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The schools being shut down , Democrats please explain how your support this? (1 Viewer)


Apr 1, 2020
Reaction score
Las Vegas. Nevada
Political Leaning
Don't forget about the students that are abused at home (sometimes sexually) that can't escape that situation.

Democrats, I want to hear your full thoughts on this topic.
Don't forget about the students that are abused at home (sometimes sexually) that can't escape that situation.

Democrats, I want to hear your full thoughts on this topic.

Go volunteer at a covid ward.
Don't forget about the students that are abused at home (sometimes sexually) that can't escape that situation.

Democrats, I want to hear your full thoughts on this topic.

Perhaps those children should alert authorities to their abuse.
Iowa is testing around 78% positive. I'm sure all those proud grandparents would love a nice case of COVID-19 in time for Christmas from the grandkids. That's what they'll get, since the governor insists on in person openings and no mask or distancing ordinances. Trump® country cares.:sick:
Don't forget about the students that are abused at home (sometimes sexually) that can't escape that situation.

Democrats, I want to hear your full thoughts on this topic.

Middle school teacher charged with raping student
JULY 16, 2020 | 12:55 PM
Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 1.00.13 PM
Andrew Walsh
MOUNT VERNON — A Mount Vernon Middle School teacher was charged Thursday with having sex with a 14-year-old student two years ago.

Andrew A. Walsh, 36, is charged in Mount Vernon Municipal Court with rape and sexual battery. According to court records, Walsh had sex and sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl at his office in the school and at his Morgan Township residence between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31, 2018.

The Mount Vernon Middle School website lists Walsh as a gym teacher

Middle school teacher charged with raping student — Mount Vernon News.

A bit of a tough start for your debate

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