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The WAP uproar shows conservatives are fine with female sexuality -- as long as men control it (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
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Jul 24, 2011
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The WAP uproar shows conservatives are fine with female sexuality – as long as men control it | Arwa Mahdawi | Opinion | The Guardian

Cardi B dropped the single WAP (Wet-Ass *****) less than two weeks ago, and social conservatives have lost their minds over it. :lol: In particular, the right-wing extremist Ben Shapiro went completely off the chain:

Uh oh, it looks like Ben Shapiro has been triggered. The rightwing troll, who many conservatives seem to regard as one of the leading public intellectuals of our time, had a meltdown this week over the contents of Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's new hit single WAP. You can watch the self-proclaimed free speech advocate sanctimoniously squeal over the song lyrics here; I warn you, however, that the secondhand embarrassment might make you cringe so hard your face permanently changes shape.

[T]his latest WAPisode is a reminder of how little the men who seek to regulate and police women's reproductive rights (Shapiro is extremely anti-abortion) know about women's bodies. Last year, for example, Ohio legislators introduced a bill requiring doctors to "reimplant an ectopic pregnancy" into a woman's uterus -- which is medically impossible -- or face charges of "abortion murder." And who can forget the anti-abortion Idaho Republican who wondered whether women could swallow tiny cameras for remote gynecological exams? No, a doctor told him: when you swallow something it doesn't end up in your vagina. "Fascinating," the lawmaker replied.

BS's whiny rant, in which he was too chicken to even say the word "*****," was the latest in a long line of toxic reactions to women who unashamedly own their sexuality. We saw the same temper tantrums in reaction to J-Lo and Shakira's incredible halftime show at Super Bowl LIV. How dare a beautiful fifty-year-old woman show the world who she is! Must censor her! :2mad:

Here's a helpful piece of advice for toxic manbabies such as Ben Shapiro: If you don't like a song, don't listen to it. By giving it this kind of coverage, you just spread the word even more. You just helped Cardi B helped even more $$$! :thumbs:

Finally, here's a remix of part of BS's meltdown:

This must be one of those "uproars" nobody has heard about.
The WAP uproar shows conservatives are fine with female sexuality – as long as men control it | Arwa Mahdawi | Opinion | The Guardian

Cardi B dropped the single WAP (Wet-Ass *****) less than two weeks ago, and social conservatives have lost their minds over it. :lol: In particular, the right-wing extremist Ben Shapiro went completely off the chain:

BS's whiny rant, in which he was too chicken to even say the word "*****," was the latest in a long line of toxic reactions to women who unashamedly own their sexuality. We saw the same temper tantrums in reaction to J-Lo and Shakira's incredible halftime show at Super Bowl LIV. How dare a beautiful fifty-year-old woman show the world who she is! Must censor her! :2mad:

Here's a helpful piece of advice for toxic manbabies such as Ben Shapiro: If you don't like a song, don't listen to it. By giving it this kind of coverage, you just spread the word even more. You just helped Cardi B helped even more $$$! :thumbs:

Finally, here's a remix of part of BS's meltdown:

Does he call for government censorship? Because if he doesn't, then I don't see what the problem is, other than the typical hostility progressives have to independent thought.
Does he call for government censorship? Because if he doesn't, then I don't see what the problem is, other than the typical hostility progressives have to independent thought.

Your attempt to spin is obvious. They want to control women's sexuality. They like women but only as o long as they can decide how we can act and what we can do or say. The fact that they have a need to control others says that they don't feel in control of o their own life or they are hiding something about themselves and likewise feel that they have to control those people around them as well because a strong and healthy man doesn't feel the need or desire to control his partner, but instead he is supportive of her and encourages her to be herself.

I'll give you a little hint that not even a husband n has the right to control his wife because we arent your possessions. If any guy would try to do that ot me he would find himself castrated in his sleep and his former man parts fed to the dog.
They want to control women's sexuality.

What exactly does it mean to control someone else's sexuality?

They like women but only as o long as they can decide how we can act and what we can do or say.

Condemning how certain women act is not evidence of a desire to control how all women may act.

The fact that they have a need to control others says that they don't feel in control of o their own life or they are hiding something about themselves and likewise feel that they have to control those people around them as well because a strong and healthy man doesn't feel the need or desire to control his partner, but instead he is supportive of her and encourages her to be herself.

