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Thought I should say hi. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Some of you may know me, some of may not know me.
I do not watch FOX news because I am too cheap to upgrade my cable.
I am for border control and a halt to all illegal immigration.
I am against gay marriage,civil unions and any other name that is used to sneak in gay marriage.
I am pro-death penalty.
I despise the liberal media,ACLU,moveon.org,now.org and any other liberal group or orginizations.
I served in the army as a 11M/11B.
I am against free trade,NAFTA,CAFTA and world trade orginization.
Welcome, and I think you know me. Very little political correctness here so far as I can discern. Join in. The water is fine.
Welcome, and I think you know me. Very little political correctness here so far as I can discern. Join in. The water is fine.

I like political incorrectness.That means I will not have to hold my tounge.

I do know you.
Welcome aboard!
From what you have described, I would guess that you lean more conservative. :mrgreen:
Welcome aboard!
From what you have described, I would guess that you lean more conservative.

You are correct.
vauge said:
Welcome aboard!
From what you have described, I would guess that you lean more conservative. :mrgreen:

Ya think?!?!?!?!?

That's like saying, "I would guess Ted kennedy leans more towards alcohol."

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