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The lesbian kiss at Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
With all the legitimate issues out there, THIS is Trumpsters have been freaking out over, and is exemplified by the following tweet by a so-called family values organization:

"Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade"

Trump supporters questioning the moral values of other people? Hah!! My wife directed me to the perfect Twitter comeback..... Kaboom!!

"Uh, have parents been quarantining their children in hermetically sealed bomb shelters the past 22 months, because I’m pretty sure that’s how long Donald Trump has been president. If their innocence hasn’t been broken by now, you’d pretty much have to turn Nickelodeon into a 24/7 Tijuana donkey show channel to make that happen."

And Trump IS a Tijuana donkey show all by himself, and people who claim to be evangelicals (but are really not - The Bible actually has some pretty nasty things to say about them) support him. Biblically speaking, they have already sold their souls, and dare to question the morals of others?

And now to address the lesbians who kissed on national TV - Being a straight guy, I will probably never understand why some people are gay, but as someone who supports the Constitution, I wish both of you a wonderful life together, if that is where that kiss is heading. God bless both of you.

And as for the LGBT thing, I am giving that a try. I got the lettuce, bacon, and tomato, but I can't for the life of me understand what the G is. Gorgonzola? Nah, not a great match. In fact, any kind of cheese on a BLT ruins the whole concept. So, to everyone in the LGBT community, please help me out. I'm hungry as hell, and can't finish making the damn sandwich. What the hell is the ****ing G?
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With all the legitimate issues out there, THIS is Trumpsters have been freaking out over, and is exemplified by the following tweet by a so-called family values organization:

"Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade"

Trump supporters questioning the moral values of other people? Hah!! My wife directed me to the perfect Twitter comeback..... Kaboom!!

"Uh, have parents been quarantining their children in hermetically sealed bomb shelters the past 22 months, because I’m pretty sure that’s how long Donald Trump has been president. If their innocence hasn’t been broken by now, you’d pretty much have to turn Nickelodeon into a 24/7 Tijuana donkey show channel to make that happen."

And Trump IS a Tijuana donkey show all by himself, and people who claim to be evangelicals (but are really not - The Bible actually has some pretty nasty things to say about them) support him. Biblically speaking, they have already sold their souls, and dare to question the morals of others.

And now to address the lesbians who kissed on national TV - Being a straight guy, I will probably never understand why some people are gay, but as someone who supports the Constitution, I wish both of you a wonderful life together, if that is where that kiss is heading. God bless both of you.

And as for the LGBT thing, I am giving that a try. I got the lettuce, bacon, and tomato, but I can't for the life of me understand what the G is. Gorgnzola? Nah, not a great match. In fact, any kind of cheese on a BLT ruins the whole concept. So, to everyone in the LGBT community, please help me out. I'm hungry as hell, and can't finish making the damn sandwich. What the hell is the ****ing G?

Grape Jam. Make it like Elvis did.
With all the legitimate issues out there, THIS is Trumpsters have been freaking out over, and is exemplified by the following tweet by a so-called family values organization:

"Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade"

Trump supporters questioning the moral values of other people? Hah!! My wife directed me to the perfect Twitter comeback..... Kaboom!!

"Uh, have parents been quarantining their children in hermetically sealed bomb shelters the past 22 months, because I’m pretty sure that’s how long Donald Trump has been president. If their innocence hasn’t been broken by now, you’d pretty much have to turn Nickelodeon into a 24/7 Tijuana donkey show channel to make that happen."

And Trump IS a Tijuana donkey show all by himself, and people who claim to be evangelicals (but are really not - The Bible actually has some pretty nasty things to say about them) support him. Biblically speaking, they have already sold their souls, and dare to question the morals of others?

And now to address the lesbians who kissed on national TV - Being a straight guy, I will probably never understand why some people are gay, but as someone who supports the Constitution, I wish both of you a wonderful life together, if that is where that kiss is heading. God bless both of you.

And as for the LGBT thing, I am giving that a try. I got the lettuce, bacon, and tomato, but I can't for the life of me understand what the G is. Gorgonzola? Nah, not a great match. In fact, any kind of cheese on a BLT ruins the whole concept. So, to everyone in the LGBT community, please help me out. I'm hungry as hell, and can't finish making the damn sandwich. What the hell is the ****ing G?

I guess it is a cultural thing.
Kisses between same sexes are no big deal in other places.
I have seen war footage of when two Russian armies met each other and the soldiers kissed each other and hugged as they met up.
Yes, I am sure the meetup was staged, but the gestures were still no big deal over there.

