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The Most Extreme Republican Platform in Memory (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 29, 2012
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On an island. Not that one!
Political Leaning
To date I've seen little notice of the two parties platforms - those statements of political platitudes and dreams for the future. Then I read the editorial in the NYTimes and started looking around the internets for commentary

The Most Extreme Republican Platform in Memory

For all the disruption and damage that Donald Trump has meant for Republicans, the party’s statement of its views in its newly written convention platform rivals him for shock value. Platforms are traditionally written by and for the party faithful and largely ignored by everyone else. But this year, the Republicans are putting out an agenda that demands notice.

It is as though, rather than trying to reconcile Mr. Trump’s heretical views with conservative orthodoxy, the writers of the platform simply opted to go with the most extreme version of every position. Tailored to Mr. Trump’s impulsive bluster, this document lays bare just how much the G.O.P. is driven by a regressive, extremist inner core.

Though most who comment here on Debate Politics will deny the inherent racism and xenophobia that others see in the present day GOP, the 2016 GOP platform quite openly supports the idea that many Americans believe this nation should be a white-majority, Christian nation with little if any support for the neediest citizens, whether medical, housing or education. That taxes on the "job creators" need to cut even more and that the federal government should be stopped from regulating business in any fashion. To me, the advocates of these right wing and libertarian fantasies seem to be unable or unwilling to learn anything about the world as it is and not as they wish it were.

A few examples from the platform:

1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections
3: Appoint judges who will eliminate abortion, stop same-sex marriage and eliminate Obamacare
4: Allow LGBT discrimination on religious grounds
5: Allow Christian displays and Biblical statements on public property and government buildings including public schools
6: End public funding of Planned Parenthood
7: Eliminate any requirements for GMO labeling on food products
8: Allow drilling and mining on all federal lands, including parks and along the nation's shores
9: Privatize Medicare
10: Eliminate "net neutrality"
11: Make English the official language of the United States, eliminating most programs which assist those who don't speak English
12: Build the wall along the Mexican border
13: No government assistance for 'non-traditional' marriages and families
14: Require Bible study in public schools
15: Work toward eliminating public schools
16: Abstinence-only sex ed classes for teens
17: Increase the Pentagon's budget
18: Ignore the Iran nuclear treaty and increase America's nuclear armaments
I worry more about actual law than proposed changes to it.

Many of those are no more extreme than allowing the (non-preventable?) pre-existing condition of age to be used to increase medical insurance premium rates but banning consideration of the (preventable?) pre-existing condition of obesity. Insurance rates should be based on sound actuarial risk whether deemed to be "politically correct" or not.
when hillary gets tired of pummeling tRump's lack of character and experience, she could use this as target practice:
1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections
3: Appoint judges who will eliminate abortion, stop same-sex marriage and eliminate Obamacare
4: Allow LGBT discrimination on religious grounds
5: Allow Christian displays and Biblical statements on public property and government buildings including public schools
6: End public funding of Planned Parenthood
7: Eliminate any requirements for GMO labeling on food products
8: Allow drilling and mining on all federal lands, including parks and along the nation's shores
9: Privatize Medicare
10: Eliminate "net neutrality"
11: Make English the official language of the United States, eliminating most programs which assist those who don't speak English
12: Build the wall along the Mexican border
13: No government assistance for 'non-traditional' marriages and families
14: Require Bible study in public schools
15: Work toward eliminating public schools
16: Abstinence-only sex ed classes for teens
17: Increase the Pentagon's budget
18: Ignore the Iran nuclear treaty and increase America's nuclear armaments
To date I've seen little notice of the two parties platforms - those statements of political platitudes and dreams for the future. Then I read the editorial in the NYTimes and started looking around the internets for commentary

Though most who comment here on Debate Politics will deny the inherent racism and xenophobia that others see in the present day GOP, the 2016 GOP platform quite openly supports the idea that many Americans believe this nation should be a white-majority, Christian nation with little if any support for the neediest citizens, whether medical, housing or education. That taxes on the "job creators" need to cut even more and that the federal government should be stopped from regulating business in any fashion. To me, the advocates of these right wing and libertarian fantasies seem to be unable or unwilling to learn anything about the world as it is and not as they wish it were.

A few examples from the platform:

1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections
3: Appoint judges who will eliminate abortion, stop same-sex marriage and eliminate Obamacare
4: Allow LGBT discrimination on religious grounds
5: Allow Christian displays and Biblical statements on public property and government buildings including public schools
6: End public funding of Planned Parenthood
7: Eliminate any requirements for GMO labeling on food products
8: Allow drilling and mining on all federal lands, including parks and along the nation's shores
9: Privatize Medicare
10: Eliminate "net neutrality"
11: Make English the official language of the United States, eliminating most programs which assist those who don't speak English
12: Build the wall along the Mexican border
13: No government assistance for 'non-traditional' marriages and families
14: Require Bible study in public schools
15: Work toward eliminating public schools
16: Abstinence-only sex ed classes for teens
17: Increase the Pentagon's budget
18: Ignore the Iran nuclear treaty and increase America's nuclear armaments

Does it take a lot of work to be so racist?

