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The Red State Murder Problem (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal
Next time a righty tries to gaslight you into believing that blue states are having the trouble with violent crime, remind them of this:

[T]here is a large piece of the homicide story that is missing and calls into question the veracity of the right-wing obsession over homicides in Democratic cities: murder rates are far higher in Trump-voting red states than Biden-voting blue states. And sometimes, murder rates are highest in cities with Republican mayors.

For example, Jacksonville, a city with a Republican mayor, had 128 more murders in 2020 than San Francisco, a city with a Democrat mayor, despite their comparable populations. In fact, the homicide rate in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco was half that of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield, a city with a Republican mayor that overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Yet there is barely a whisper, let alone an outcry, over the stunning levels of murders in these and other places.

We found that murder rates are, on average, 40% higher in the 25 states Donald Trump won in the last presidential election compared to those that voted for Joe Biden. In addition, murder rates in many of these red states dwarf those in blue states like New York, California, and Massachusetts. And finally, many of the states with the worst murder rates—like Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, and Arkansas—are ones that few would describe as urban. Only 2 of America’s top 100 cities in population are located in these high murder rate states. And not a single one of the top 10 murder states registers in the top 15 for population density.
Next time a righty tries to gaslight you into believing that blue states are having the trouble with violent crime, remind them of this:

Red states have more black people.
Shhh, go back to bed grampa. We can talk about how the south should have won the civil war tomorrow.
I'm not sure what you're going on about, but the post you quoted was a simple statement of fact. Red states (specifically the Southern ones) have a greater percentage of black people than blue states. Race correlates with homicide rates better than median income, legitimacy rates, partisan affiliation, gun ownership, etc.
Next time a righty tries to gaslight you into believing that blue states are having the trouble with violent crime, remind them of this:

Blue states aren’t having trouble with violent crime?
I'm not sure what you're going on about, but the post you quoted was a simple statement of fact. Red states (specifically the Southern ones) have a greater percentage of black people than blue states.
I mean your statement was definitionally racist. Your response to someone pointing out red states have a high violent crime rate was to pin the problem on a race, rather than any policies or other issues with those states. You explicitly implied the problem is Black people.

Race correlates with homicide rates better than median income

Regardless, there is a absolutely cosmic difference between the statement "Black people commit more crimes" and "Black people commit more crimes because they are Black". Because your statement implies that their race is the causal and not the correlational factor.
I mean your statement was definitionally racist. Your response to someone pointing out red states have a high violent crime rate was to pin the problem on a race, rather than any policies or other issues with those states. You explicitly implied the problem is Black people.
My statement was factually true. Whether it is "racist" or not does not matter.

Regardless, there is a absolutely cosmic difference between the statement "Black people commit more crimes" and "Black people commit more crimes because they are Black". Because your statement implies that their race is the causal and not the correlational factor.
Black people commit more crimes and their predilection is not explained by any of the correlations usually cited by race deniers. It's not clear what "black people commit more crimes because they are black" is supposed to mean; it's certainly true that the presence of large numbers of black people is the reason crime rates are higher in certain parts of the country.
It's not clear what "black people commit more crimes because they are black" is supposed to mean; it's certainly true that the presence of large numbers of black people is the reason crime rates are higher in certain parts of the country.
Do you think Black people commit crime at a higher rate because of their race or due to other factors. Or in other words why do you think Black people commit crime at a higher rate.
So according to Republican swhen Blue states have problems with crime it's because Democrats run the state and their politics.. .

But when Red states have problems with crime it's because of minorities?... Lol

Because Blue states like NY have no minorities... Lol... Lol..

When it comes to issues, whether it is immigration, lying or crime even though the Republicans are worse they are good at pointing fingers at the other guy...
Do you think Black people commit crime at a higher rate because of their race or due to other factors. Or in other words why do you think Black people commit crime at a higher rate.
People generally commit crimes for idiosyncratic reasons. Why black people commit more crimes is less relevant, from a practical standpoint, than the fact that they do.
Next time a righty tries to gaslight you into believing that blue states are having the trouble with violent crime, remind them of this:

The one gaslighting here is you. Cities who have been run by the left for decades ARE having a crime problem. Your gaslighting and attempts at deflection wont change that.
So according to Republican swhen Blue states have problems with crime it's because Democrats run the state and their politics.. .

But when Red states have problems with crime it's because of minorities?... Lol

Because Blue states like NY have no minorities... Lol... Lol..

When it comes to issues, whether it is immigration, lying or crime even though the Republicans are worse they are good at pointing fingers at the other guy...
When blue state crime rates conspicuously increase following the enactment of soft-on-crime policies, it's usually because of the policies. But the generally high crime rates are predicted more easily by demographics than anything else.
It's weird how right wingers just change which part of the government they think is to blame to fit a situation. Crime? Uhh... Democrat mayors! Covid? Uhh... Democrat governors!
People generally commit crimes for idiosyncratic reasons. Why black people commit more crimes is less relevant, from a practical standpoint, than the fact that they do.
Seems pretty relevant to me. I mean you can draw correlations because anything but that doesn't mean it's the cause. You could break down crime rates by favorite color if you want to and find that people that have certain favorite colors have a higher crime rate.

Do you think being Black is what causes them to commit more crimes or not.
When blue state crime rates conspicuously increase following the enactment of soft-on-crime policies, it's usually because of the policies. But the generally high crime rates are predicted more easily by demographics than anything else.
So red states must be soft on crime.. Damn Republicans..
Seems pretty relevant to me. I mean you can draw correlations because anything but that doesn't mean it's the cause. You could break down crime rates by favorite color if you want to and find that people that have certain favorite colors have a higher crime rate.

Do you think being Black is what causes them to commit more crimes or not.
I still have no idea what your question means. To say that a person being black caused (or did not cause) him to commit a crime implies that the same person could've been born into another race (and that one could speculate as to whether he would've committed that same crime as a non-black person).

What matters is not whether the condition of being a black person causes criminality in some ill-defined cosmic sense, what matters is that black people are, for whatever reason, significantly more likely to commit crimes than the rest of the country.
What matters is not whether the condition of being a black person causes criminality in some ill-defined cosmic sense, what matters is that black people are, for whatever reason, significantly more likely to commit crimes than the rest of the country.
I think it very much matters. Because it's the difference between thinking that the crimes rates are high because Black people are there and thinking the Black crime rates there are high because of sociological and economic factors.
Red states have more black people.
It's always black people that are the problem, isn't it with you?

Are you wearing a sheet/hood when you post, or do you save the good clothes for the weekend?
It's weird how right wingers just change which part of the government they think is to blame to fit a situation. Crime? Uhh... Democrat mayors! Covid? Uhh... Democrat governors!
"Crime is out of control -"

"Democratic governments!"

"- in this ruby red state."

"Black people!"
Poor, racially diverse states have more murders than rich white states? Really!? Who knew!?

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