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The Washington Post, Democracy Dies In Doxing (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 15, 2020
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Greater Boston Area
Political Leaning
There's and interesting drama playing out on Twitter right now. Some of you may have seen a recent MSNBC interview (since pulled by MSNBC) given by tearful Washington Post Tech reporter Taylor Lorenz's describing how she now has PTSD from online harassment, people publishing her personal information, and strangers contacting members of her family.

Fast forward, there is an anonymous Twitter account call @LibsOfTikTok, and their mission seems to be highlighting how often gender identity and trans issues are injected into the classroom by public school educators. The meme of this account is to cite links to videos posted by public school educators on TikTok describing how they bring these subjects into their classrooms; i.e. linking to information that is already in the public domain, e.g.

So what is Lorenz's current crusade, you may ask? Doxing @LibsOfTikTok:

There's and interesting drama playing out on Twitter right now. Some of you may have seen a recent MSNBC interview (since pulled by MSNBC) given by tearful Washington Post Tech reporter Taylor Lorenz's describing how she now has PTSD from online harassment, people publishing her personal information, and strangers contacting members of her family.

Fast forward, there is an anonymous Twitter account call @LibsOfTikTok, and their mission seems to be highlighting how often gender identity and trans issues are injected into the classroom by public school educators. The meme of this account is to cite links to videos posted by public school educators on TikTok describing how they bring these subjects into their classrooms; i.e. linking to information that is already in the public domain, e.g.

So what is Lorenz's current crusade, you may ask? Doxing @LibsOfTikTok:

Since when did righties care about doxxing and online harassment?
Since when did righties care about doxxing and online harassment?
About the same time lefties cared about it. Once they become the victim.
:cry: "Why wont they let us target children??? WHYYYYYYYYY?????????"
:cry: "Why wont they let us target children??? WHYYYYYYYYY?????????"

Says a supporter of the party of Matt Gaetz, donald trump, and Gym Jordan. :)
When she learns what light mustard and no tomato means

Interesting that you would punch down in a thread that claims to criticize punching down.
There's and interesting drama playing out on Twitter right now. Some of you may have seen a recent MSNBC interview (since pulled by MSNBC) given by tearful Washington Post Tech reporter Taylor Lorenz's describing how she now has PTSD from online harassment, people publishing her personal information, and strangers contacting members of her family.

Fast forward, there is an anonymous Twitter account call @LibsOfTikTok, and their mission seems to be highlighting how often gender identity and trans issues are injected into the classroom by public school educators. The meme of this account is to cite links to videos posted by public school educators on TikTok describing how they bring these subjects into their classrooms; i.e. linking to information that is already in the public domain, e.g.

So what is Lorenz's current crusade, you may ask? Doxing @LibsOfTikTok:

Here is Twitchy's take: https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2...a-big-deal-because-shes-just-an-orthodox-jew/
Interesting that you would punch down in a thread that claims to criticize punching down.
Wife’s taller than me it’s only uppercuts, punching down would be below the belt
From Nota's cite above, apparently another writer at WaPo thinks it's interesting that @LibsofTikTok is a jew:


Would anyone care to guess at why that realization might be considered interesting?

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