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The path to winning is clear. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
I am not trying to bring religion into the conversation but I am trying to talk about Good and Evil. There is no doubt that both exist in the world and whether you are a religious person and believe in a God, or simply someone that believes there is right and there is wrong and want to be the best you can be, there are some basics that need to be considered at all time.

If you believe in God the you need to believe in God's message:

If you like to seek Me, conquer all fears; this you can achieve only when you shake off attachment for wealth, family, body, as one and all are Mine, and have been given to you to make the best use of them to reach Me

You are all dear to Me, sweet children. I advise you all, residing anywhere, to sit together as brothers and sisters and understand each other. Dissolve all differences and misconceptions--you are already one as man, as soul (conscious beings) as followers of the same Master Power and I reside in each one of you as controlling power keeping you in the body. Remove all duality and otherness. You will be able to sit together only in My name and will realize this unity in Me in the company of saints.

The greatest commandment in the Bible is:

When asked which is the greatest commandment, the Christian New Testament depicts Jesus paraphrasing the Torah: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind," before also paraphrasing a second passage; "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Most Christian denominations view these two commandments as, together, forming the core of the Christian religion. The second passage is considered to be a form of the Golden Rule

What is the worst sin?

Timothy 3:1-5

For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

Apostle Paul 11

All wrongdoing can be traced to an excessive attachment to material wealth.

If you don't believe there is a God but you do believe in justice and equal opportunity for all and that you believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander or what is bad for the goose is bad for the gander, then most everything stated above also holds water.

We (the human race) should work for the betterment of all no matter what. Those that work against that should be shunned and fought when they impose themselves on our main objective of working together for the benefit all.

Last but not least, fighting for the benefit of all and against evil should not forsake what makes us better. In simple words and like Michelle Obama said. When they go low, we go high. People like Trump that takes us to the gutter to fight is not being faithful to the idea that we should be better. Fighting injustice with injustice is not a solution.

Anyone on either side of the coin (Republicans and Democrats) should take heed. This is about humanity to all and not about party affiliations. If we give loyalty to humankind and do what is right for all, we will be in the winning party..............of humankind. It is the path that makes us all winners.
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If you want to be rid of wealth, Trump will take it.
If you want to be rid of wealth, Trump will take it.

Yes, he wants it all. This is why he venerates Putin so much. It is said that Putin is the richest man on earth...............and holds extreme power. Both things that Trump wants.
If you want to be rid of wealth, Trump will take it.
Sure, the guy who refuses to be paid 400 gees a year as his salary.
But I did see thugs taking things from an older lady. Some other thugs said that what they stole - I am so sorry, took without paying - from a store are "reparations".
Since you injected Trump into this thread, I will bet that the doorknob to his office is worth more than you earn a year. But, of course, I could be wrong.
It is said that Putin is the richest man on earth....
It is said by the people who took the inventory of what he owns. I am sure you know who they are and how they did it, so don't be shy.
Sure, the guy who refuses to be paid 400 gees a year as his salary.
But I did see thugs taking things from an older lady. Some other thugs said that what they stole - I am so sorry, took without paying - from a store are "reparations".
Since you injected Trump into this thread, I will bet that the doorknob to his office is worth more than you earn a year. But, of course, I could be wrong.

He's making hundreds of millions by shoveling taxpayer dollars into properties he owns. Refusing the 400k salary is good PR. You're the proof: it worked on you!
It is said by the people who took the inventory of what he owns. I am sure you know who they are and how they did it, so don't be shy.

Last year, Hermitage Capital Management CEO Bill Browder told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he believes the Russian president is "the richest man in the world" with a net worth of $200 billion. Browder has some bona fides to back up his Russia connections; the financier's firm was once the largest portfolio investor in Russia.

Celebritynetworth.com has a more conservative estimate: $70 billion, which matches the figure Russian political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky gave the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in 2012. Forbes, the universally accepted source of wealth information, has dubbed the former KGB agent "the world's most powerful person" but does not give an estimate of his net worth.

Either way, Trump wants to be like Putin
Sure, the guy who refuses to be paid 400 gees a year as his salary.
But I did see thugs taking things from an older lady. Some other thugs said that what they stole - I am so sorry, took without paying - from a store are "reparations".
Since you injected Trump into this thread, I will bet that the doorknob to his office is worth more than you earn a year. But, of course, I could be wrong.

The only reason he does not take the money is because he thinks that this is advantageous to him. He actually said one time that it is not fair that people were 'nasty' to Ivanka because she does not take a salary. That's how he thinks. He thinks he can use it as a bargaining chip. The Trumpet only cares about money. Some say he also cares about his family, but if that was indeed the case he would not have threatened his sun to disown him if he went in the army. So yes, The Trumpet ONLY cares about money. And if he refuses to take 400K a year, than he only does that because he thinks it is beneficial to him to not take that money. And I do of course mean financially beneficial.

