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This John Brennan quote on Russia just made Donald Trump's life much harder (1 Viewer)

Well what are the allegations? And why are they crimes?


Yawn. Clearly you haven't the first clue about the nature of the investigations and what's been going on for almost a year now, and yet you still demand the same nonsensical questions be answered, over and over again.
Obstruction of justice:
* asked Comey to obstruct Flynn investigation
* fired Comey to obstruct Russia investigation

Even if true, not yet shown to be true, NOT a crime, the President is well within his authority to direct the DOJ's recourses.

Hacking & Espionage:
* DNC was hacked during 2016 campaign

Not by anyone in the Trump campaign.. No crime, so far 0 - 2

Money Laundering:
* President Trump receives money through associates from Russia to fund real estate and business enterprises

Zero evidence of this, no one is even suggesting it's true, where did you get it from?

Now you're moving the goalposts, crying incoherently about evidence. Go read your other post.

Ha, nope, but nice try sunshine. ;)

Yawn. Clearly you haven't the first clue about the nature of the investigations and what's been going on for almost a year now, and yet you still demand the same nonsensical questions be answered, over and over again.

Hmm.. So someone so well versed in the details as you could at least provide bullet-points, no? I mean, CNN, MSNBC run with the Trump collusion story 24/7 and you can't find even one cool detail to stump me? Lazy-much? Anyway, no need Absentglar is at least trying, and that's more than I can say for you.

No, this isn't nonsense. There is an arkload of circumstantial evidence to indicate possible wrongdoing. Hence the FISA warrants, hence the raids, hence the investigation. This really isn't a difficult thing to understand.

In order for an investigation to begin, there has to be probable cause. The criteria was met.

It's also irrelevant to what I've posted.

That's my point. Circumstantial evidence of WHAT CRIMES, specifically, that's my question.

That's my point. Circumstantial evidence of WHAT CRIMES, specifically, that's my question.


Asked and answered.

I'd ask you to pay better attention, but it's clear you have no honest interest in this matter.
Please read the bold until the complete failure of your reading comprehension is clear to you:

My reading comprenhenson tells me that none of the allegations are true so what difference does it make?

None whatsoever

So I'm going to use your quote and help you read better, because you seem to be struggling and grasping for straws. Pay attention to the bold.

Please document said illicit communication between the Trump campaign, the Trump transition team, and the Russians please.
No, this isn't nonsense. There is an arkload of circumstantial evidence to indicate possible wrongdoing. Hence the FISA warrants, hence the raids, hence the investigation. This really isn't a difficult thing to understand.

In order for an investigation to begin, there has to be probable cause. The criteria was met.

It's also irrelevant to what I've posted.

That's not correct. The FBI can start an investigation over nothing more than speculation.
My reading comprenhenson tells me that none of the allegations are true so what difference does it make?

None whatsoever

That's not reading comprehension- actually, i don't know what that is, but it isn't involved in deductive reasoning.
So I'm going to use your quote and help you read better, because you seem to be struggling and grasping for straws. Pay attention to the bold.

Your smarmy condescension doesn't help your point. It's denial of communication like I said. You're flailing.
I'd agree with you, the entire Russian / Trump collusion is a red herring foisted on the public by Democrats and their media sycophants.

Goal post shift. We are talking about communications that you denied. Not collusion.
Goal post shift. We are talking about communications that you denied. Not collusion.

That would raise the question that if in the course of collusion, would illicit communications be part of it or not.

Seems pretty reasonable that illicit communications would be part of collusion.

adjective: illicit
forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
"illicit drugs"

noun: collusion
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
"the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
synonyms:conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming

Both are illegal. So, yes, seems reasonable that illicit communication would have to be part of colluding. Would you agree?
Your smarmy condescension doesn't help your point. It's denial of communication like I said. You're flailing.

I wouldn't have to be condescending if you weren't dishonestly representing what other people are saying.
I wouldn't have to be condescending if you weren't dishonestly representing what other people are saying.

You asked for proof of someone denying communication and I got it for you. Stop your lying, crying and projecting.
That would raise the question that if in the course of collusion, would illicit communications be part of it or not.

Seems pretty reasonable that illicit communications would be part of collusion.

adjective: illicit
forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
"illicit drugs"

noun: collusion
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
"the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
synonyms:conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming

Both are illegal. So, yes, seems reasonable that illicit communication would have to be part of colluding. Would you agree?

"forbidden by law, rules, or custom."

See that little two letter word just sitting there ****ing up your attempted spin? So no it's not just about illegality.
You asked for proof of someone denying communication and I got it for you. Stop your lying, crying and projecting.

Yes, I did ask for that, and what you provided was not proof of what I asked for, hence my need for condescension to point out your utter dishonesty.

Which doesn't even remotely make him a communist.

"I said I was neither Democratic or Republican, but it was my way, as I was going to college, of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change. I said I'm not a member of the Communist Party, so the polygrapher looked at me and said, 'OK,' and when I was finished with the polygraph and I left and said, 'Well, I'm screwed.'"

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