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There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks down in (1 Viewer)

Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

If Griffin had a reputation to ruin, it would be. But no one really likes her, and there was already some backlash against it, which could be expected in this sort of stupid publicity stunt gone wrong.

There is a double standard. Here it is. The OP made it. Griffin holds a fake severed head of Trump and he claims that the entire Left wants to behead Trump. But multiple times, multiple times, was Obama hung in effigy
Can you name a single modern president that wasn't "hung in effigy" multiple times?
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Kathy Griffin: I am woman hear me roar!!!

Until I get in trouble.. Then I cry..

I wonder if before they did this stunt, Did they set around the table and discuss possible reactions?

The fact that she apologized means nothing, She knew that the video was tasteless/cruel/bad before hand.. had she came out 5 minutes after the video was posted and said, I reviewed this and it is tasteless, therefore it will be pulled. Then I could believe her..

She remind me of the criminals that suddenly find god in prison..

And just so I am clear.. the people that posted President Obama with a noose are just as bad.

Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

If Sean Hannity came out tomorrow and said "gas the Jews", does that mean all those on the right want to gas the Jews?

What the hell. No one said Kathy Griffin's comment were representative of the lefts views on Trump in the sense they want to literally decapitate him.

It is not up for debate that Trump receives a MASSIVE amount of coverage and criticism from outlets that is unrivaled by any other president has. (This was true before he had even won the presidency). In Hollywood, if you express even somewhat positive views of Trump, you can say goodbye to your career because you'll be castrated publicly for it. There is a massive amount of irrational fear for Trump and it's absolutely insane.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

What does that have to do with this? Lots of folk were hanging Bush in effigy. Lots of fold were/are hanging Trump in effigy. I don't recall the left coming out against it, or really being outraged. So what?

It relates to the OP who stated:

She did a great thing, grotesque, but great. She illustrated what the Left has been trying to do for the past 6-months by other means... decapitate Trump.

So if this one act from this one individual is indication that the left on whole is looking to decapitate Trump, why were the multiple effigy hangings not indication that the right on whole was looking to hang Obama?

See? It's a stupid argument, a ridiculous point that has no basis in reality. Griffin's stunt has nothing to do with the desires of the "left" on whole. And neither did the hangings of Obama in effigy.

Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

The fact that this has at least three threads about this one topic is a snowflake alert. Kathy was stupid and deserves the criticism she's getting. But man you con snowflakes are going to parade this around as your victim flag in perpetuity.

Glad no one made trump target dummies that bleed and explode when you shoot them. Trump would become Jesus level of worship for the right.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Your entire argument for why the outrage here is so much worse was because it was public, was it not?

Do try to be consistent within your own arguments.

"Hollywood" isn't joining in with regular "death threats", that's stupid hyperbole. Even Griffin's disgusting and stupid stunt wasn't a death threat.

Please do try to keep up.

Its not that it was "public", but that it was done by a "Public Figure"

A "known" person, with millions of fans. A "Hollywood elite".

Why it takes three posts to get this message through your skull is bewildering.

It isn't a death threat? Holding a severed head of the President isn't akin to saying you want his bloody severed head?

Stating, "I've thought alot lately about blowing up the White House" isn't a threat of death? (Madonna)

Snoop Dogg's video of shooting a Trump looking Clown (clearly meant to be Trump, not just a coincidence) Snoop Dogg shoots clown dressed as Trump in music video | On Air Videos | Fox News
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

What the hell. No one said Kathy Griffin's comment were representative of the lefts views on Trump in the sense they want to literally decapitate him.

It is not up for debate that Trump receives a MASSIVE amount of coverage and criticism from outlets that is unrivaled by any other president has. (This was true before he had even won the presidency). In Hollywood, if you express even somewhat positive views of Trump, you can say goodbye to your career because you'll be castrated publicly for it. There is a massive amount of irrational fear for Trump and it's absolutely insane.

She did a great thing, grotesque, but great. She illustrated what the Left has been trying to do for the past 6-months by other means... decapitate Trump.

So there you go.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

It isn't a death threat? Holding a severed head of the President isn't akin to saying you want his bloody severed head?

Is hanging one in effigy akin to saying you want them hanged?
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

So if this one act from this one individual is indication that the left on whole is looking to decapitate Trump
He said it "illustrates" what others have been trying to do "by other means" - I didn't interpret that literally to mean that the left on the whole was looking to decapitate Trump.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Just remember:

Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Is hanging one in effigy akin to saying you want them hanged?


But I see you are still ignoring the part where Hollywood people with followers and fans and "credibility" (with far too many millions of non thinking drones in our country) didn't engage in this sort of thing on the regular towards Obama.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow



This Kathy chick gets .01% of what Trump has had shot at him, and she breaks down... ROTFLOL.

She says Trump family attacked HER?

Is this Kathy chick Hillary's long lost twin?

Dementia of the Left on display.

She did a great thing, grotesque, but great. She illustrated what the Left has been trying to do for the past 6-months by other means... decapitate Trump.

This is going to sink her even further... poor snowflake.

She would have been better off going into hibernation for a year or so. Oh well... stupid is as stupid does.

Wow ! Well if her carreer wasnt over before it is now.
Takes me back to the days right after the election when liberals from every walk of life were breaking down and making public spectacles of themselves.
Ahhhh...the good old days when shadenfreude was flowing like water.

