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The World According to Trump (1 Viewer)


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The World According to Trump
The World According to Trump | Freedom's Back

By Charles Krauthammer
April 28, 2016


WASHINGTON — Foreign policy does not determine American elections. Indeed, of all Western countries, we are the least interested in the subject. The reason is simple: We haven’t had to be. Our instinctive isolationism derives from our geographic exceptionalism. As Bismarck once explained (it is said), the United States is the most fortunate of all Great Powers, bordered on two sides by weak neighbors and on the other two by fish.

Two world wars, nuclear missiles and international terrorism have disabused us of the illusion of safety-by-isolation. You wouldn’t know it, though, from the Democratic presidential race where foreign policy has been treated as a nuisance, a distraction from such fundamental questions as whether $12 or $15 is the proper minimum wage.

On the Republican side, however, foreign policy has been the subject of furious debate. To which Donald Trump has contributed significantly, much of it off-the-cuff, contradictory and confused. Hence his foreign policy speech on Wednesday. It was meant to make him appear consistent, serious and presidential.

He did check off the required box — delivering a “major address” to a serious foreign policy outfit, the Center for the National Interest (once known as the Nixon Center). As such, it fulfilled a political need.
Click link above for full article.
Trump's incoherent speech highlight the lack of a viable strategy. Dr. Krauthammer clearly demonstrate how much Trump and Obama have in common. Trump approach to foreign policy is similar to Obama, to retreat and capitulate. Who is going to take seriously a foreign policy speech delivered by Trump?
Trumps speech was great.. People claiming it was contradictory are just Trump haters making stuff up like usual..
Trump is right..
[FONT=&]Trump's incoherent speech highlight the lack of a viable strategy. Dr. Krauthammer clearly demonstrate how much Trump and Obama have in common. Trump approach to foreign policy is similar to Obama, to retreat and capitulate. Who is going to take seriously a foreign policy speech delivered by Trump?[/FONT]

Trump is right.

And having sound domestic policies is more important than foreign policy.
[FONT=&]Trump's incoherent speech highlight the lack of a viable strategy. Dr. Krauthammer clearly demonstrate how much Trump and Obama have in common. Trump approach to foreign policy is similar to Obama, to retreat and capitulate. Who is going to take seriously a foreign policy speech delivered by Trump?[/FONT]

Don't blaspheme against their Messiah.
[FONT=&]Trump's incoherent speech highlight the lack of a viable strategy. Dr. Krauthammer clearly demonstrate how much Trump and Obama have in common. Trump approach to foreign policy is similar to Obama, to retreat and capitulate. Who is going to take seriously a foreign policy speech delivered by Trump?[/FONT]

Really? Let's look at some of Trump's statements and positions concerning foreign policy:

China should make Kim Jong Un disappear. (Feb 2016)
China totally controls North Korea; they're just taunting us. (Jan 2016)
Ignore career diplomats who insist on nuance. (Nov 2015)
Reimbursement for US military bases in rich countries abroad. (Sep 2015)
Putin has no respect for America; I will get along with him. (Sep 2015)
We must deal with the maniac in North Korea with nukes. (Sep 2015)
China is our enemy; they're bilking us for billions. (Dec 2011)
When you love America, you protect it with no apologies. (Dec 2011)
By 2027, tsunami as China overtakes US as largest economy. (Dec 2011)
Things change; empires come and go. (Apr 2010)
Criticized Buchanan’s view on Hitler as appeasement. (Jul 2000)
Post-Cold War: switch from chess player to dealmaker. (Jul 2000)
Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please. (Jul 2000)
Iran deal is one of the worst I've ever seen. (Feb 2016)
Let Russia bash ISIS; let Germany defend Ukraine. (Nov 2015)
Provide economic assistance to create a safe zone in Syria. (Oct 2015)
Better to have Mideast strongmen than Mideast chaos. (Oct 2015)
Good that Russia is involved in Syria. (Oct 2015)
More sanctions on Iran; more support of Israel. (Jun 2015)

Yes, Trump has some foreign policy positions similar to Obama's...for that matter, so do most major congressmen - there's nobody out there who disagrees 100% with the positions of any one president. Oh, they may claim that they do, but when the details are actually made clear, nobody disagrees 100%.

And when it comes to your "retreat and capitulate" claim, maybe you like war better than peace. But the article you posted referenced Bismarck, who once said, "Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war."
Trump is right.

And having sound domestic policies is more important than foreign policy.

You are a terrible and dangerous person just like a terrorist.
A crude buffoon trying to mimic a serious speech.