Sorry... I must have missed White Indoctrination Day where I was supposed to be informed I have to support all that, because I'm white, and conversely my black family members must have missed their Black Indoctrination Day where they would have been informed that they couldn't ever want things like - oh - to ever dare want to increase the Pentagon's Budget (such a white thing to do!)


Why don't you get to writing a book, for me. In it you can espouse the values that only you feel WHITES should support (include punishments for those who do not abide by your code), in the front of the book, of course. And in the BACK of the book you can then list the things that only BLACK people should ever support and of course we know that black people who break those rules get hung.


That way we can follow your racist bible code to the T, please you mightily, and never EVER dare cross the line into FREE THINKING.

What in the **** are you really thinking? I think looking at that and finding racism in it takes a racist mentality. Wipe your brow, all that sweat. Must be hard work to shape everything in life that way.
To date I've seen little notice of the two parties platforms - those statements of political platitudes and dreams for the future. Then I read the editorial in the NYTimes and started looking around the internets for commentary

Though most who comment here on Debate Politics will deny the inherent racism and xenophobia that others see in the present day GOP, the 2016 GOP platform quite openly supports the idea that many Americans believe this nation should be a white-majority, Christian nation with little if any support for the neediest citizens, whether medical, housing or education. That taxes on the "job creators" need to cut even more and that the federal government should be stopped from regulating business in any fashion. To me, the advocates of these right wing and libertarian fantasies seem to be unable or unwilling to learn anything about the world as it is and not as they wish it were.

A few examples from the platform:

1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections
3: Appoint judges who will eliminate abortion, stop same-sex marriage and eliminate Obamacare
4: Allow LGBT discrimination on religious grounds
5: Allow Christian displays and Biblical statements on public property and government buildings including public schools
6: End public funding of Planned Parenthood
7: Eliminate any requirements for GMO labeling on food products
8: Allow drilling and mining on all federal lands, including parks and along the nation's shores
9: Privatize Medicare
10: Eliminate "net neutrality"
11: Make English the official language of the United States, eliminating most programs which assist those who don't speak English
12: Build the wall along the Mexican border
13: No government assistance for 'non-traditional' marriages and families
14: Require Bible study in public schools
15: Work toward eliminating public schools
16: Abstinence-only sex ed classes for teens
17: Increase the Pentagon's budget
18: Ignore the Iran nuclear treaty and increase America's nuclear armaments

Perhaps you can quote particular parts of the Republican Platform that support these claims you've listed. I mean, it's easy to say the platform calls for all of these, but knowing the way the left likes to spin, hyperbolize and take stuff out of context I'd like to see the exact wording used by the Republicans.

Can you do that? Or do you prefer that I research the whole document...in effect, do your homework for you?
To date I've seen little notice of the two parties platforms - those statements of political platitudes and dreams for the future. Then I read the editorial in the NYTimes and started looking around the internets for commentary

Though most who comment here on Debate Politics will deny the inherent racism and xenophobia that others see in the present day GOP, the 2016 GOP platform quite openly supports the idea that many Americans believe this nation should be a white-majority, Christian nation with little if any support for the neediest citizens, whether medical, housing or education. That taxes on the "job creators" need to cut even more and that the federal government should be stopped from regulating business in any fashion. To me, the advocates of these right wing and libertarian fantasies seem to be unable or unwilling to learn anything about the world as it is and not as they wish it were.

A few examples from the platform:

1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections
3: Appoint judges who will eliminate abortion, stop same-sex marriage and eliminate Obamacare
4: Allow LGBT discrimination on religious grounds
5: Allow Christian displays and Biblical statements on public property and government buildings including public schools
6: End public funding of Planned Parenthood
7: Eliminate any requirements for GMO labeling on food products
8: Allow drilling and mining on all federal lands, including parks and along the nation's shores
9: Privatize Medicare
10: Eliminate "net neutrality"
11: Make English the official language of the United States, eliminating most programs which assist those who don't speak English
12: Build the wall along the Mexican border
13: No government assistance for 'non-traditional' marriages and families
14: Require Bible study in public schools
15: Work toward eliminating public schools
16: Abstinence-only sex ed classes for teens
17: Increase the Pentagon's budget
18: Ignore the Iran nuclear treaty and increase America's nuclear armaments

That's an impressively depressing list. Is there a crosswalk between the list and the actual 66 pages in the link? I read through the first 14 pages, and had to stop, because it appears your list is a tad exaggerated in it's claims if I correctly connected the first few on the list with their related parts of the 66 pages. Not completely exaggerated, but the list takes a good bit of poetic license in some of its conclusions.