Being a straight Texan, lesbians kissing each other does not bother me one bit.
I am secure in my manhood to not let it bother me.

However, If i see two men kiss each other on the lips in sexual passion i want to puke.
Funny how that is.
My wife wants to puke if she sees either one.
I guess it is a cultural thing.
Kisses between same sexes are no big deal in other places.
I have seen war footage of when two Russian armies met each other and the soldiers kissed each other and hugged as they met up.
Yes, I am sure the meetup was staged, but the gestures were still no big deal over there.

Being a straight Texan, lesbians kissing each other does not bother me one bit.
I am secure in my manhood to not let it bother me.

However, If i see two men kiss each other on the lips in sexual passion i want to puke.
Funny how that is.
Does not bother you? Is possibly arousal, this female kissing?
Does not bother you? Is possibly arousal, this female kissing?

I would agree with that.
I have volunteered to hold the mirror for the lesbian friends i used to know, but they always turned me down.
Ditto to the camera.
I also really enjoy F/F spanking.
Want me to send you a clip from my extensive library?

(hey, you brought it up)
With all the legitimate issues out there, THIS is Trumpsters have been freaking out over, and is exemplified by the following tweet by a so-called family values organization:

"Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade"

Trump supporters questioning the moral values of other people? Hah!! My wife directed me to the perfect Twitter comeback..... Kaboom!!

"Uh, have parents been quarantining their children in hermetically sealed bomb shelters the past 22 months, because I’m pretty sure that’s how long Donald Trump has been president. If their innocence hasn’t been broken by now, you’d pretty much have to turn Nickelodeon into a 24/7 Tijuana donkey show channel to make that happen."

And Trump IS a Tijuana donkey show all by himself, and people who claim to be evangelicals (but are really not - The Bible actually has some pretty nasty things to say about them) support him. Biblically speaking, they have already sold their souls, and dare to question the morals of others?

And now to address the lesbians who kissed on national TV - Being a straight guy, I will probably never understand why some people are gay, but as someone who supports the Constitution, I wish both of you a wonderful life together, if that is where that kiss is heading. God bless both of you.

And as for the LGBT thing, I am giving that a try. I got the lettuce, bacon, and tomato, but I can't for the life of me understand what the G is. Gorgonzola? Nah, not a great match. In fact, any kind of cheese on a BLT ruins the whole concept. So, to everyone in the LGBT community, please help me out. I'm hungry as hell, and can't finish making the damn sandwich. What the hell is the ****ing G?

Funny....One would think that if this is what Trump supporters were freaking out over that I would have heard about it before your post. Alas though your post is the first time I'd heard about it. Guess its not that big of a freak out.

Btw....how do you know that they're Trump supporters?

Wait...I JUST clicked on your links to see what was being said. All of them are twitter. Not a single one to a news source. Guess its not THAT big after all. :shrug:
Being a straight Texan, lesbians kissing each other does not bother me one bit.
I am secure in my manhood to not let it bother me.

However, If i see two men kiss each other on the lips in sexual passion i want to puke.
Funny how that is.
My wife wants to puke if she sees either one.

I must be honest and concur. I guess that makes me hypocritical but just being truthful here.
I would agree with that.
I have volunteered to hold the mirror for the lesbian friends i used to know, but they always turned me down.
Ditto to the camera.
I also really enjoy F/F spanking.
Want me to send you a clip from my extensive library?

(hey, you brought it up)

No. You did.:peace
With all the legitimate issues out there, THIS is Trumpsters have been freaking out over, and is exemplified by the following tweet by a so-called family values organization:

"Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade"

Trump supporters questioning the moral values of other people? Hah!! My wife directed me to the perfect Twitter comeback..... Kaboom!!

"Uh, have parents been quarantining their children in hermetically sealed bomb shelters the past 22 months, because I’m pretty sure that’s how long Donald Trump has been president. If their innocence hasn’t been broken by now, you’d pretty much have to turn Nickelodeon into a 24/7 Tijuana donkey show channel to make that happen."

And Trump IS a Tijuana donkey show all by himself, and people who claim to be evangelicals (but are really not - The Bible actually has some pretty nasty things to say about them) support him. Biblically speaking, they have already sold their souls, and dare to question the morals of others?

And now to address the lesbians who kissed on national TV - Being a straight guy, I will probably never understand why some people are gay, but as someone who supports the Constitution, I wish both of you a wonderful life together, if that is where that kiss is heading. God bless both of you.

