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The Mid-Terms Results Thread [W:517] (1 Viewer)

Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Let them gloat during this 6-year itch when they should have blown out the DEMs.
We'll enjoy the daily GOP civil war and the 24 Senate GOPs up for reelection in 2016 Senate compared to only ten for the DEMs .

uhhh... no. What you smell is your own gloating. Had you read any of my posts on this election earlier you'd know I was hoping the GOP take over the senate. It will provide a scenario where the GOP blows up in 2016 all while getting nothing done for two years for not being able to surpass a filibuster or a veto if they did.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

uhhh... no. What you smell is your own gloating. Had you read any of my posts on this election earlier you'd know I was hoping the GOP take over the senate. It will provide a scenario where the GOP blows up in 2016 all while getting nothing done for two years for not being able to surpass a filibuster or a veto if they did.

Thing is Rob, I'm not gloating. Not in the least.

If the Republicans can't get their **** together, it may very well wok out like what you are describing.

Sure, I'm hoping not, for the sake of the country, but I don't deny that it isn't a possibility.

If anything, there's far more work ahead given this positive result. A small win, as you've said, but it's one to build on. Let's see if they can do it.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Even so, I really, really hope that the Senate Republicans don't use the nuclear option, or at least don't over use it.

I don't see the gain in doing so. The Senate Democrats lost much of the electorate support, such as we are seeing the result of here, by doing so, IMHO.

Better to leave your opponent a chance to save face, and him knowing that you've allowed him to do so. Next time around, he'll do the same for you, or at least may be in a more negotiating mood for it. It's better for the process of governing.

I believe this is where McConnell will shine.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Cool story bro.

Looky everybody. A new throw away post from US Conservative. And he uses it over and over. You so cool.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Probably, but if the GOP prevails, those 300 plus passed House bills will be brought to the floor and debated. Not necessarily passed. It will be the Democrats turn to filibuster and of course the presidents veto.

Doubtful. The Senate works on a different dynamic than the House. They will be positioning themselves to get back the WH, not polarizing the public with redherrings. What will likely happen is that they will push more centrist legislation with twists that draw the veto or the filabuster so they can claim the highground as trying bipartisanship for 2016.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

uhhh... no. What you smell is your own gloating. Had you read any of my posts on this election earlier you'd know I was hoping the GOP take over the senate. It will provide a scenario where the GOP blows up in 2016 all while getting nothing done for two years for not being able to surpass a filibuster or a veto if they did.

Obviously a minority opinion.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Based on voting record and overall popularity/notoriety. The national contest will be popularity contest that they would fail.

The national contest is one for electoral votes. the ability to put Wisconsin in play and Ohio in the bag is huge.

To be fair, I don't think Kasich can win the nomination.
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Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Thing is Rob, I'm not gloating. Not in the least.

If the Republicans can't get their **** together, it may very well wok out like what you are describing.

Sure, I'm hoping not, for the sake of the country, but I don't deny that it isn't a possibility.

If anything, there's far more work ahead given this positive result. A small win, as you've said, but it's one to build on. Let's see if they can do it.

If they do win over the senate I don't think it will be all clown car. They will be expected to get stuff done so I think compromise will be bigger then than it is now just to get anything done. Right now the GOP can blame the senate for not getting things done. Won't be the case if they gain control.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

I'm watching Chris Matthews, it's awesome. In response to the IL governors race he literally said, disgustedly, "unbelievable". :lamo
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Turtleman (no relation) gave a classy speech saying Alison Losergrun Grimes ran a great race and she earned his respect. She had a rather bitter "concession" speech where she never mentioned Mitch McConnell nor did she wish him well

she proved again she was a lightweight twit and even the usually Dem Cheerleaders on CBS noted she got thrashed in a surprising bit of ass whipping in a race that was supposed to be a nail biter
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

GOPs have seven Senators from Blue states up for reelection in 2016.
They'll be lucky to get 50 votes on Cruz-type legislation.
Wait until Scalise from the House gives Mitch fits .

Of course a very low voter turnout midterm election sounds like mandate to you. :lol:
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

I hope Ernst pulls it off somehow - I like her feisty attitude! :thumbs:

She has closed to within 5,000 with 47% reporting. I want to see who wins in North Carolina before I hit the hay. I forecast Hagan. Tillis is up with 96% reporting. So far the only thing I missed was Georgia going to a runoff, but I had Perdue winning in January.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

I'm watching Chris Matthews, it's awesome. In response to the IL governors race he literally said, disgustedly, "unbelievable". :lamo

what happened there-looking at local races now
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

I believe this is where McConnell will shine.

It'd be the difference between a politician and a statesman. I sure hope that this is where McConnell will shine, and I wish him well on that path.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

The national contest is one for electoral votes. the ability to put Wisconsin in play and Ohio in the bag is huge.

Very true. Ohio would be a massive gain if he could deliver it.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Doubtful. The Senate works on a different dynamic than the House. They will be positioning themselves to get back the WH, not polarizing the public with redherrings. What will likely happen is that they will push more centrist legislation with twists that draw the veto or the filabuster so they can claim the highground as trying bipartisanship for 2016.

We will see, but I do not trust McConnell. Perhaps the only one I distrust less is Reid.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Pelosi was sure in 06, so it must be, no.

One can only guess where she put her gavel.

You keep banking on midterm "mandates". lol
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

We still have a Democrat in the White House. He's not going anywhere. :)
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

uhhh... no. What you smell is your own gloating. Had you read any of my posts on this election earlier you'd know I was hoping the GOP take over the senate. It will provide a scenario where the GOP blows up in 2016 all while getting nothing done for two years for not being able to surpass a filibuster or a veto if they did.

'Cause there was no left wing gloating after the last presidential race.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

'Cause there was no left wing gloating after the last presidential race.

And x factor drops in with his usual "how can I make this an equivalence" post. That dead horse of yours has long been buried.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

I have thoughts Grim--something you're not used to.
All you've had to me all night is drive-by shots with no thoughts.
Something we're all use to, both parties .
How classy of you Nimby.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

If they do win over the senate I don't think it will be all clown car. They will be expected to get stuff done so I think compromise will be bigger then than it is now just to get anything done. Right now the GOP can blame the senate for not getting things done. Won't be the case if they gain control.

The smaller the clown car from both sides, the better for the country, I'm thinking. Hopefully, cooler and more statesmanship heads will prevail for the better of the country.
Re: The Mid-Terms Results Thread

Both parties are worse then useless, IMO...so either way America loses.


There's a lot of merit to this. In a Democracy the people get the government they deserve.

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