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This John Brennan quote on Russia just made Donald Trump's life much harder (1 Viewer)

Which doesn't even remotely make him a communist.

"I said I was neither Democratic or Republican, but it was my way, as I was going to college, of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change. I said I'm not a member of the Communist Party, so the polygrapher looked at me and said, 'OK,' and when I was finished with the polygraph and I left and said, 'Well, I'm screwed.'"

I'm not a terrorist supporter but I voted for Hamas candidates. Wow...that works swell!
I'm not a terrorist supporter but I voted for Hamas candidates. Wow...that works swell!

I voted once for Reagan. Doesn't make me a republican.

He doesn't belong to the party. He only did it once. He promotes no communist positions or policies. A good deal of his career was spent fighting against communists.

Your desperation to make reality bend to your delusion duly noted.
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"forbidden by law, rules, or custom."

See that little two letter word just sitting there ****ing up your attempted spin? So no it's not just about illegality.
Not to worry, powerbub: the FBI will answer that for you.
Not to worry, powerbub: the FBI will answer that for you.

Lol....yea, 5 Congressional comittees, and the FBI have been investigating this tin hattery for over a year now.

Still no answer, still no evidence. When you people find out that youve had the wool pulled over your eyes for the last few months who are you going to blame ?
Trump ?
"forbidden by law, rules, or custom."

See that little two letter word just sitting there ****ing up your attempted spin? So no it's not just about illegality.

Whatever. Suffice it to say that collusion is impossible without illicit communication. They go hand in hand with each other.
Lol....yea, 5 Congressional comittees, and the FBI have been investigating this tin hattery for over a year now.

Still no answer, still no evidence. When you people find out that youve had the wool pulled over your eyes for the last few months who are you going to blame ?
Trump ?

All this because the DNC didn't play fair and square with Bernie pissing off a great many, some on their very own inside, and yet, Bernie is still standing, and collected a nice pay off (3rd house wasn't it?)

The DNC might want to re-think how they do their primaries, especially if it ends up like this.
Lol....yea, 5 Congressional comittees, and the FBI have been investigating this tin hattery for over a year now.

Still no answer, still no evidence. When you people find out that youve had the wool pulled over your eyes for the last few months who are you going to blame ?
Trump ?
What's that you say, shaggy? Who are you going to blame when you realize you had your finger pulled.
What's that you say, shaggy? Who are you going to blame when you realize you had your finger pulled.

AGAIN, 5 seperate Congressional investigations and a FBI investigation and still no evidence.

Lol !! The Democrats and their supporters are throwing the BIGGEST political temper tantrum in history

Its one big emotionally imature collective temper tantrum, and this silly tin hattery is all you people have left.

Its hillarious and it couldnt have happened to a nicer bunch of people
AGAIN, 5 seperate Congressional investigations and a FBI investigation and still no evidence. Lol !! The Democrats and their supporters are throwing the BIGGEST political temper tantrum in history Its one big emotionally imature collective temper tantrum, and this silly tin hattery is all you people have left. Its hillarious and it couldnt have happened to a nicer bunch of people
The biggest tantrum was about Clinton, who walked away.

When the investigations conclude in indictments and possibly impeachment or Amendment XXV proceedings, you are going to cry.
I voted once for Reagan. Doesn't make me a republican.

He doesn't belong to the party. He only did it once. He promotes no communist positions or policies. A good deal of his career was spent fighting against communists.

Your desperation to make reality bend to your delusion duly noted.

The only thing delusional is your continued efforts to excuse his past actions. As far as your vote for Reagan, that made you associated with the Republicans enough for that time. However, I'll simply point out your false equivalency by comparing a situation where you voted for a party that still mostly holds true to the ideals of America and communism. But, sure, I'll amend it for the one time instance.

"I only voted for Hamas one time, guys! It's no big deal!"
The only thing delusional is your continued efforts to excuse his past actions.

Yet again you demonstrate you cannot honestly represent what others have posted. I have excused nothing. He did it. It's also clear that it was a protest vote and amounted to nothing.
As far as your vote for Reagan, that made you associated with the Republicans enough for that time.

It did not, however, make me a Republican. Your desperation is showing.
However, I'll simply point out your false equivalency by comparing a situation where you voted for a party that still mostly holds true to the ideals of America and communism. But, sure, I'll amend it for the one time instance.

You can't play any such game since I've offered no false equivalency. You should really check out what that actually means.
"I only voted for Hamas one time, guys! It's no big deal!"

That's the only false equivalency here. You're just not capable of understanding why.

And that's funny.
Yet again you demonstrate you cannot honestly represent what others have posted. I have excused nothing. He did it. It's also clear that it was a protest vote and amounted to nothing.

Throw away.

It did not, however, make me a Republican. Your desperation is showing.

Amenable to them enough to vote for them. That's a distinction that barely makes a difference. There are lots of independents that vote straight Democrat and the fact that they aren't actually a registered Democrat means nothing.

You can't play any such game since I've offered no false equivalency. You should really check out what that actually means.

