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They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.[W:83] (1 Viewer)

Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

That is most excellent news.

Trump sure gets the job done.

Agreed, those who voted for trump must have wanted their country to be the first idiocracy in the world. And he delivered.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

Agreed, those who voted for trump must have wanted their country to be the first idiocracy in the world. And he delivered.

People who like Trump have always been willing to talk about it.

The problem is that other than other Trump supporters very few seem interested in the subject.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

We would gladly pay their way to New Zealand ! :roll:

Totally makes more sence than investing the money in upskilling your own workforce.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

Another irony. You remember the refugees on manus island australia is trying to send to america but trump has stalled on the promise to take them. NZ offered to take a percentage of them and australia turned us down in favour of the americans taking them.

Get your story correct , Trump never promised , it was the nitwit before him Obama ! :roll:
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

since you brought up the op's location which had nothing to do with the content of the op, why not show your location, socrates1 ?
America !!!
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

Totally makes more sence than investing the money in upskilling your own workforce.

They do NOT belong to ANY workforce just living on the government tit !
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

LOL. We do. Always have.... :doh

No, you don't. If you had an open border policy then I would be able to enter Canada without being turned around at the border. Guess what...I get turned around at the border.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

Moderator's Warning:
This thread is not about gun control laws. Stick to the topic or be kicked out of the thread.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

No, you don't. If you had an open border policy then I would be able to enter Canada without being turned around at the border. Guess what...I get turned around at the border.

We don't have an open border and that is not what I meant. What we don't have is restriction on country of originality. Anyone from anywhere can immigrate here if they qualify.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

They do NOT belong to ANY workforce just living on the government tit !

Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

The Canadians are always insisting The U.S. should have an open door to anyone and everyone. It's time for the Canadians to put up, or shutup.

Our cops are helping them across the border. RCMP help asylum-seeking family through snow after run-in with U.S. border patrol - Montreal - CBC News

I don't have a problem with genuine refugees coming here. However, if they are coming solely because they don't like Trump, then they should not get to stay.

Some are taking huge risks walking in bitter cold to get here - one guy lost all his fingers to frostbite. Frostbitten refugee will lose fingers, toe after 7-hour trek to cross U.S.-Canada border - Manitoba - CBC News
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

We don't have an open border and that is not what I meant. What we don't have is restriction on country of originality. Anyone from anywhere can immigrate here if they qualify.

That is the way it should be. Lawless people should not be allowed to circumvent our immigration laws either. There are millions of good people with respect for our laws and the citizens who make these laws being turned down in favor of people with no respect for our laws or the citizens who made them. Now if we could just get the democrats to see the light everything would be just fine.

As far as these refugees running from their problems just keep on going. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Freedom isn't free. The people of this country have fought and died for that freedom not run somewhere else. Our young men and women are laying their lives on the line all over the world to help others attain their freedom. Only when these refugees grow a pair and are willing to fight and die for their freedom will they attain their freedom.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

We don't have an open border and that is not what I meant. What we don't have is restriction on country of originality. Anyone from anywhere can immigrate here if they qualify.

Canada, and New Zealand, have tougher immigration laws than the USA. The two former countries place higher premium on skilled workers, as opposed to unskilled workers, which tends to be the case in the USA. The sneers by citizens of those countries ought be directed at Ottawa and Wellington, not Washington, DC.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.


.....................................................................................................................................................................................................read ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................read .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................read ..........................................................................................................................................got it ??????
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

Canada, and New Zealand, have tougher immigration laws than the USA. The two former countries place higher premium on skilled workers, as opposed to unskilled workers, which tends to be the case in the USA. The sneers by citizens of those countries ought be directed at Ottawa and Wellington, not Washington, DC.

The US has fared quite well when it comes to unskilled workers. Think of that next time you buy produce.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

Are you being deliberately disingenuous? These people are leaving because they already understand where the hate speeches lead to. They are not being forced out, they are being driven by the fear of your government throwing them out.

And again the argument of a five year old. Do you ever stand up for your own actions or is always the whinging about what others do as an excuse for the behaviour?

Old arguments of no importance and not an excuse for the present rulers driving people out.

You are not really good at figuring the obvious out, that you have made quite clear.

Of course this is a thread pointing out that you have a really stupid man for a president.
Yes, like many threads here it is another thread pointing out that not only is stupidity considered a right in america but that many americans just hired one to run the country to prove the point.

It is clear you do not want to answer the questions and are pretty ignorant about life.

We are done on this thread.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

Our cops are helping them across the border. RCMP help asylum-seeking family through snow after run-in with U.S. border patrol - Montreal - CBC News

I don't have a problem with genuine refugees coming here. However, if they are coming solely because they don't like Trump, then they should not get to stay.

Some are taking huge risks walking in bitter cold to get here - one guy lost all his fingers to frostbite. Frostbitten refugee will lose fingers, toe after 7-hour trek to cross U.S.-Canada border - Manitoba - CBC News

Why do you hate brown people?
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

We don't have an open border and that is not what I meant. What we don't have is restriction on country of originality. Anyone from anywhere can immigrate here if they qualify.

That's the exact same immigration policy The United States has and a majority of us want it enforced.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

That's the exact same immigration policy The United States has and a majority of us want it enforced.

No. Not today... you know that, so I have no idea why you're playing stupid.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.[W:83]

They came for the American dream. Now they?re fleeing to Canada. - Vox

Most Mexicans See Better Life in U.S. ? One-In-Three Would Migrate | Pew Research Center

How ironic that while mexican flee their own country seeking a secure and safe life in america. Refugees granted asylum in america are fleeing america to go to canada seeking a secure and safe life.

So the question is should canada make america pay for a wall?

Of course they want to come here rather do what it takes to fix their own country. They are losers without the will or determination to make things better for themselves. These people will only bring this country down to the level and mess they have made of their own country.
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.[W:83]

The US has fared quite well when it comes to unskilled workers. Think of that next time you buy produce.

There are plenty of unskilled Americans who could pick the produce
Re: They came for the American dream. Now they’re fleeing to Canada.

No. Not today... you know that, so I have no idea why you're playing stupid.

No, what?

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