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Thirty-nine thousand Verizon workers on strike in US (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2009
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WSWS has a point in the capitalism greed.
After 10 months of working without a contract, 39,000 Verizon workers walked off their jobs Tuesday morning at hundreds of locations on the East Coast of the United States. The workers are opposing stagnating wages, attacks on pensions, increased health care costs, outsourcing and the telecom giant’s demand for license to transfer workers across wide geographic areas for extended time periods with little or no advance notice.
Thousands of workers set up picket lines in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, DC and other cities from Massachusetts to Virginia. The opposition of workers to the demands of the company, which makes $1.8 billion in profits each month, is part of a growing mood of resistance among workers in the US and internationally.
Thirty-nine thousand Verizon workers on strike in US - World Socialist Web Site
Its a new trend called permatemping, where corporations are using temporary and independent contracts, as loopholes to avoid labor laws, meaning employees can be fired for no reason and at anytime, they aren't protected by most labor and wage laws, many work with no overtime, for less than minimum wage with no sick days, vacation days, lunch breaks etc etc etc many corporations keeping employees on temporary contracts (originally meant for your first 90 days) for 5 years or more, temp workers currently make up about 15% of american workers, but its hard too determine how many of these would be considered "perma temps"

Verizon wireless in particular does this with almost all of its customer service and technician jobs, and that $1.8 billion dollars if it were distributed fairly would come out to $10k per month for every employee
Its a new trend called permatemping, where corporations are using temporary and independent contracts, as loopholes to avoid labor laws,

Everything you wrote is true, except it is NOT a new tactic.

I worked at a place in the 90's that used 1,000's of permatemps for YEARS. They used all sorts of reasons to extend using the same 'temps' year after year after year.
This is the disgusting part of "free enterprise" of "unfettered capitalism."

Profit for capital becomes the over-riding concern. The other factors of production are given short shrift...and the unfettered capitalists call it...the way things should be.

I'm a capitalist...and all for free enterprise. But if this is the way it is going to be...screw it. I'll support socialism before this.
This is the disgusting part of "free enterprise" of "unfettered capitalism."

Profit for capital becomes the over-riding concern. The other factors of production are given short shrift...and the unfettered capitalists call it...the way things should be.

I'm a capitalist...and all for free enterprise. But if this is the way it is going to be...screw it. I'll support socialism before this.

"I'm an independent capitalist, but by god I'll support socialism". :roll:
"I'm an independent capitalist, but by god I'll support socialism". :roll:

Try this:

I'm for individual freedom...but if "individual freedom" starts to mean someone can take a dump in the middle of a restaurant if they choose, I abandon the notion."

What is the hourly rate of a Verizon worker ? The major reason most contracts are not being settled is do to rising costs of Obamacare which hits union workers the hardest . And I'm certain Verizon isn't paying USA wages and benefits in Singapore .
Verizon has business here. Market forces decide. Nobody here will work for Verizon if they don't pay competitative wages.
Verizon has business here. Market forces decide. Nobody here will work for Verizon if they don't pay competitative wages.

Maybe your Country should demand $15 an hour minimum wage and I'm sure US corporations would stop outsourcing jobs .
Maybe your Country should demand $15 an hour minimum wage and I'm sure US corporations would stop outsourcing jobs .

Setting minimum wage levels is the root cause of problems. Cheaper to outsource.
Try this:

I'm for individual freedom...but if "individual freedom" starts to mean someone can take a dump in the middle of a restaurant if they choose, I abandon the notion."


Try this:

A free market capitalist would NEVER, under any circumstance, support socialism.

Setting minimum wage levels is the root cause of problems. Cheaper to outsource.

And very costly to American workers and taxpayers .
Setting minimum wage levels is the root cause of problems. Cheaper to outsource.

Actually, workers wanting enough wages to live is the real root cause.

If our workers would only be willing to work for 65 cents an hour...we could keep everyone employed.

Donald Trump to the rescue:lamo

Stop complaining about how Americans companies do business in foreign Countries and deal with raising YOUR standard of living THERE ! In the USA the population has gone up by 15 million in the last 8 years and we have 4 million fewer jobs because of outsourcing .
If that offends you , that's your problem . GO TRUMP !
Actually, workers wanting enough wages to live is the real root cause.

If our workers would only be willing to work for 65 cents an hour...we could keep everyone employed.

Education, skills upgrading, productivity increases could perhaps justify $30 per hour. My 2 cents worth.
Try this:

A free market capitalist would NEVER, under any circumstance, support socialism.


What I actually said was: "I'm a capitalist...and all for free enterprise. But if this is the way it is going to be...screw it. I'll support socialism before this."

Yeah, a free market capitalist CAN get fed up with excesses...and abandon it.

Anyway...anyone who would support capitalism, or socialism or communism, or any "ism" no matter how out of control it gets...is being a jerk.

I choose not to be a jerk.
And very costly to American workers and taxpayers .


65 cents an hour puts us right in contention with the labor class of any country on Earth.

Why can't these stupid, greedy workers of ours finally get that!
Stop complaining about how Americans companies do business in foreign Countries and deal with raising YOUR standard of living THERE ! In the USA the population has gone up by 15 million in the last 8 years and we have 4 million fewer jobs because of outsourcing .
If that offends you , that's your problem . GO TRUMP !

Compare your GDP per capita with ours!

65 cents an hour puts us right in contention with the labor class of any country on Earth.

Why can't these stupid, greedy workers of ours finally get that!

Amusing how a foreigners taking American jobs is bitching about what Verizon is paying them ! If you are NOT happy with the pay scale move on to one of those jobs in Singapore that pay better !
Amusing how a foreigners taking American jobs is bitching about what Verizon is paying them ! If you are NOT happy with the pay scale move on to one of those jobs in Singapore that pay better !

What I actually said was: "I'm a capitalist...and all for free enterprise. But if this is the way it is going to be...screw it. I'll support socialism before this."

Yeah, a free market capitalist CAN get fed up with excesses...and abandon it.

Anyway...anyone who would support capitalism, or socialism or communism, or any "ism" no matter how out of control it gets...is being a jerk.

I choose not to be a jerk.
Actually, you choose to falsely represent yourself. Whether on purpose, or obliviously, is anyone's guess.
Compare your GDP per capita with ours!

I simply DON'T care about YOUR GDP that's not part of this discussion . Find a job that suits you in Singapore !

NOT you , the posters is from Singapore and that started the thread and wants to complain about how an American company isn't paying him enough ! Sorry for the confusion .
Amusing how a foreigners taking American jobs is bitching about what Verizon is paying them ! If you are NOT happy with the pay scale move on to one of those jobs in Singapore that pay better !

You compete with the rest of the world. India and China has the edge here.

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