Now, that isn't said by me to attempt to defend that monstrosity that is speckled with religiously justified bigotry and hatred. I only want us to be accurate and factual when hyperbolic BS is not required to criticize what is already a bad document. However, there are parts I agree with in the GOP platform in the 14 pages I read, but not many. Also, some of the points in the list you posted, are not bad and I agree even with them as being at least partially good - like parts of 8, the first half of 11 which is basically done already, number 12, a limited agreement with 17, and 18 if it's reworded to "renegotiate" instead of "ignore" but we do not need to increase our nuclear arsenal. All the rest are anti-American and IMHO, unconstitutional.

But, again, my main request from you is to see if there's a crosswalk between the list and the 66 page document?
Does it take a lot of work to be so racist?

Sorry... I must have missed White Indoctrination Day where I was supposed to be informed I have to support all that, because I'm white, and conversely my black family members must have missed their Black Indoctrination Day where they would have been informed that they couldn't ever want things like - oh - to ever dare want to increase the Pentagon's Budget (such a white thing to do!)


Why don't you get to writing a book, for me. In it you can espouse the values that only you feel WHITES should support (include punishments for those who do not abide by your code), in the front of the book, of course. And in the BACK of the book you can then list the things that only BLACK people should ever support and of course we know that black people who break those rules get hung.


That way we can follow your racist bible code to the T, please you mightily, and never EVER dare cross the line into FREE THINKING.

What in the **** are you really thinking? I think looking at that and finding racism in it takes a racist mentality. Wipe your brow, all that sweat. Must be hard work to shape everything in life that way.

If you look at the Republican platform....the list seems to describe it fairly accurately. So what on the list are you against?
Perhaps you can quote particular parts of the Republican Platform that support these claims you've listed. I mean, it's easy to say the platform calls for all of these, but knowing the way the left likes to spin, hyperbolize and take stuff out of context I'd like to see the exact wording used by the Republicans.

Can you do that? Or do you prefer that I research the whole document...in effect, do your homework for you?

Absolutely. I just read that the Democrat platform demands all white males who haven't been neutered be castrated at their own expense. Oh, the horror. Of course, that's not true. I'm making fun of those who choose to lie outrageously and the suckers who fall for it.

I'm especially intrigued in the section of the Republican Plantform that says:
"1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections"

But, here's the Republican Party Platform. Sadly, someone didn't bother to read it or they read it and chose to lie.

Please, let me know when you can quote the section that says all environmental protections will be erased and the one that says there will be absolutely no regulation of banks or Wall Street.

The Republican Platform isn't bad but I don't think for a minute the Republican Party or the clown they're running will actually support any of it.
If you look at the Republican platform....the list seems to describe it fairly accurately. So what on the list are you against?

Odd - I've read the platform, as well, and find his crude summary doesn't address everything accurately. I'll chalk it up to 'misconstruing the facts in order to make an outlandish statement about race'.

I'll happily dig into the platforms - just not in a thread destined for the sewer.
To date I've seen little notice of the two parties platforms - those statements of political platitudes and dreams for the future. Then I read the editorial in the NYTimes and started looking around the internets for commentary

Though most who comment here on Debate Politics will deny the inherent racism and xenophobia that others see in the present day GOP, the 2016 GOP platform quite openly supports the idea that many Americans believe this nation should be a white-majority, Christian nation with little if any support for the neediest citizens, whether medical, housing or education. That taxes on the "job creators" need to cut even more and that the federal government should be stopped from regulating business in any fashion. To me, the advocates of these right wing and libertarian fantasies seem to be unable or unwilling to learn anything about the world as it is and not as they wish it were.

A few examples from the platform:

1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections
3: Appoint judges who will eliminate abortion, stop same-sex marriage and eliminate Obamacare
4: Allow LGBT discrimination on religious grounds
5: Allow Christian displays and Biblical statements on public property and government buildings including public schools
6: End public funding of Planned Parenthood
7: Eliminate any requirements for GMO labeling on food products
8: Allow drilling and mining on all federal lands, including parks and along the nation's shores
9: Privatize Medicare
10: Eliminate "net neutrality"
11: Make English the official language of the United States, eliminating most programs which assist those who don't speak English
12: Build the wall along the Mexican border
13: No government assistance for 'non-traditional' marriages and families
14: Require Bible study in public schools
15: Work toward eliminating public schools
16: Abstinence-only sex ed classes for teens
17: Increase the Pentagon's budget
18: Ignore the Iran nuclear treaty and increase America's nuclear armaments

This thread would be really funny if I thought you didn't really mean it.

