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The Vanity of Abortion Debate (1 Viewer)

Ivan The Terrible

Ivan The Terrible > All
DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2005
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Ivan The Terrible, Your Master, has started the debate.
Is there any wonder why Ivan would start a debate here? Obviously he isn't smart enough for real debate so he is going to troll in the basement.
FinnMacCool said:
Is there any wonder why Ivan would start a debate here? Obviously he isn't smart enough for real debate so he is going to troll in the basement.

Or maybe its becaust there isnt any mods here, and he is free to express himself the way he feels like it, it seems to me. Havent you noticed how he talks to his enemies???
Your free to express each other as much as you want so long as you don't directly attack other people.

He can speak about himself in the third tense but don't expect him to win very many "followers" that way. HE lacks both wit and humor. Nobody thinks hes intelligent or funny except, apparently, you.
FinnMacCool said:
Your free to express each other as much as you want so long as you don't directly attack other people.

He can speak about himself in the third tense but don't expect him to win very many "followers" that way. HE lacks both wit and humor. Nobody thinks hes intelligent or funny except, apparently, you.

Okay, from this I can tell that you are not too familiar with Ivans posts. If you were, you wouldn't be asking this question, or stating that comment there.

independent_thinker2002 said:
My wife and I enjoy the comic relief you and your friends provide.

Kelzie said:
:rofl Ahh it's so funny. Welcome to the forum Ivy. :2wave:

That especially doesn't look like only me, now does it?
FinnMacCool said:
Your free to express each other as much as you want so long as you don't directly attack other people.

He can speak about himself in the third tense but don't expect him to win very many "followers" that way. HE lacks both wit and humor. Nobody thinks hes intelligent or funny except, apparently, you.

Okay, from this I can tell that you are not too familiar with Ivans posts. If you were, you wouldn't be asking this question, or stating that comment there.

independent_thinker2002 said:
My wife and I enjoy the comic relief you and your friends provide.

Kelzie said:
:rofl Ahh it's so funny. Welcome to the forum Ivy. :2wave:

That especially doesn't look like only me, now does it?
I guess nobody ever explained the difference between laughing WITH and laughing AT...
RightatNYU said:
I guess nobody ever explained the difference between laughing WITH and laughing AT...

Does it matter at all, your still laughing reguardless, are you not? Or are you one of those getting upset at something over the net? ;)
@_girL........ said:
Does it matter at all, your still laughing reguardless, are you not? Or are you one of those getting upset at something over the net? ;)

Upset? Not in the slightest. incredibly amused is more like it.:lol:
Ahem, back to the subject. Both sides of the abortion debate are loonies. When life starts is a belief, and it is incredibly hard to change someone's belief.
Kelzie said:
Ahem, back to the subject. Both sides of the abortion debate are loonies. When life starts is a belief, and it is incredibly hard to change someone's belief.

Yup. But some say it also has to do with science.
@_girL........ said:
Yup. But some say it also has to do with science.

I believe that science doesn't know when life starts. If they don't know, neither do I. But I don't believe it starts at conception.
@_girL........ said:
Abortion is Murder, point blank. Anyone that can not see this is obviously a poor pathetic fool.

And the hardcore pro-choice crowd says the same about your kind.

Are you a Christian?
@_girL........ said:
Abortion is Murder, point blank. Anyone that can not see this is obviously a poor pathetic fool.

P.S. Welcome my Masturbater.

Hey... You're Masturbater is commiting murder every morning in the shower. And then probably a few minutes after he gets out and then probably after breakfast and then again when he's at work in the john, then probably some more when he gets home before he logs on, and definitly the whole time he's here he's getting his keyboard sticky.

Just think about all those poor little potential humans being squirted across his bed room.

You're Maturbater is the pathetic fool and so are you.:smash:
@_girL........ said:
No, I am not a Christian nor will I ever look to Christianity as a religion for me.

Just curious.

I find Christians who call abortion murder to be hypocrites.
This is an actual debate. All post that don't relate to the topic will be ignored by Your Master.
Ivan The Terrible said:
This is an actual debate. All post that don't relate to the topic will be ignored by Your Masturbater.

Well masturbater, if you could keep your hands off yourself long enough to explain the meaning of "The Vanity of Abortion Debate" maybe it would stay on topic.:idea:
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Kelzie said:

Both sides of the abortion debate are loonies. When life starts is a belief, and it is incredibly hard to change someone's belief.

Agreed in part... Your Master has read many threads about this topic and they all boils down to the same thing. The philosophy of the librial. Kelzie calls belief I call philosophy. But they can be used in the same fasion. Yes I said it. The foolish liberal philosophy which states that a fetus is not a child. How can one than argue with such a man?


Your Master has Ignored you.
Consider the following:

First off, please understand that I do have a huge moral problem with abortion. I think it is killing and I think it is morally wrong.

That being said, there are many other things in our society that are legal. Swearing, gambling, pornography, and alchohol are just a few, so why are they legal? One word: Minorities. The Bill of Rights are constitutional amendments instead of normal statutes because of minorities. The majority can already use the power of the vote to push a regular bill through Congress. That's why the Founding Fathers did not include the Bill of Rights in the original transcript of the Constitution. Federalists argued that they were not necessary because the We the People clause alone stated that the people forfeited nothing. It wasn't until minorities were brought up that Federalists promised the Bill of Rights to be added, or so says my son's history textbook.

So after the case of Maybury vs. Madison, establishing judicial review, the Supreme Court took it upon themselvs over the years to extend civil rights to minorities. Every declaration of a law to be unconstitutional helps the Bill of Rights change and grow. Some rulings against popular laws, such as Scott vs. United States, legalizing slavery nationwide until the 13th Amendment was added, may be controversial rulings, but they all have one good thing in common: They make the Bill of Rights stronger.

My conclusion: While abortion is greatly wrong in my opinion, I feel obligated to support Roe vs. Wade simply because it is an extension of minority rights, and for that reason alone. Over and out.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Consider the following:

Master, that quote seems of rather stupid. The man/woman isnt even sure what he or she really feels. Sounds like Kerry... I believe this, and that. Giving us no real responce to the problem.
@_girL........ said:
Master, that quote seems of rather stupid. The man/woman isnt even sure what he or she really feels. Sounds like Kerry... I believe this, and that. Giving us no real responce to the problem.

There is no evidence that will solve abortion. It's like swearing. Prove swearing is wrong. You can't. It's a belief. I happen to feel the same way as that person. I would never have an abortion because I believe it's wrong, but I sure as hell am not going to tell another women what to do with her body.
@_girL........ said:
Abortion is Murder, point blank.

Hahaha, specious statement. If it was murder, it would be illegal, dunce.

Anyone that can not see this is obviously a poor pathetic fool.

I guess the judges on the Supreme Court are poor, pathetic, fools.:lol: That was an imprudent entreaty.:lol:

P.S. Welcome my Master.

You're errant ass-kissing is befittingly noted.

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