And just in case you wonder why I bash him a lot. Very simple. He has never yet done anything good. Nothing. Ever. And never will.

What makes it easy to judge The Trumpet, fortunately, is that you do not have to listen to him because he lies all of the time. So you only have to look at the tings he has done. Which, as I said earlier, is never good.

Sure, the guy who refuses to be paid 400 gees a year as his salary.
But I did see thugs taking things from an older lady. Some other thugs said that what they stole - I am so sorry, took without paying - from a store are "reparations".
Since you injected Trump into this thread, I will bet that the doorknob to his office is worth more than you earn a year. But, of course, I could be wrong.

No, I fooled you, I don't work at all, you pay me.

I a month ago I gave myself two weeks and then I gave my boss two weeks because my heart is giving out and meat on the grill is killing me and she won't go vegan so after six years, it has become too idiotic and I have retired to complete my space novels.

I was walking one point seven miles a way and I let age creep up on me.

Now I may relocate and work temps until I can get into low income, or get with the Hare Krishnas and run for President.

They'd like that, me, going to them, to Run for President.

High, I'm Bozo the Clown and I'm running for President.

They could try to steal it from me and they be President.

I could tell them how.

I could find the ones with the biggest chart and set them all down in a row, that way I control the Presidency for many centuries and give them names from the Nrsingha Kavcha and we can chant those thirty-two verses thirty-two thousand and times just as a joke.

Do you know what they will do to me if they take it after you run up a big debt?

So you see, I am bias.

I defeat Trump, because he raised my debt.
He's making hundreds of millions by shoveling taxpayer dollars into properties he owns. Refusing the 400k salary is good PR. You're the proof: it worked on you!
I noticed "undisclosed" in your profile. Good move. I would be embarrassed, too.

How many "hundreds"?
How much did he "shovel"?
How did he gain access to the "taxpayer money"?
Into which "properties he owns"?
How did he do it?
How do you know that?
Why is "good PR" bad?
I noticed "undisclosed" in your profile. Good move. I would be embarrassed, too.

How many "hundreds"?
How much did he "shovel"?
How did he gain access to the "taxpayer money"?
Into which "properties he owns"?
How did he do it?
How do you know that?
Why is "good PR" bad?

He gained access to taxpayer money by being president.

When he goes to his own hotels, he rents out rooms to Secret Service at inflated rates. He charged Secret Service for flights on his own airplanes during the campaign. They even rent golf carts at inflated rates! He funnels contracts into companies he owns or has significant shares in, like the Dakota Access pipeline.

And that's just scratching the surface on stuff he still directly owns. There's a whole other can of worms with his kids and son-in-law.
He gained access to taxpayer money by being president.

When he goes to his own hotels, he rents out rooms to Secret Service at inflated rates. He charged Secret Service for flights on his own airplanes during the campaign. They even rent golf carts at inflated rates! He funnels contracts into companies he owns or has significant shares in, like the Dakota Access pipeline.

And that's just scratching the surface on stuff he still directly owns. There's a whole other can of worms with his kids and son-in-law.

I got it. Renting rooms and golf carts got him "hundreds of millions".

Let me guess where all the wisdom came from: CNN. Or would you care to reveal the source? If so, just don't make me laugh. I just ate.
I got it. Renting rooms and golf carts got him "hundreds of millions".

Let me guess where all the wisdom came from: CNN. Or would you care to reveal the source? If so, just don't make me laugh. I just ate.

No, that's a small piece of the puzzle.

There's a hundred sources out there. You just haven't looked.
I got it. Renting rooms and golf carts got him "hundreds of millions".

Let me guess where all the wisdom came from: CNN. Or would you care to reveal the source? If so, just don't make me laugh. I just ate.

Actually, he got hundreds of millions by allying himself with the Blackrock Group in 2001, who is a company backed by Russian mafia. No other banks than Russian backed banks (the Deutsche Bank for example) would loan him money. He was in debt to the tune of $1.17 billion dollars and if it wasn't for the loans from the Deutsche Bank, the help he got from the Bayrock group and the 13 Russian Oligarchs that stayed at Trump Towers and bought properties from him at 2 and 3 times their value, Trump would likely be begging in the streets.

Hundreds of millions of dirty dollars is what Trump has.