Isn't it interesting how the bold part perfectly describes modern progressives. There is no group on the planet that wants to control other people more than white leftists.
I'm convinced that a ton of Trump Republicans just could never get the woman that they wanted or were kicked to the curb when they tried to get a date.

So now they try to control women through religion and politics and government. They couldn't do it as a human male, so they try to do it through institutions. Really, really manly.
What exactly does it mean to control someone else's sexuality?

Condemning how certain women act is not evidence of a desire to control how all women may act.

Isn't it interesting how the bold part perfectly describes modern progressives. There is no group on the planet that wants to control other people more than white leftists.

Controlling someone's sexuality means telling them how they can dress, how can act, and who they can s be seen with. I hate controlling mean because they have big egos, poor self-esteem, and no confidence. I tell them to hit the road and don't look back.

Condemning them is an act of control because you think that you can control them if you feel the desire to criticize them. Your wife or any other woman isn't your property and we don't take direction from you because you have a penis.

How have you been controlled by white lefty progressives? When have we fined or jailed you, or is our speech that is a problem, so only WASP males have free speech rights? Show me on the doll where we have hurt you?

I'm convinced that a ton of Trump Republicans just could never get the woman that they wanted or were kicked to the curb when they tried to get a date.

So now they try to control women through religion and politics and government. They couldn't do it as a human male, so they try to do it through institutions. Really, really manly.

Freedom is liberating. Some guys can't handle what they can't control. It is then self-defeating.

The best women in bed are self-confident women who know what they want and are in no way inhibited by selfish attitudes and expectations of insecure men. Sex by the numbers is still sex but it isn't great sex. Sex is indescribably good when both people feel the freedom of letting it go where it will. Great sex starts in your head.
Condemning them is an act of control because you think that you can control them if you feel the desire to criticize them.

Nonsense. By this "reasoning" Ben Shapiro believes he can control Cardi B, when he obviously doesn't, nor would he even want to.

Your wife or any other woman isn't your property and we don't take direction from you because you have a penis.

Wth are you even talking about.

How have you been controlled by white lefty progressives?

Via leftist laws and regulations, of course. Everything from which firearms I may own to how much water can come out of my showerhead.
Via leftist laws and regulations, of course. Everything from which firearms I may own to how much water can come out of my showerhead.

Your continued problem is that you are a libertarian so you don't see that you are a small part of an interdependent society and that you must get along with others, cooperate on a daily basis and occasionally make small sacrifices for the well being of the whole. Those rights that you are always ranting about come securely tethered with a constitutional cable to an equal number of responsibilities to others, both as individuals and as the society as a whole but libertarians and conservatives seem to want to ignore that fact and still live like you are 16 years old and take from others.

Fresh water is in short supply because of various droughts and because of the number of people who need to use it as part of our daily lives, so small sacrifices must be made and we try to make them as painlessly as possible by developing new technology that gives you the same experience a but uses less of that necessary resource.

Why should you be able to buy military-grade weapons as a civilian GI Joe Cosplay, especially when conservatives have never risen up against a tyrannical government as the 2nd was created to do? Conservatives are the ones who support tyranny like trump so the 2nd as it is written doesn't work for 2 reasons. Conservatives have always supported tyrannical governments because at the time of the revolution they were called Tories and they support the crown. Many of them ran off to Canada when King George was defeated. We now have an oversized standing army with the reserves and national guard so a coalition of citizens soldiers is unneeded. If you want to play with guns then join the Army or the Marines.

There is no need to walk around in public with a rifle or even a handgun on a property that you don't own. If you are that scared then stay at home and get psychological help for your paranoia and delusions. The governor of Michigan should have called out the Michigan National Guard to confiscated those guns at the MAGAite haircut protest and only returned them after they had passed a psych exam and completed a gun safety course.
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Freedom is liberating. Some guys can't handle what they can't control. It is then self-defeating.

The best women in bed are self-confident women who know what they want and are in no way inhibited by selfish attitudes and expectations of insecure men. Sex by the numbers is still sex but it isn't great sex. Sex is indescribably good when both people feel the freedom of letting it go where it will. Great sex starts in your head.

