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The video game BULLY! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 24, 2005
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Has anyone heard of the new game for XBOX and playstation 2 it is called Bully. When playing one gets to play the role of a bully beating up kids at school, giving swirlies and his weapon of choice is a slingshot. How sickining is that. I have a 2 year old boy and if they have those kind of games now I can only imagine what games they will have when he is able to play
td0403 said:
Has anyone heard of the new game for XBOX and playstation 2 it is called Bully. When playing one gets to play the role of a bully beating up kids at school, giving swirlies and his weapon of choice is a slingshot. How sickining is that. I have a 2 year old boy and if they have those kind of games now I can only imagine what games they will have when he is able to play
I don't know, it's probably better in the long run to get it out passively rather than actively. Plus, all parents should(yes, I know they don't) be in the same room with their kids during entertainment time to point out what is real and acceptable and what is entertainment and has consequences, this is probably better left to a matter of opinion though.

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