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the TM murder case verdict and the Black community (1 Viewer)

(#1) trayvon was reported as acting suspiciously.
(#2) zimmerman was not required to nor did he have too. Just like trayvon didn't either.

(#3) first of all, saying "we don't need you to" do something, is not something that has to be recognized or even followed.
A telecommunication call taker has no authority to tell anybody to do anything either.
Yet, zimmerman was on his way back to his vehicle when trayvon approached him from his left rear.
So basically it is irrelevant.

f da' police coming Straight form da' undaground...a young brotha got it bad cuz i'm brown!!!..
Everybody outside the Black Community. read the OP

The OP reads like a potentially very dangerous religious zealot with the talk about demons.
Everybody outside the Black Community. read the OP

You have YET to say what or where the "Black Community" is. Clearly your messages favor racial segregation and you obviously oppose interracial marriages, interracial children and non-segregation.
You have YET to say what or where the "Black Community" is. Clearly your messages favor racial segregation and you obviously oppose interracial marriages, interracial children and non-segregation.

the Black Commuinty as a whole. nationwide. wherever they live.

is that better?
the Black Commuinty as a whole. nationwide. wherever they live.

is that better?

Do you JUST mean African-Americans? I am questioning the "Community" part of your statement.

There aren't going to be any race riots regardless of the case outcome. That was a partisan created media flash by Democrats to address a release of a poll in Florida showing lackluster support for Obama by African-Americans in this key state. After the election, no one will give a damn about the case capable of gaining media attention.

Whatever the outcome, some people will bitch, but most people really don't give a real damn and there will be no riots. Few on either side are as worked up as you about it.

BUT, ok, I agree people shouldn't riot regardless of outcome. Protest if they wish. And I do tend to believe what goes around usually comes around in some sense of usually there is a final retribution against evil acts.
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Why are all the TM supporters devoid of any kind of logic?

Going on raw emotion and conspiracy theories with no real facts at all is no way to go through life...

Unless you want an ulcer,lol.
Everybody outside the Black Community. read the OP

Silly buggers. You act as if there is some grand White Conspiracy.

I am "outside the black community".... or at least, I'm not black. I have no interest in seeing violent riots by black persons. Let alone being in the middle of them...

You think the cops want blacks to riot? Dude, I used to be a cop years ago.... the LAST thing most cops would want is to have to deal with riots in the black community, major headache.

You're letting paranoia get the better of you.
Silly buggers. You act as if there is some grand White Conspiracy.

I am "outside the black community".... or at least, I'm not black. I have no interest in seeing violent riots by black persons. Let alone being in the middle of them...

You think the cops want blacks to riot? Dude, I used to be a cop years ago.... the LAST thing most cops would want is to have to deal with riots in the black community, major headache.

You're letting paranoia get the better of you.

Then I'm not talking to YOU Ms. Manners!

You don't speak FOR the whole the BC, but I AM speaking TO them!

YOu think Watts was by accident??! you think any riot is by accident???...NO< they are BY DESIGN

and this kangaroo trial could trigger some lesser patient Black people to start a domino effect of nonsense.
Then I'm not talking to YOU Ms. Manners!

You don't speak FOR the whole the BC, but I AM speaking TO them!

YOu think Watts was by accident??! you think any riot is by accident???...NO< they are BY DESIGN

and this kangaroo trial could trigger some lesser patient Black people to start a domino effect of nonsense.

First of all, its Mr, not Ms.

Second, you answered me so you're talking to me.

Third, the only 100% accurate thing you've said that I've seen, is when you said you don't speak for the whole black community.... you sure got that right.
what foolishness are you rambling on about. I'm talking about the REACTION of the Black Community when the verdict is in GZ's favor.which it will be.


I give 2 ****s about *black reaction*....You simply don't cater to the ignorant masses.

The facts on this case- such as they may be- should be viewed with a cold heart, and not influenced by what may occur after those facts are presented.
Nor should they be infuenced by politics, race, emotions, pre-conceived bull**** notions, suppositions or wild assed guesses.

How many 17y/o black males are murdered every week by other black males?? Where are the protests, bounties and cries of injustice there?

Where's, the REACTION of the Black Community?
I give 2 ****s about *black reaction*....You simply don't cater to the ignorant masses.