Of course you did, by comparing your vote in support of a Democrat in comparison to the context of the conversation, which is Communism.

That's the only false equivalency here. You're just not capable of understanding why.

No, pointing out your false equivalency isn't a false equivalency.

And that's funny.

It's clear you find yourself funny, so that make one person. You're own biggest hero. That's sweet.
Throw away.

Always good to see you eat your own words by having no honest response.
Amenable to them enough to vote for them. That's a distinction that barely makes a difference. There are lots of independents that vote straight Democrat and the fact that they aren't actually a registered Democrat means nothing.

So what? By your own link, it was a protest vote. Or perhaps that was too subtle a shading for you.
Of course you did, by comparing your vote in support of a Democrat in comparison to the context of the conversation, which is Communism.

LOL! Please learn what that term actually means.
No, pointing out your false equivalency isn't a false equivalency.

More comprehension problems. I didn't claim it was. Your rather pathetic reference to Hamas was.
It's clear you find yourself funny, so that make one person. You're own biggest hero. That's sweet.

It's OK that you have to resort to dishonesty to try and win a point.

I'm sure you'll 'win' one, some day.
Always good to see you eat your own words by having no honest response.

So what? By your own link, it was a protest vote. Or perhaps that was too subtle a shading for you.

LOL! Please learn what that term actually means.

More comprehension problems. I didn't claim it was. Your rather pathetic reference to Hamas was.

It's OK that you have to resort to dishonesty to try and win a point.

I'm sure you'll 'win' one, some day.

You're right...Communism has killed way more people than radical Islamic terrorists. My bad for making such a ridiculous comparison. That aside...

I've already disposed of your ridiculousness. I feel no need to keep doing it. It's like sticking a dog's nose to their poop to show them the mess they made but the dog is one of the ones that eats their own poop. Feel free to throw your feces at the wall and thinking it's making a point. I'm done with you, clean yourself off.
You're right...Communism has killed way more people than radical Islamic terrorists. My bad for making such a ridiculous comparison. That aside...

Yawn. Good of you to admit to your dishonesty.
I've already disposed of your ridiculousness.

In your imagination, perhaps, but not in reality. He simply never was a communist, and spend a great part of his career fighting them. You can whine to your heart's content, but it won't change the facts.
I feel no need to keep doing it. It's like sticking a dog's nose to their poop to show them the mess they made but the dog is one of the ones that eats their own poop. Feel free to throw your feces at the wall and thinking it's making a point. I'm done with you, clean yourself off.

Keep your coprophiliac fantasies out of this please.

I accept your admission that you're beaten and have nothing left but bluster.
Not exactly.

There is no evidence of collusion "yet". The investigation isn't done, so we don't know. That's what the investigation is going to tell us.

But the testimony today has a critical difference: Brennan stated the Trump campaign has had multiple contacts with the Russians during the Campaign. This goes in direct contrast to the statements of Trump and his surrogates. So they've all been caught in direct lies, and we need to find out why they are lying. This is not a hot smoking gun (yet), but it has gotten substantially further down that path.

The problem is that you can say that about almost anyone in inernational business. John Podesta has links to Russians too. CNN just cut a deal to broadcast in Russia so they have undoubtedly had contact with Russian spies unknowingly. What Brennan said, which should be the end of the discussion regarding his testimony, is that he worked for the CIA so he doesn't work with evidence.
No "Evidence" has been revealed. Assessments, conclusions, suspicions, but no evidence.

In fact Brennan specifically said he didn't draw his conclusions from evidence.
Whatever. Suffice it to say that collusion is impossible without illicit communication. They go hand in hand with each other.

But illicit communication can exist without collusion. Which is the whole point I was making... which you knew of course.
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The biggest tantrum was about Clinton, who walked away.

When the investigations conclude in indictments and possibly impeachment or Amendment XXV proceedings, you are going to cry.

Indictments without evidence ?
But illicit communication can exist without collusion. Which is the whole point I was making... which you knew of course.

Correct. Illicit communication can exist without collusion. My point being is that collusion cannot exist without illicit communication.
You so hope! :mrgreen:

Im not the one hoping, or trying to convict a sitting President of high crimes and misdemeanors without a stitch of evidence.

That would be you and the rest of the perenially butthurt HRC supporters that still cant come to terms with her loss
Im not the one hoping, or trying to convict a sitting President of high crimes and misdemeanors without a stitch of evidence. That would be you and the rest of the perenially butthurt HRC supporters that still cant come to terms with her loss
I did not vote for Clinton, and you are not an American patriot. I believe the evidence with be there, and if not, Trump will be just as incompetent after than before. However, he will be even more furious.
I did not vote for Clinton, and you are not an American patriot. I believe the evidence with be there, and if not, Trump will be just as incompetent after than before. However, he will be even more furious.

Lol !!!
Im not a patriot ? Says who ?

Why am I not a patriot ? Because Im not obsessed with Donald Trump ? Because I dare to be objective and question the MSMs collusion conspiracy madness ?

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