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Thousand Oaks victims (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 19, 2012
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Political Leaning
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


CNN)At least 12 lives were cut short Wednesday when a gunman stormed a Southern California bar and opened fire.
On Friday, the Ventura County Medical Examiner confirmed the identities of all the individuals killed.

Here's what we know about the people who died in the shooting at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?

stop lying. there is no proof "extended clips" (WTF IS THAT) made this possible. Standard capacity Glock 21 is 13 rounds. California Nanny State is 10 rounds.

California law prevented the off duty cops in the bar from being armed. Once again, it was a gun free zone that an active killer chose

This case shows a committed killer is immune from all the wet dream gun laws the scum bag politicians on California passed

He waited at least ten days before taking possession of the pistol after passing a background check

HE was actually interviewed by a crisis intervention team which cleared him

Under the stupid California laws, his standard issue magazine was "illegal" but someone willing to kill and die doing it isn't going to worry about that stupid law
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?

Do you want to talk about the eulogizing of victims, or do you want to talk about gun control....make up your mind.
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?

I heard one of the victims was also a survivor of the vegas shooting.
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?

If someone is considered so dangerous due to mental health issues that they need to lose their right to keep and bear arms? Then IMO they should either be institutionalized in a mental health facility, or diagnosed as too mentally ill to possess/access weapons.

In either case I would not object to their right to keep and bear arms being infringed. But no one should lose this right just on the say-so of another common citizen.
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?

That (bolded above) is far too vague to become a replacement for the constitutional guarantee of due process of law. We already have laws prohibiting those convicted of certain crimes or formally adjudged to be mentally ill and dangerous from having guns. I assume you want a federal law such as Maryland's 'red flag law' nonsense where anyone may request that a judge issue an order to confiscate 'known' guns from someone else without any criminal charges ever being made, much less a conviction or finding of being mentally ill and dangerous being required.
stop lying. there is no proof "extended clips" (WTF IS THAT) made this possible. Standard capacity Glock 21 is 13 rounds. California Nanny State is 10 rounds.

California law prevented the off duty cops in the bar from being armed. Once again, it was a gun free zone that an active killer chose

This case shows a committed killer is immune from all the wet dream gun laws the scum bag politicians on California passed

He waited at least ten days before taking possession of the pistol after passing a background check

HE was actually interviewed by a crisis intervention team which cleared him

Under the stupid California laws, his standard issue magazine was "illegal" but someone willing to kill and die doing it isn't going to worry about that stupid law

Actually, unbeknownst to the gun-grabbing crowd, people like Long love gun control laws.
Actually, unbeknownst to the gun-grabbing crowd, people like Long love gun control laws.

gun control laws are to violent criminals as OSHA is to factory workers
It’s quite obvious he had a political motive in the slayings. How many seconds transpired from his tweet till he shot himself?
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?

The VT shooter killed 32 people with two pistols and 10 round magazines.
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?
Are you talking FEDERAL restraining orders? They already exist at local levels. And we have background checks through the FBI. Nobody I've seen objects to either.
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?

The shooter was examined by mental health professionals and not found to be a danger. Would the federal,government have more competent mental health professionals than the state of California? Is that your point?
The shooter was examined by mental health professionals and not found to be a danger. Would the federal,government have more competent mental health professionals than the state of California? Is that your point?

I suspect he didn't know that the shooter had been so evaluated.
I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:

Thousand Oaks victims include college student and law enforcement officer


And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible. An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders. Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner, that his guns be confiscated… THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?

You could kill 12 people without extended magazines. So they didn't make it possible it's possible with just about any firearm.

As far as your question goes it seems disjointed and I'm having a hard time making sense of it.

So you think people should be against the federal government confiscating weapons from an individual who has a felony record?
If someone is considered so dangerous due to mental health issues that they need to lose their right to keep and bear arms? Then IMO they should either be institutionalized in a mental health facility, or diagnosed as too mentally ill to possess/access weapons.

In either case I would not object to their right to keep and bear arms being infringed. But no one should lose this right just on the say-so of another common citizen.

Didn't trump sign an executive order allowing mentally ill people to possess / access guns? trump has blood on his hands ....AGAIN!
=jet57;1069283208]I noticed that the gun forum was silent on this one too… But a different take here:
Maybe we wait for a few facts.
And yet Again we get a mass shooting: extended clips made this one possible.
But Kalistan has all these gun laws that almost make it impossible to own a gun let alone with an extended 'magazine'. Blame a state next door?
An ex combat soldier with PTSD. THIS incident however has opened up a new issue; that of gun restraining orders.
So what you mean is a ban on Vets owning firearms. That's your issue you want to see opened up as a restraining order.
Such restraining orders require that if a gun owner is found to be unsafe in some manner,
Seems the Corps had know knowledge of this.
that his guns be confiscated…
And that's what it's all about.
THIS is a way different sort of Federal Law if they have their way and one that walks the line of Big Gummit taking away your second amendment rights. But if it’s a people problem, then do you pro gun folks think that it is a way of handling people who shouldn’t have guns in the first place and if so, how does that square with your fears of Gummit confiscations and our right to keep and bear?
PTSD,SHELL SHOCK,BATTLE FATIGUE are the same, where were all the shootings after WW1 after WW2 and Korea and Vietnam? And don't say because there were less guns.
And you opened the door on the PTSD thing.
You could kill 12 people without extended magazines. So they didn't make it possible it's possible with just about any firearm.

As far as your question goes it seems disjointed and I'm having a hard time making sense of it.

So you think people should be against the federal government confiscating weapons from an individual who has a felony record?
I thought he was talking just about PTSD. I wouldn't think it's a felony.
Didn't trump sign an executive order allowing mentally ill people to possess / access guns? trump has blood on his hands ....AGAIN!
Summary: H.J.Res.40 — 115th Congress (2017-201
Shown Here:
Public Law No: 115-8 (02/28/2017)

(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)

This joint resolution nullifies the “Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007” rule finalized by the Social Security Administration on December 19, 2016. The rule implements a plan to provide to the National Instant Criminal History Background Check System the name of an individual who meets certain criteria, including that benefit payments are made through a representative payee because the individual is determined to be mentally incapable of managing them. (Current law prohibits firearm sale or transfer to and purchase or possession by a person who has been adjudicated as a mental defective.)

This could be your wife or anyone else helping you navigate all the BS.
Didn't trump sign an executive order allowing mentally ill people to possess / access guns? trump has blood on his hands ....AGAIN!

Should people with mental illness and disabilities be denied rights without due process?
stop lying. there is no proof "extended clips" (WTF IS THAT) made this possible. Standard capacity Glock 21 is 13 rounds. California Nanny State is 10 rounds.

California law prevented the off duty cops in the bar from being armed. Once again, it was a gun free zone that an active killer chose

This case shows a committed killer is immune from all the wet dream gun laws the scum bag politicians on California passed

He waited at least ten days before taking possession of the pistol after passing a background check

HE was actually interviewed by a crisis intervention team which cleared him

Under the stupid California laws, his standard issue magazine was "illegal" but someone willing to kill and die doing it isn't going to worry about that stupid law

"I'd rather see a million kids die than see any gun control laws!"

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