But then again.............. it's really sad.

Could you post some more 1/2 truths or outright lies?
Perhaps you can quote particular parts of the Republican Platform that support these claims you've listed. I mean, it's easy to say the platform calls for all of these, but knowing the way the left likes to spin, hyperbolize and take stuff out of context I'd like to see the exact wording used by the Republicans.

Can you do that? Or do you prefer that I research the whole document...in effect, do your homework for you?

How about what you think the republican platform is.
I wasn't even able to find the racism in his list. I guess I'm not so sensitive about racism as some people. I don't see much of it around here.
How about what you think the republican platform is.


I'll wait and see if Somerville is going to support his post or not. If he does, I'll see what he's got. If he doesn't, I won't waste my time in this thread.

You see, I don't really care about either Party Platform.

I'll wait and see if Somerville is going to support his post or not. If he does, I'll see what he's got. If he doesn't, I won't waste my time in this thread.

You see, I don't really care about either Party Platform.
Nice deflection.
Absolutely. I just read that the Democrat platform demands all white males who haven't been neutered be castrated at their own expense. Oh, the horror. Of course, that's not true. I'm making fun of those who choose to lie outrageously and the suckers who fall for it.

I'm especially intrigued in the section of the Republican Plantform that says:
"1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections"

But, here's the Republican Party Platform. Sadly, someone didn't bother to read it or they read it and chose to lie.


Please, let me know when you can quote the section that says all environmental protections will be erased and the one that says there will be absolutely no regulation of banks or Wall Street.

The Republican Platform isn't bad but I don't think for a minute the Republican Party or the clown they're running will actually support any of it.
do you have something more current?
here is the problem with your cite that causes me to ask that question:
Choose a Section below or download and read the full 2012 Republican Platform
This seems to be nothing but a troll post. Half truths at best in the list.
To date I've seen little notice of the two parties platforms - those statements of political platitudes and dreams for the future. Then I read the editorial in the NYTimes and started looking around the internets for commentary

Though most who comment here on Debate Politics will deny the inherent racism and xenophobia that others see in the present day GOP, the 2016 GOP platform quite openly supports the idea that many Americans believe this nation should be a white-majority, Christian nation with little if any support for the neediest citizens, whether medical, housing or education. That taxes on the "job creators" need to cut even more and that the federal government should be stopped from regulating business in any fashion. To me, the advocates of these right wing and libertarian fantasies seem to be unable or unwilling to learn anything about the world as it is and not as they wish it were.

A few examples from the platform:

1: Remove all federal regulations from the banking industry and Wall Street
2: Erase all environmental protections
3: Appoint judges who will eliminate abortion, stop same-sex marriage and eliminate Obamacare
4: Allow LGBT discrimination on religious grounds
5: Allow Christian displays and Biblical statements on public property and government buildings including public schools
6: End public funding of Planned Parenthood
7: Eliminate any requirements for GMO labeling on food products
8: Allow drilling and mining on all federal lands, including parks and along the nation's shores
9: Privatize Medicare
10: Eliminate "net neutrality"
11: Make English the official language of the United States, eliminating most programs which assist those who don't speak English
12: Build the wall along the Mexican border
13: No government assistance for 'non-traditional' marriages and families
14: Require Bible study in public schools
15: Work toward eliminating public schools
16: Abstinence-only sex ed classes for teens
17: Increase the Pentagon's budget
18: Ignore the Iran nuclear treaty and increase America's nuclear armaments

Your post is totally disingenuous. There is no list like that in the source. Those are summations in your own words. Try again.
do you have something more current?
here is the problem with your cite that causes me to ask that question:

Well, that's sufficient answer to my questions to Somerville.

I'm certain he won't justify his contentions based on the Republican's current platform.

Perhaps you can quote particular parts of the Republican Platform that support these claims you've listed. I mean, it's easy to say the platform calls for all of these, but knowing the way the left likes to spin, hyperbolize and take stuff out of context I'd like to see the exact wording used by the Republicans.

Can you do that? Or do you prefer that I research the whole document...in effect, do your homework for you?

Since you're going to vote for the platform, perhaps you should read it so you know what you support.
Since you're going to vote for the platform, perhaps you should read it so you know what you support.


What on earth gives you the idea I am going to vote for the Republican Platform?

Heck, I'm not even a Republican.

What on earth gives you the idea I am going to vote for the Republican Platform?

Heck, I'm not even a Republican.

When you vote, will you be voting for the Republican ticket? If so, you are voting in favor of their platform.
When you vote, will you be voting for the Republican ticket? If so, you are voting in favor of their platform.

When I vote, I vote for the individual or the issue...so no, I do not vote for a Party Platform.

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