I almost feel sorry for straight men who refuse to see sex as anything other than P in V. They are missing out on so much that the world of sexuality has to offer!
The WAP uproar shows conservatives are fine with female sexuality – as long as men control it | Arwa Mahdawi | Opinion | The Guardian

Cardi B dropped the single WAP (Wet-Ass *****) less than two weeks ago, and social conservatives have lost their minds over it. :lol: In particular, the right-wing extremist Ben Shapiro went completely off the chain:

BS's whiny rant, in which he was too chicken to even say the word "*****," was the latest in a long line of toxic reactions to women who unashamedly own their sexuality. We saw the same temper tantrums in reaction to J-Lo and Shakira's incredible halftime show at Super Bowl LIV. How dare a beautiful fifty-year-old woman show the world who she is! Must censor her! :2mad:

Here's a helpful piece of advice for toxic manbabies such as Ben Shapiro: If you don't like a song, don't listen to it. By giving it this kind of coverage, you just spread the word even more. You just helped Cardi B helped even more $$$! :thumbs:

Finally, here's a remix of part of BS's meltdown:

Ben would be fine in some other society, like this one, for instance...

In fact, I'm surprised he doesn't do that "finger dance" thing.
Ben would be fine in some other society, like this one, for instance...

In fact, I'm surprised he doesn't do that "finger dance" thing.

I'm not sure if this is from a real church or if it is religious satire, as per Poe's law.


Apparently it is legit because I searched "stop masturbation now" and this is what I found.

Stop Masturbation Now – Faith and Family Values

Hooley sheep! Their wives and daughters should be taken away from them.
Yes it's legit and old as Hell too because I remember as a young dude winding up smooching a young girl who threw that out there the moment I began exploring her paradise area/errrr scuse me Sin Cave...Satan's Doorbell! :lamo
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But anyway, I was referring to the cleric wagging his finger as he talks.
Seems narcissistic type LOVE wagging their finger while they talk.
What exactly does it mean to control someone else's sexuality?

Condemning how certain women act is not evidence of a desire to control how all women may act.

Isn't it interesting how the bold part perfectly describes modern progressives. There is no group on the planet that wants to control other people more than white leftists.

condemning bad song doesnt mean controlling anybody

good post
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The WAP uproar shows conservatives are fine with female sexuality – as long as men control it | Arwa Mahdawi | Opinion | The Guardian

Cardi B dropped the single WAP (Wet-Ass *****) less than two weeks ago, and social conservatives have lost their minds over it. :lol: In particular, the right-wing extremist Ben Shapiro went completely off the chain:

BS's whiny rant, in which he was too chicken to even say the word "*****," was the latest in a long line of toxic reactions to women who unashamedly own their sexuality. We saw the same temper tantrums in reaction to J-Lo and Shakira's incredible halftime show at Super Bowl LIV. How dare a beautiful fifty-year-old woman show the world who she is! Must censor her! :2mad:

Here's a helpful piece of advice for toxic manbabies such as Ben Shapiro: If you don't like a song, don't listen to it. By giving it this kind of coverage, you just spread the word even more. You just helped Cardi B helped even more $$$! :thumbs:

Finally, here's a remix of part of BS's meltdown:

Ben is 100% correct
Ben would be fine in some other society, like this one, for instance...

In fact, I'm surprised he doesn't do that "finger dance" thing.

i thinks it satire, its supposed to translate the worst of middle east TV

i mean that same network aired mickey mouse called "farfour"and was killed by Israel...

theres a grandpa with a mouse for a grandson and he dies leaving the land to the mouse who then dies to Israel

yeah weird-and thats why it is fake
i thinks it satire, its supposed to translate the worst of middle east TV

i mean that same network aired mickey mouse called "farfour"and was killed by Israel...

You are W.O.E. - Wrong On Everything.
The so called "Mickey Mouse" character is a Palestinian children's show character and it's very real.
What you think and what the facts are, are vastly different things, and that is why it is important that people be able to differentiate between known facts and any idiot standing around feeling that what "they think" something is, is equally weighted with facts.

So, thank you very much for reinforcing Isaac Asimov for us once again:

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

Your ignorance is NOT as good as my knowledge and it never will be.
Know your place in the intellectual food chain.
You are W.O.E. - Wrong On Everything.
The so called "Mickey Mouse" character is a Palestinian children's show character and it's very real.
What you think and what the facts are, are vastly different things, and that is why it is important that people be able to differentiate between known facts and any idiot standing around feeling that what "they think" something is, is equally weighted with facts.