Greetings, Jack. :2wave:

He isn't a politician, but that seems to be what people like about him. "Do. Or do not. There is no try." >Yoda
How many major wars have been started or prevented by "sound domestic policies"? How about the Cold War?

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Pointing out that foreign policy affects war and peace doesn't demonstrate much. My point is that having sound domestic policies is more important than foreign policy.
[FONT=&]Trump's incoherent speech highlight the lack of a viable strategy. Dr. Krauthammer clearly demonstrate how much Trump and Obama have in common. Trump approach to foreign policy is similar to Obama, to retreat and capitulate. Who is going to take seriously a foreign policy speech delivered by Trump?[/FONT]

Ha! Canada is weak! :mrgreen::lamo

But then again, you never know what fish might be planning.......

In all seriousness Bismarck was pretty quotable :mrgreen:
Trump constantly make use of clichés as if they are part of a national policy. He uses simplistic slogans that he never explain how he is going to implement them. He claim to be an outsider that is going to change the establishment, but he doesn’t explain how he is going to do it. Constantly he rants about the “stupid” politicians and how he is going to things differently. Let faced, he does not have a clue how to accomplish the task. It is usual nonsense from a man load with money that care only about himself.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Pointing out that foreign policy affects war and peace doesn't demonstrate much. My point is that having sound domestic policies is more important than foreign policy.

Not today, it's not. Not when so much of our modern way of life is strictly dependent upon imports from overseas; for instance, the rare-earth metals that are crucial to high-tech manufacturing that are only found overseas, or fruits and vegetables that are available from South America when they are out of season here.

What's more, much of our economy does depend on our exports - and if we don't have smart foreign policy, our export markets - from steaks to potatoes to wine and beer, from Boeing to weapons systems - go bye-bye. And let's not forget that if we don't do our utmost to keep the peace overseas, the violence finds its way to those who purchase our exports...and sometimes finds its way here.

The president doesn't "run" the states or "run" the federal government. He or she certainly wields significant influence, but it's Congress who has the lion's share of the power when it comes to domestic policy - the president can only do so much. He has much more influence on foreign policy than on domestic policy...and that's the way it should be.
Not today, it's not.

Fundamentals aren't dependent on what year it is.

Not when so much of our modern way of life is strictly dependent upon imports from overseas

Great, so you agree that our way of life is more important than foreign policy (else you would not make arguments about foreign policy based on its effect on our way of life).
8I don't remember too well, did Obama give detailed speeches about what he would do in his administration if he won the nomination back in 2008, or did that come later when he was head to head with McCain?
According to Trump the Iraq war was a disaster, he would be neutral in any deal with Israel and Palestine, he would negotiate with Putin, and he would make the world respect us more. Remember, he supported the Iran war. His foreign policy is based on his unpredictability. To him, the substance isn't important. According to Trump, he will be a great president, trust me, folks, he says.
Trump the job creator, abroad. His brand products are made in China, Mexico, Honduras, Korea, etc. Of course his is going to bring those jobs back. He told a reporter that it made good business sense for him to have his Trump products made in Mexico, China, Korea, etc., since the wages there are cheaper and he does not have to worry about safety and environmental issues.

This interview of Trump by David Letterman prove it.

This video expose Trump as a dishonest person.
Trump constantly make use of clichés as if they are part of a national policy. He uses simplistic slogans that he never explain how he is going to implement them. He claim to be an outsider that is going to change the establishment, but he doesn’t explain how he is going to do it. Constantly he rants about the “stupid” politicians and how he is going to things differently. Let faced, he does not have a clue how to accomplish the task. It is usual nonsense from a man load with money that care only about himself.

Name a political front runner who has any chance of getting elected POTUS that does.

His Democratic adversary also fits your description to a "T"...in every sense of the words.

America is about to get the fluster cluck it deserves no matter the outcome in November.
Trump flip flop on every issue. Do you believe he is a Republican, that he has conservative values? He is a New York liberal loud mouth name caller that is swindling his supporters, a con man. This video is proof of it:
JEB! spent years learning this stuff so that he could talk about it like he understood it, though he almost certainly does not.

We were not interested.

Get Trump into office, when something come up give him a 30 lecture from the tip 3 experts and 3 options, and he will pick the right one a high percentage of the time.