The facts on this case- such as they may be- should be viewed with a cold heart, and not influenced by what may occur after those facts are presented.
Nor should they be infuenced by politics, race, emotions, pre-conceived bull**** notions, suppositions or wild assed guesses.

How many 17y/o black males are murdered every week by other black males?? Where are the protests, bounties and cries of injustice there?

Where's, the REACTION of the Black Community?

This is so true, were is the outrage?
I give 2 ****s about *black reaction*....You simply don't cater to the ignorant masses.

The facts on this case- such as they may be- should be viewed with a cold heart, and not influenced by what may occur after those facts are presented.
Nor should they be infuenced by politics, race, emotions, pre-conceived bull**** notions, suppositions or wild assed guesses.

How many 17y/o black males are murdered every week by other black males?? Where are the protests, bounties and cries of injustice there?

Where's, the REACTION of the Black Community?

Black masses?

Doo you think thehighh crime rate among young black men justifies the killing of an innocent, unarmed boy?

Do we just say.. Oh well, he was a black teen?
Black masses?

Doo you think thehighh crime rate among young black men justifies the killing of an innocent, unarmed boy?

Do we just say.. Oh well, he was a black teen?

Point went right over your head, lol.

Nice try though.

#1 He was not a young boy, he was a young man.
#2 He was not innocent anymore than any other 17 year old now days.
Then I'm not talking to YOU Ms. Manners!

You don't speak FOR the whole the BC, but I AM speaking TO them!

YOu think Watts was by accident??! you think any riot is by accident???...NO< they are BY DESIGN

and this kangaroo trial could trigger some lesser patient Black people to start a domino effect of nonsense.

There will be no race riot. Once the politicians got what they wanted out of it they dropped all mention of it. I suspect you would like to see a riot, however. Just a sense from the raging of some of your messages.
Black masses?

Doo you think thehighh crime rate among young black men justifies the killing of an innocent, unarmed boy?

Do we just say.. Oh well, he was a black teen?

If Z had shot a white teenager that attacked him, would Sharpton have gotten involved?
If Z had shot a white teenager that attacked him, would Sharpton have gotten involved?

No, nor would he had not a poll come out in Florida showing lack-luster support for Obama among African-Americans.

However, when it became clearly known GZ was Hispanic and TM's background known, he and the other national Democratic politicians then dropped their appearances because Obama also needs a heavy Hispanic turnout in his favor in Florida too.
Do you know everyone who lives in your complex?

HAHA right? And do they all need to check in with Tigger when they are having company over?
Maybe give him pictures of their grandson "He's mine, please don't shoot him if you see him"

Some people are just so full of themselves.
I give 2 ****s about *black reaction*....You simply don't cater to the ignorant masses.

The facts on this case- such as they may be- should be viewed with a cold heart, and not influenced by what may occur after those facts are presented.
Nor should they be infuenced by politics, race, emotions, pre-conceived bull**** notions, suppositions or wild assed guesses.

How many 17y/o black males are murdered every week by other black males?? Where are the protests, bounties and cries of injustice there?

Where's, the REACTION of the Black Community?

Are yo uranting just to rant. I already pointed this out. mra.
If Z had shot a white teenager that attacked him, would Sharpton have gotten involved?

Would Chen Lau of the Asian community have gotten involved? or what about Punjabi Ashawri?

jus saying. each community looks after their own.
Are yo uranting just to rant. I already pointed this out. mra.

You cater to an unpredictable group of savage animals and they will never be forced to use any other methods than intimidation to get their way.

They want to become violent....you take them down

Shoot them on the spot. Period
You cater to an unpredictable group of savage animals and they will never be forced to use any other methods than intimidation to get their way.

They want to become violent....you take them down

Shoot them on the spot. Period

Whose gonna do the shooting to take them down??? the Police???...you make no sense.
Are yo uranting just to rant. I already pointed this out. mra.

No you didn't. All you did was claim that is what "they" want you to do. Who the hell is they??? White people? Hispanic? Asain? WTF? You are displaying such ignorance in your posts it is like watching a caricature of a racist black man.

Your post is nothing but a name calling distraction on your part. Answer the question.

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