslims as Allah)
4.) It does not state that their is no After-Life, or Divine Beings, it states their is no Current 1 Single "God" as described earlier. Divine Beings and A Not-All Good God are stil possibilities.
5.) it is open for discussion and is not rigid.
No one knows what waits for them after they die, or what forces control what goes on around them. I don't care what you say, you aren't sure.

Name: Carlin
Religion: Agnostic

I can only think of one fact that needs to be known about Agnosticism.
Myself, along with every other person on this earth, can't say positively what happens to a person when they die. People claim to, but they are simply convinced, not certain.
Name: Brian

Religion: Atheist...Considering Unitarian Universalist

Atheism: pretty much what truth-bringer said.

Unitarian Universalist: can be any religion(atheist, christain, hindu, whatever) but teaches that every religion has some worth, or shorter: religious tolerence... a lot of it.
That's ironic! My father was married to my stepmother by a Unitarian Universalist priest. w00t.
agnostic- because you can't possibly know until you die. But I also believe in the theory of intelligent design, I think there's got to be something bigger than man but there's not really anyway to know for sure.
Unitarian Universalist sounds interesting. I've always said that every religion has good lessons to teach, but throwing in God ruins it for me.
Name: Joseph Lee O.
Religion: “Clean and undefiled religion before the Elohim and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:27)

Facts about visiting orphans and widows in their affliction:
1) There are many of each suffering varieties of afflictions;
2) More folks are always needed to help out.

Facts about keeping oneself unstained from the world.
1) Virtually impossible to do while yet enslaved by it;
2) Once helped, spiritual orphans must then help still others.
Argonath said:
That's right! Confess your religion! Or, to put it mildly, what religion are you? Obviously, this question was either posted before me, or mankind is truly incurious. . . anyway, gimme your religion, and a few facts about it. here's an example:

Name: Argonath
Religion: Buddhist
Facts about Buddhism:
1) The Buddha means "The Enlightened One".
2) Hinduism and Buddhism almost directly affect each other.
3) Hinduism believes that the Buddha was a reincarnation of Vishnu, meaning that there was no need to convert to Buddhism, as the Buddha was Vishnu.
4) The Buddha's original name was Sidartha Gautama
5) Einstein was quoted in saying that "If he were not Atheist, he would surly be Buddhist"

And there you have it. Now it's your turn. . .

Name: MiamiFlorida
Religion: None

The greatest crimes against mankind are commited in the name of religion.
Name: V.I. Lenin

Religion: Agnostic. Who knows? To say you believe is just as arrogant as to say you dont believe is ignorant.
Name: Jeff

Religion: Southern Baptist (no slaves, sorry) mixed with Agnostic/Atheist point of views.

1. Believe that there is a "divine power" just not named "God" (See Blog as to why)
2. Believes the Catholic church is full of political ass-clowns and shouldn't even be in existence.. I declare war!
3. Opposed to those who have no tolerance for either the believers or the non-believers.
4. Believes Jesus was real, just as a great person. Likea Mahatma Gandhi or a Buddha.

(Can you really consider Buddhism a religion? I think one of the essential things for a religion isn't there in Buddhism, "Gods")
MiamiFlorida said:
Name: MiamiFlorida
Religion: None

The greatest crimes against mankind are commited in the name of religion.

And Greed Too
mostly religion. I mean, look at the Crusades, or the world trade center attacks. WW2, mabye. Hitler did kill jews, but that was mostly a form of racial profilling, i think.
Religion: I'm christian, but I'm heavily confused in a bit, I want to follow a buddhist morality code myself....

Facts: Bah, somebody else can handle that...
mostly religion. I mean, look at the Crusades, or the world trade center attacks. WW2, mabye. Hitler did kill jews, but that was mostly a form of racial profilling, i think.

greed more so... most religion that caused wars was religion that is perverted by greed and hunger for power. Crusades were in otherways an attempt by kings to regain glory in the holy lands.
Argonath said:
mostly religion. I mean, look at the Crusades, or the world trade center attacks. WW2, mabye. Hitler did kill jews, but that was mostly a form of racial profilling, i think.

Consider the Jews declared a Holy war on Germany in 1933 and were starving 2/3 of its population, it could be considered a viable reaction ;)
Name: teenonfire4him77
Religion: Non-denominational Christian
1. We don't have a written doctrine like most denominations (hence non)
2. We believe what the bible says, we have a simple worship structure : Praise and Worship (music) then announcements/testimonies (or a baptism) then the sermon
3. One thing i love, is that we don't sing hymns(occasionly we do, but not often))...we sing modern worship songs and songs from contemperary christian groups.
Name: Daniel
Religion: Christian

1. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are three persons in one…God!
2. The original text of the Bible is the infallible Word of God!
3. Christ died for our sins; he is the only way to the Father and heaven.
4. The Spirit of God resides inside of us, comforting us…guiding us.

I would like to add this though: In no way do I think I am a perfect human. I wrestle with sin (the flesh) just like any other man.
facts:The confession does not exist in this religion as a way to make your sins be forgiven neither does the Sacrament.
The Orthodoxy is more interested in Jesus resurrection than in his birth.
During centuries Church had never dominated over secular power as in Catholicism.

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