Unlike the current miscalculator in chief.
Really? Let's look at some of Trump's statements and positions concerning foreign policy:

China should make Kim Jong Un disappear. (Feb 2016)
China totally controls North Korea; they're just taunting us. (Jan 2016)
Ignore career diplomats who insist on nuance. (Nov 2015)
Reimbursement for US military bases in rich countries abroad. (Sep 2015)
Putin has no respect for America; I will get along with him. (Sep 2015)
We must deal with the maniac in North Korea with nukes. (Sep 2015)
China is our enemy; they're bilking us for billions. (Dec 2011)
When you love America, you protect it with no apologies. (Dec 2011)
By 2027, tsunami as China overtakes US as largest economy. (Dec 2011)
Things change; empires come and go. (Apr 2010)
Criticized Buchanan’s view on Hitler as appeasement. (Jul 2000)
Post-Cold War: switch from chess player to dealmaker. (Jul 2000)
Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please. (Jul 2000)
Iran deal is one of the worst I've ever seen. (Feb 2016)
Let Russia bash ISIS; let Germany defend Ukraine. (Nov 2015)
Provide economic assistance to create a safe zone in Syria. (Oct 2015)
Better to have Mideast strongmen than Mideast chaos. (Oct 2015)
Good that Russia is involved in Syria. (Oct 2015)
More sanctions on Iran; more support of Israel. (Jun 2015)

Yes, Trump has some foreign policy positions similar to Obama's...for that matter, so do most major congressmen - there's nobody out there who disagrees 100% with the positions of any one president. Oh, they may claim that they do, but when the details are actually made clear, nobody disagrees 100%.

And when it comes to your "retreat and capitulate" claim, maybe you like war better than peace. But the article you posted referenced Bismarck, who once said, "Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war."

I just read this on CNN and it is a perfect example of how Obama has kept us safe. It has nothing to do with retreating or capitulating either. Yemen is a hotbed of Al Qeada plotters seeking to terrorize the west. Now we will hear a cacophony of anti-droners who want us to send American targets instead I suppose.

Also on Friday, U.S. Central Command said the military has conducted four counterterrorism airstrikes against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen since April 23, killing 10 al Qaeda operatives and injuring one.
The military said a strike on April 23 killed two operatives in the Marib Governorate in central west Yemen; a strike on April 25 killed two in the Abyan Governorate near the country's southern coast and another strike that day killed two operatives in the vicinity of Azzan; and a trike on April 28 killed four al Qaeda operatives and injured one in Shabwah Province in central Yemen.
The ideological earthquake and the aftermath

By Charles Krauthammer Opinion writer May 5, 2016

The Republican National Convention 2012 in Tampa, Fla. (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/Agence France-Presse/GETTY IMAGES)

What lies behind Donald Trump’s nomination victory? Received wisdom among conservatives is that he, the outsider, sensed, marshaled and came to represent a massive revolt of the Republican rank and file against the “establishment.”

This is the narrative: GOP political leaders made promises of all kinds and received in return, during President Obama’s years, major electoral victories that gave them the House, the Senate, 12 new governorships and 30 statehouses. Yet they didn’t deliver. Exit polls consistently showed that a majority of GOP primary voters (60 percent in some states) feel “betrayed” by their leaders.

Not just let down or disappointed. Betrayed. By RINOs who, corrupted by donors and lobbyists, sold out. Did they repeal Obamacare? No. Did they defund Planned Parenthood? No. Did they stop President Obama’s tax-and-spend hyperliberalism? No. Whether from incompetence or venality, they let Obama walk all over them.

But then comes the paradox. If insufficient resistance to Obama’s liberalism created this sense of betrayal, why in a field of 17 did Republican voters choose the least conservative candidate? A man who until yesterday was himself a liberal. Who donated money to those very same Democrats to whom the GOP establishment is said to have caved, including Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton.
Click link above for full article.
Krauthammer is right, it is illogical for conservatives to support someone who definitely is not. Trump has rallied the people that voted for him with non-conservative ideas. He has lied to them, he is a consummate con man.
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Krauthammer is right, it is illogical for conservatives to support someone who definitely is not. Trump has rallied the people that voted for him with non-conservative ideas. He has lied to them, he is a consummate con man.

If Trump truly is a NY Liberal, then why are Bernie and the entire Left shrieking against him? It's because he's not a NY Liberal.

It would be illogical for the liberals to rail against someone who is a NY liberal like them.
If Trump truly is a NY Liberal, then why are Bernie and the entire Left shrieking against him? It's because he's not a NY Liberal.

It would be illogical for the liberals to rail against someone who is a NY liberal like them.
The problem is that many of those who voted for Trump were not the kind of Conservatives Krauthammer portray, they don’t care about Conservatism. Trump is a Liberal, as he says “of being a conservative — at this point, who cares?” He will lost by a big margin, larger than Goldwater.
The Trump supporters have become so filled with hate that they don’t think in a rationally way, and have given their support to this charlatan, show off con man. Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution, law, political ideology, defense, diplomacy, economics or how regular people live, he just care about him and his real states deals.

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