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The terrible Biden economy (1 Viewer)

Biden's America
Wages up over 5%. If only it was possible to bring inflation down but given the hot economy, the better wages and international supply and oil issues I think that will take some time. Despite inflation the economy is firing on all cylinders.
Of course jobs are now added, the people REALLY do need to work to keep up with the inflation.
Maybe that is what Biden meant when he said inflation was good for us, lol
Of course jobs are now added, the people REALLY do need to work to keep up with the inflation.
Maybe that is what Biden meant when he said inflation was good for us, lol
Employers added brand new jobs specifically for people who previously refused to work?

An excerpt from Biden's April Fools speech today:

" . . Our policies are working and we're getting results for the American people which is what it's all about, to state the obvious. . . "

No, Joe. Your policies are abysmal.

It's the economy, stupid. . . To state the obvious.
An excerpt from Biden's April Fools speech today:

" . . Our policies are working and we're getting results for the American people which is what it's all about, to state the obvious. . . "

No, Joe. Your policies are abysmal.

It's the economy, stupid. . . To state the obvious.
They economy is going great guns!

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