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The willful ignorance of right-winger Republicans (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
How many times a day do you see the right-winger Republicans using willful ignorance as a discussion tactic, either claiming that they don’t know a particular easily-verifiable fact, or refusing to actually research it on their own in order to learn about it? It’s such an obvious and juvenile tactic, and yet they hide behind it constantly.

Here is a definition: “The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguements because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs.

This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of "conservative" Americans.

Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness.”

And so true.
...and they get away with it because things are swinging right because the Dems haven't done **** for yrs to confront the lies of the Rep/cons with anything near as vigorous as the Rep/cons have in attacking with lies and falsehood. Can you believe it? The Rep/cons think Putin is a great guy, as does their sociopathic leader, Trump, and the country continues moving right. The Dems lay down and the Rep/cons rollover them. I expect the opposition Rep/cons to bite me and inject their venom. But the Dem/medics are nowhere in sight.
How many times a day do you see the right-winger Republicans using willful ignorance as a discussion tactic, either claiming that they don’t know a particular easily-verifiable fact, or refusing to actually research it on their own in order to learn about it? It’s such an obvious and juvenile tactic, and yet they hide behind it constantly.

All day long, obviously. It is the only tool at their disposal.

Depending on the nature and strength of an individual's pre-existing beliefs, willful ignorance can manifest itself in different ways. The practice can entail completely disregarding established facts, evidence and/or reasonable opinions if they fail to meet one's expectations. Often the willfully ignorant will make excuses, claiming that a source is unreliable, suggesting that an experiment was flawed or asserting that an opinion is too biased. More often than not this is simple circular reasoning: “I cannot agree with that source because it is untrustworthy because it disagrees with me”.

In other slightly more extreme cases, willful ignorance can involve outright refusal to read, hear or study, in any way, anything that does not conform to the willfully ignorant person's worldview
- https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Willful_ignorance

We see it every day on DP.
How many times a day do you see the right-winger Republicans using willful ignorance as a discussion tactic, either claiming that they don’t know a particular easily-verifiable fact, or refusing to actually research it on their own in order to learn about it? It’s such an obvious and juvenile tactic, and yet they hide behind it constantly.

Here is a definition: “The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguements because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs.

This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of "conservative" Americans.

Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness.”

And so true.
The fear of being wrong. It's quite prevalent
The fear of being wrong. It's quite prevalent

I think it’s more than that. It’s more an actual fear of TRUTH and FACTS. They put their hands over their ears, close their eyes, and go YAYAYAYAYA! instead of facing facts as they are.
Who's responsible for triggering the OP?
How many times a day do you see the right-winger Republicans using willful ignorance as a discussion tactic, either claiming that they don’t know a particular easily-verifiable fact, or refusing to actually research it on their own in order to learn about it? It’s such an obvious and juvenile tactic, and yet they hide behind it constantly.

Here is a definition: “The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguements because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs.

This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of "conservative" Americans.

Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness.”

And so true.
They are shitty people, plain and simple
How many times a day do you see the right-winger Republicans using willful ignorance as a discussion tactic, either claiming that they don’t know a particular easily-verifiable fact, or refusing to actually research it on their own in order to learn about it? It’s such an obvious and juvenile tactic, and yet they hide behind it constantly.

Here is a definition: “The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguements because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs.

This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of "conservative" Americans.

Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness.”

And so true.
you know what I have seen? progressives make up BS "facts" such as "Republicans think Putin is a great guy" then hammer away at them all devoid of any nuance about what really happened or the actual situation, expecting people to just accept their BS.

that is what I have seen.

it's no wonder only the radicals over there can stomach that BS day in and day out.
How many times a day do you see the right-winger Republicans using willful ignorance as a discussion tactic, either claiming that they don’t know a particular easily-verifiable fact, or refusing to actually research it on their own in order to learn about it? It’s such an obvious and juvenile tactic, and yet they hide behind it constantly.

Here is a definition: “The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguements because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs.

This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of "conservative" Americans.

Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness.”