So, thank you very much for reinforcing Isaac Asimov for us once again:

Your ignorance is NOT as good as my knowledge and it never will be.
Know your place in the intellectual food chain.

you know its owned by an Israeli who intentionally translates bad parts of middle east discourse

and its a show by...hamas
you know its owned by an Israeli who intentionally translates bad parts of middle east discourse

and its a show by...hamas

Yes, I know all about that.
Yes, it is owned by an Israeli.
Uh ohhhh, an Israeli owns something, uh ohhhh!!!

Please do the rest of us a favor and go back to reading your copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
We know that where you come from, that's considered a reference textbook.
Yes, I know all about that.
Yes, it is owned by an Israeli.
Uh ohhhh, an Israeli owns something, uh ohhhh!!!

Please do the rest of us a favor and go back to reading your copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
We know that where you come from, that's considered a reference textbook.

Middle East Media Research Institute - Wikipedia

"Critics charge that despite portraying itself as neutral,[6] it aims to portray the Arab and Muslim world in a negative light through the production and dissemination of incomplete or inaccurate translations and by selectively translating views of extremists while deemphasizing or ignoring mainstream opinions.[7] It has also been accused of being subtly biased in favour of Israel.[8]"

its an isreali propaganda station
Middle East Media Research Institute - Wikipedia

"Critics charge that despite portraying itself as neutral,[6] it aims to portray the Arab and Muslim world in a negative light through the production and dissemination of incomplete or inaccurate translations and by selectively translating views of extremists while deemphasizing or ignoring mainstream opinions.[7] It has also been accused of being subtly biased in favour of Israel.[8]"

its an isreali propaganda station

Yes except I NEVER attempted to portray MEMRI as neutral while you're attempting to pretend that Pioneers of Tomorrow is satire, and that MEMRI is manufacturing lies out of whole cloth.
MEMRI may be many things but the one thing that they are not is a Kremlin style troll farm.

MEMRI's owner just hates Hamas, no more, no less, and anyone with a MESECAM format TV set and an antenna can park their ass in any Israeli city and watch Pioneers of Tomorrow to their heart's content. MEMRI just parks a DVR and records everything, no more, no less.

Now go back and tell your bosses at 55 Savushkina Street that we've made you and blew your cover.
And quit hijacking the thread with your juvenile nonsense.

Yes except I NEVER attempted to portray MEMRI as neutral while you're attempting to pretend that Pioneers of Tomorrow is satire, and that MEMRI is manufacturing lies out of whole cloth.
MEMRI may be many things but the one thing that they are not is a Kremlin style troll farm.

MEMRI's owner just hates Hamas, no more, no less, and anyone with a MESECAM format TV set and an antenna can park their ass in any Israeli city and watch Pioneers of Tomorrow to their heart's content. MEMRI just parks a DVR and records everything, no more, no less.

Now go back and tell your bosses at 55 Savushkina Street that we've made you and blew your cover.
And quit hijacking the thread with your juvenile nonsense.

you tried to portray it as an accurate representation as where Ben Shapiro's supposed ideas would be accepted

now you turn around and talk about how it just hates hamas yet admit that it is a propaganda Israeli tv channel that smears arabs.Nothing with ben Shapiro
and no, it doesnt park its car and listens to hamas tv.It directly takes quotes out of context and mistranslates it.
you tried to portray it as an accurate representation as where Ben Shapiro's supposed ideas would be accepted

now you turn around and talk about how it just hates hamas yet admit that it is a propaganda Israeli tv channel that smears arabs.Nothing with ben Shapiro
and no, it doesnt park its car and listens to hamas tv.It directly takes quotes out of context and mistranslates it.

You're sinking further and further into the mud.
Ben Shapiro is an alt-right nutter who knows about as much about women as Jimmy Dean knows about vegan cooking.
He's every bit as ignorant and backward as any generic islamist cleric.

The source for the recording of such clerics isn't important, no matter how much you try to make it important.
If Trump farts in the Rose Garden of the White House, it's the same news clip whether it was broadcast on Hamas TV or NBC.

You're having more trouble understanding the humor of this whole thing than Phil had understanding how to program a VCR in City Slickers.


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