Griffin never takes responsibillity for her actions here. She doesnt take the high road, or offer up a SINCERE mea culpa, she's litterally responding like a child.

Her sick stunt is why she's in this situation, its why CNN fired her and its why her carreer is shattered.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

It would shut down the internets.

There would be worldwide protests.

They would be asking every congressman and senator to disavow it.

There would be no chance for an apology.

But this didn't happen with Obama, it happened with Trump and for good reason. It is the natural progression of the Demokrats Dementia; their violence; their intolerance. This isn't really surprising if you look at the past 6-months only.

It's merely a logical extension of the idiocy of the Demokrats and their party.

And then this Dementiakrat goes on to attack Trump!!!!!! Facepalm.

Oh well!

Nice broad stroke of the paintbrush....it is the natural progression of Kathy Griffon not the entire democrat party.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Does that mean the Right spent 8-years trying to hang Obama?

Lol ! How dare we criticize Obama's policies and agenda !!
Its akin to a " lynching " and comparable or WORSE to what Griffin did
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Nice broad stroke of the paintbrush....it is the natural progression of Kathy Griffon not the entire democrat party.

I wont argue that what she did was represntitive of all Liberals, but she may have been provoked by this nonstop attack on Trump and the attempt to undermine him and his policies

Griffin is obviously surrounded by people that refused to not only challenge her initial decision but who proabaly told supported her decsion to make things worse by melting down today
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow



This Kathy chick gets .01% of what Trump has had shot at him, and she breaks down... ROTFLOL.

She says Trump family attacked HER?

Is this Kathy chick Hillary's long lost twin?

Dementia of the Left on display.

She did a great thing, grotesque, but great. She illustrated what the Left has been trying to do for the past 6-months by other means... decapitate Trump.

This is going to sink her even further... poor snowflake.

She would have been better off going into hibernation for a year or so. Oh well... stupid is as stupid does.

Keep crying.

Kathy lost her job. Rightfully IMO. The guy who sold these made money. Such different standards on the right.


Oh the selective outrage.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Plenty of pictures of Obama being hanged in effigy. Just wondering, if one person doing something disgusting in relation to Trump means that the Left in general is trying to do the same, that if this is a two-way street or if y'all are just making dishonest arguments to try to have your cake and eat it too.

Seems we have our answer.


Some random rednecks out in the boondocks? I mean, if you're going to say that a previously paid contributor to CNN is on the same level as the KKK then, sure...CNN can be considered to have an extremism problem.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

I wont argue that what she did was represntitive of all Liberals, but she may have been provoked by this nonstop attack on Trump and the attempt to undermine him and his policies

Griffin is obviously surrounded by people that refused to not only challenge her initial decision but who proabaly told supported her decsion to make things worse by melting down today

I won't disagree that she probably got caught up in the moment....but you also reap what you sow...she went overboard! I think the ideology is that Trump can say/do anything and get a free pass so why can't I......I'm sure she didn't expect the backlash she has gotten...especially the backlash from those on the left. She went overboard and will now pay the price of carrying an act too far....and.... if she is getting death threats as she claims that is also wrong and people should be outraged by that too.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Can you find a post on DP where people celebrated a picture of Obama hanging?

I might not have celebrated a picture like that, but I would have celebrated the right of anyone to make it and display it in public. I feel no more sympathy for President Trump because of this photo than I would have felt for President Obama because of a photo like you describe. Being subjected to expressions of disapproval--even loud, vicious, mean-spirited ones--is part of the job.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

Keep crying.

Kathy lost her job. Rightfully IMO. The guy who sold these made money. Such different standards on the right.

View attachment 67218379

Oh the selective outrage.

That looks like a Zombie.

A "Rocky" Zombie.

Are zombies not allowed to be black?
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

First you have to find someone celebrating this

I'll bet you a dollar that at the next big anti-Trump protest/riot there will people there carrying the same kind of "severed head"
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

I might not have celebrated a picture like that, but I would have celebrated the right of anyone to make it and display it in public. I feel no more sympathy for President Trump because of this photo than I would have felt for President Obama because of a photo like you describe. Being subjected to expressions of disapproval--even loud, vicious, mean-spirited ones--is part of the job.

Like I said repeatedly said to a well known party lefty hack on here yesterday, my concern had zero to do with Trump, and a lot to do with families who suffered losses.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

I'll bet you a dollar that at the next big anti-Trump protest/riot there will people there carrying the same kind of "severed head"


I mean, look at the freaking Covvdffeffe **** already.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

If Griffin had a reputation to ruin, it would be. But no one really likes her, and there was already some backlash against it, which could be expected in this sort of stupid publicity stunt gone wrong.

There is a double standard. Here it is. The OP made it. Griffin holds a fake severed head of Trump and he claims that the entire Left wants to behead Trump. But multiple times, multiple times, was Obama hung in effigy, but that's not an indication that the entire Right wanted to hang Obama.

There's your double standard.

Of course she has a reputation to ruin. Don't act like she's a regular Jo.
Re: There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!' Kathy Griffin breaks dow

The Left's condemnation of the photo was just lip-service, anyway.

I believe this to be true. The only reason there is condemnation is that they've created such a ****fit over every little thing done by the right that they are obliged to condemn her. To themselves, or behind closed doors, a lot of them probably liked and enjoyed the picture.

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