And so true.
you know what I have seen? progressives make up BS "facts" such as "Republicans think Putin is a great guy" then hammer away at them all devoid of any nuance about what really happened or the actual situation, expecting people to just accept their BS.

that is what I have seen.

it's no wonder only the radicals over there can stomach that BS day in and day out.
LOL, Jesus ****ing christ this is the most ridiculous shit and projection. Who the **** do you think you are kidding with this nonsense? Trump was all Putin Fox news all Putin. Republicans remained silent about it. its 100% fact all they care about is pandering to Vanilla ISIS and getting power. Sorry, you have no facts. christ, what shitty trolling attempt, its so obvious
Who's responsible for triggering the OP?

You are one of those who did indeed “trigger” this thread, because you were doing exactly this recently. Why are you so afraid of truth and facts?
you know what I have seen? progressives make up BS "facts" such as "Republicans think Putin is a great guy" then hammer away at them all devoid of any nuance about what really happened or the actual situation, expecting people to just accept their BS.

that is what I have seen.

it's no wonder only the radicals over there can stomach that BS day in and day out.

What lame excuses did Tucker Carlson make for Putin in the run-up to his invasion? Was it really necessary for Trump to call Putin a “genius”? Why is it more important for Republicans to openly and often proclaim “weakness” on the part of the President instead of focusing on the actions of the evil madman Putin?
Here’s a hint: Putin is fully aware of all these actions, and it pleases him very much. Does that make you proud?
What lame excuses did Tucker Carlson make for Putin in the run-up to his invasion? Was it really necessary for Trump to call Putin a “genius”? Why is it more important for Republicans to openly and often proclaim “weakness” on the part of the President instead of focusing on the actions of the evil madman Putin?
Here’s a hint: Putin is fully aware of all these actions, and it pleases him very much. Does that make you proud?
who gives a crap about Trump and carlson? if you have questions for them , ask them, not me.

if, on the other hand, you want to blatantly state "if you do not support illegal immigration you are a racist white supremacist" you're going to get my ire because that is BS.
I have two examples of willful ignorance that cracked me up recently.

A person tried to insist multiple times that an event had not occurred even though the original post in the thread contained a link to all the pertinent info. Another person was outraged that a US representative was condemned by a leader in their mutual political party. Then they asked, "Who is this representative?".

****ing twilight zone.
How many times a day do you see the right-winger Republicans using willful ignorance as a discussion tactic, either claiming that they don’t know a particular easily-verifiable fact, or refusing to actually research it on their own in order to learn about it? It’s such an obvious and juvenile tactic, and yet they hide behind it constantly.

Here is a definition: “The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguements because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs.

This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of "conservative" Americans.

Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness.”

And so true.
Unfortunately for you, this ignorance isn't limited to ideology ...
who gives a crap about Trump and carlson? if you have questions for them , ask them, not me.

Omigod! Does he even know that this is a perfect example of the topic! Amazing! He refuse to acknowledge the praise of Putin from Tucker and Trump in the run-up to the election, and then uses the “switch the topic” tactic.
Thank you for perfectly illustrating the OP, my friend!
...and they get away with it because things are swinging right because the Dems haven't done **** for yrs to confront the lies of the Rep/cons with anything near as vigorous as the Rep/cons have in attacking with lies and falsehood. Can you believe it? The Rep/cons think Putin is a great guy, as does their sociopathic leader, Trump, and the country continues moving right. The Dems lay down and the Rep/cons rollover them. I expect the opposition Rep/cons to bite me and inject their venom. But the Dem/medics are nowhere in sight.
I think liberals have constantly countered a lot of their claims, the problem is liberals rely on fact checkers alone. This creates a whack a mole environment which trumpists can easily weasel their way out of.

Whack a mole fact checking just doesnt work.
Especially when it’s absolutely true!
Well, if it happens every day, several times a day, care to show a few examples from yesterday of "right-winger Republicans using willful ignorance as a discussion tactic"
I think liberals have constantly countered a lot of their claims, the problem is liberals rely on fact checkers alone. This creates a whack a mole environment which trumpists can easily weasel their way out of.

Whack a mole fact checking just doesnt work.

What does work?

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