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The Lobster (1 Viewer)


Ice Cream for Crow?
DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2013
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Political Leaning
Saw this at a small indie theater last night (serves beer and wine woo).

Great flick, about as original as it gets, fantastic acting by Colin Farrel and Olivia Colman (Broadchurch) and Rachel Wiecz and John C. Reilly.

I love a film that is so completely odd and complex and isn't one that has to pander to the masses. Going to be worth another watch.

Saw this at a small indie theater last night (serves beer and wine woo).

Great flick, about as original as it gets, fantastic acting by Colin Farrel and Olivia Colman (Broadchurch) and Rachel Wiecz and John C. Reilly.

I love a film that is so completely odd and complex and isn't one that has to pander to the masses. Going to be worth another watch.

That sounds like good down to earth stuff!
Saw this at a small indie theater last night (serves beer and wine woo).

Great flick, about as original as it gets, fantastic acting by Colin Farrel and Olivia Colman (Broadchurch) and Rachel Wiecz and John C. Reilly.

I love a film that is so completely odd and complex and isn't one that has to pander to the masses. Going to be worth another watch.

I love weird shows like this. Going to buy and watch it this weekend.
I love weird shows like this. Going to buy and watch it this weekend.

Not sure if its for sale yet. It is really strange, parts of it get a bit much, but you won't find a film as original as this. Its like Being John Malkovich or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but if they were written by Franz Kafka.
Not sure if its for sale yet. It is really strange, parts of it get a bit much, but you won't find a film as original as this. Its like Being John Malkovich or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but if they were written by Franz Kafka.

It is, I just bought it on Amazon instant video. :mrgreen:

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