Check it all out. Google my words and see if they are not fact.
I am not trying to bring religion into the conversation but I am trying to talk about Good and Evil. There is no doubt that both exist in the world and whether you are a religious person and believe in a God, or simply someone that believes there is right and there is wrong and want to be the best you can be, there are some basics that need to be considered at all time.

If you believe in God the you need to believe in God's message:

The greatest commandment in the Bible is:

What is the worst sin?

Timothy 3:1-5

Apostle Paul 11

If you don't believe there is a God but you do believe in justice and equal opportunity for all and that you believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander or what is bad for the goose is bad for the gander, then most everything stated above also holds water.

We (the human race) should work for the betterment of all no matter what. Those that work against that should be shunned and fought when they impose themselves on our main objective of working together for the benefit all.

Last but not least, fighting for the benefit of all and against evil should not forsake what makes us better. In simple words and like Michelle Obama said. When they go low, we go high. People like Trump that takes us to the gutter to fight is not being faithful to the idea that we should be better. Fighting injustice with injustice is not a solution.

Anyone on either side of the coin (Republicans and Democrats) should take heed. This is about humanity to all and not about party affiliations. If we give loyalty to humankind and do what is right for all, we will be in the winning party..............of humankind. It is the path that makes us all winners.
All of that is basically true, but we likely diverge greatly in how to apply it.
All of that is basically true, but we likely diverge greatly in how to apply it.

No, God and the basics of being a good person are very clear and application of those are clear as well. Anyone that wishes and works against thy neighbor is evil. Even if the neighbor is evil and has to be fought, we fight with good and not with the same evil that the neighbor might be showing.

Debasing, wishing ill, and unfair attacks on the neighbor is being on the wrong side.
He's making hundreds of millions by shoveling taxpayer dollars into properties he owns. Refusing the 400k salary is good PR. You're the proof: it worked on you!

Trump's net worth has gone down precipitously since he won the election:

In 2016, Forbes estimated Trump's net worth at $3.7 billion.[24][25] During the three years after Trump announced his presidential run in 2015, Forbes estimated his net worth declined 31% and his ranking fell 138 spots.

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
No, God and the basics of being a good person are very clear and application of those are clear as well. Anyone that wishes and works against thy neighbor is evil. Even if the neighbor is evil and has to be fought, we fight with good and not with the same evil that the neighbor might be showing.

Debasing, wishing ill, and unfair attacks on the neighbor is being on the wrong side.
I agree with everything you say there as well, but again, the devil isn’t in the details.
I'm keeping my BMW. Jesus wants me to have it.
I'm keeping my BMW. Jesus wants me to have it.

Overpriced and underperforming, together with overpriced maintenance and not enough resale value to justify any of it anymore.
Same goes for Audi and MBZ as well.
All used to be remarkably good makes, but in the last ten years build quality down, defects up, maintenance skyrocketed.
Actually, he got hundreds of millions by allying himself with the Blackrock Group in 2001, who is a company backed by Russian mafia. No other banks than Russian backed banks (the Deutsche Bank for example) would loan him money. He was in debt to the tune of $1.17 billion dollars and if it wasn't for the loans from the Deutsche Bank, the help he got from the Bayrock group and the 13 Russian Oligarchs that stayed at Trump Towers and bought properties from him at 2 and 3 times their value, Trump would likely be begging in the streets.

Hundreds of millions of dirty dollars is what Trump has.

Check it all out. Google my words and see if they are not fact.

So the **** what?

If he broke US laws, call 911 or Pelosi. She will be even more surprised than she is from the botox injections to find out that she missed THAT morsel during the impeachment circus.
So the **** what?

If he broke US laws, call 911 or Pelosi. She will be even more surprised than she is from the botox injections to find out that she missed THAT morsel during the impeachment circus.

This is not about breaking laws. It is evident he didn't or he wouldn't be president. It is all about how he made his money because of the Russian. You do understand that most people are thankful to those that help you out of a tough spot. You must remember though, that the Russian are stated enemies of our nation. If the enemies of our enemies are our friends, the friends of our enemies must be our enemies and that means that Trump is an enemy.
Can't argue. I have an Audi too. The BMW is the worst as far as maintenance costs go. Dealers and independent repair shops will gouge you. I do disagree on the underperforming. Its fast and fun.

Jesus loves overpriced cars.

Overpriced and underperforming, together with overpriced maintenance and not enough resale value to justify any of it anymore.
Same goes for Audi and MBZ as well.
All used to be remarkably good makes, but in the last ten years build quality down, defects up, maintenance skyrocketed.
Trump's net worth has gone down precipitously since he won the election:

Yes, his brand was in a death spiral due to his mental breakdown over the years prior to his running for office. Part of why he's been so desperate to shovel taxpayer dollars into his coffers.

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