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The root of all pregnancy (1 Viewer)


Requested Profile Delete. Bye
Supporting Member
Mar 27, 2022
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LOL you offering yourself up or just others?

I'd certainly volunteer if it meant we could restrict abortion. Again, that's a trade I'd take in a heartbeat.

Would you take that trade?
Just snip it there while I work on the Kursk.
Maybe people ought to just be more responsible and take ownership for their actions? That would solve lots of problems.
I'd certainly volunteer if it meant we could restrict abortion. Again, that's a trade I'd take in a heartbeat.

Would you take that trade?
If I am not able to make my own reproductive choices nor should you.
How is it that if a pregnant woman decides to end the life of the human inside her it is just a choice, but if a person attacks a pregnant woman and the life of the human inside her dies, it is murder? How does this make any logical sense?
And as you just said, you're participating instead of just doing a drive-by and then just

I hate the bitching that sometimes happens. Okay, you don't like the thread. Close it and read another. It's not that difficult.
So if we do that, can we then restrict abortion? If that's the trade, I'll definitely take it.
Could be done at birth, pretty much would eliminate the need for abortions.
So if we do that, can we then restrict abortion? If that's the trade, I'll definitely take it.
Just so I'm sure you understand.

You're agreeing that until and unless a male human reaches a certain possibly arbitrary level of financial stability, they must be regularly checked to be sure the vasectomy they were required to get at puberty or thereabouts hasn't fixed itself.
And in exchange, abortions are restricted to, say, only the first 2/3rds of a normal pregnancy, banned thereafter unless a medical situation where the mother will die is in play.
Just so I'm sure you understand.

You're agreeing that until and unless a male human reaches a certain possibly arbitrary level of financial stability, they must be regularly checked to be sure the vasectomy they were required to get at puberty or thereabouts hasn't fixed itself.
And in exchange, abortions are restricted to, say, only the first 2/3rds of a normal pregnancy, banned thereafter unless a medical situation where the mother will die is in play.
That sounds like a reasonable compromise, though I find nothing in the Constitution that would support preventing a Woman from having an abortion at any time prior to birth.
Maybe people ought to just be more responsible and take ownership for their actions? That would solve lots of problems.
yeah, well, we have to train our kids to think that way, and history shows we don't.
I'd certainly volunteer if it meant we could restrict abortion. Again, that's a trade I'd take in a heartbeat.

Would you take that trade?

The right would just find a new way to hate women, let's face it.
That sounds like a reasonable compromise, though I find nothing in the Constitution that would support preventing a Woman from having an abortion at any time prior to birth.
Only if you ignore the righs of the unborn child, to life and liberty.
Only if you ignore the righs of the unborn child, to life and liberty.
What does our Constitution have to say about Rights of the unborn?

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