And as for the LGBT thing, I am giving that a try. I got the lettuce, bacon, and tomato, but I can't for the life of me understand what the G is. Gorgonzola? Nah, not a great match. In fact, any kind of cheese on a BLT ruins the whole concept. So, to everyone in the LGBT community, please help me out. I'm hungry as hell, and can't finish making the damn sandwich. What the hell is the ****ing G?

If you haven't been watching the mainstream media you probably don't know how bad Trump is supposed to be.
With all the legitimate issues out there, THIS is Trumpsters have been freaking out over, and is exemplified by the following tweet by a so-called family values organization:

"Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade"

Trump supporters questioning the moral values of other people? Hah!! My wife directed me to the perfect Twitter comeback..... Kaboom!!

"Uh, have parents been quarantining their children in hermetically sealed bomb shelters the past 22 months, because I’m pretty sure that’s how long Donald Trump has been president. If their innocence hasn’t been broken by now, you’d pretty much have to turn Nickelodeon into a 24/7 Tijuana donkey show channel to make that happen."

And Trump IS a Tijuana donkey show all by himself, and people who claim to be evangelicals (but are really not - The Bible actually has some pretty nasty things to say about them) support him. Biblically speaking, they have already sold their souls, and dare to question the morals of others?

And now to address the lesbians who kissed on national TV - Being a straight guy, I will probably never understand why some people are gay, but as someone who supports the Constitution, I wish both of you a wonderful life together, if that is where that kiss is heading. God bless both of you.

And as for the LGBT thing, I am giving that a try. I got the lettuce, bacon, and tomato, but I can't for the life of me understand what the G is. Gorgonzola? Nah, not a great match. In fact, any kind of cheese on a BLT ruins the whole concept. So, to everyone in the LGBT community, please help me out. I'm hungry as hell, and can't finish making the damn sandwich. What the hell is the ****ing G?

Grey poupon?
With all the legitimate issues out there, THIS is Trumpsters have been freaking out over, and is exemplified by the following tweet by a so-called family values organization:

"Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade"

Trump supporters questioning the moral values of other people? Hah!! My wife directed me to the perfect Twitter comeback..... Kaboom!!

"Uh, have parents been quarantining their children in hermetically sealed bomb shelters the past 22 months, because I’m pretty sure that’s how long Donald Trump has been president. If their innocence hasn’t been broken by now, you’d pretty much have to turn Nickelodeon into a 24/7 Tijuana donkey show channel to make that happen."

And Trump IS a Tijuana donkey show all by himself, and people who claim to be evangelicals (but are really not - The Bible actually has some pretty nasty things to say about them) support him. Biblically speaking, they have already sold their souls, and dare to question the morals of others?

And now to address the lesbians who kissed on national TV - Being a straight guy, I will probably never understand why some people are gay, but as someone who supports the Constitution, I wish both of you a wonderful life together, if that is where that kiss is heading. God bless both of you.

And as for the LGBT thing, I am giving that a try. I got the lettuce, bacon, and tomato, but I can't for the life of me understand what the G is. Gorgonzola? Nah, not a great match. In fact, any kind of cheese on a BLT ruins the whole concept. So, to everyone in the LGBT community, please help me out. I'm hungry as hell, and can't finish making the damn sandwich. What the hell is the ****ing G?

Hadn't heard or read about it until YOU brought it up.
Funny....One would think that if this is what Trump supporters were freaking out over that I would have heard about it before your post. Alas though your post is the first time I'd heard about it. Guess its not that big of a freak out.

Btw....how do you know that they're Trump supporters?

Wait...I JUST clicked on your links to see what was being said. All of them are twitter. Not a single one to a news source. Guess its not THAT big after all. :shrug:

It's in the news.


Here are a few of the Trump supporters website responses:



Macy's lesbian kiss inflames viewers

Teen lesbian kiss up front in Macy's parade | Conservative Angle





This is just a few out of thousands of responses from right wing web sites. And, yes, I call them Trumpsters. Are you prepared to claim that they vote Democrat?
Trumpsters are fine having a president who lies daily and who has affairs with porn stars as a role model for their kids. i doubt that the lesbian kiss even registers a tick on that scale.
Maybe that is what killed Elvis. :mrgreen:

Constipation killed him, (really, no chit)

It's nearly 2019, why is this even a 'thing' that anyone bothers to waste a minute of their life debating over?
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To Trumpers, two girls kissing during a parade is horrible, but a segregationist joking about public hangings in a lynching State is called a fine candidate for the US Senate.
I must be honest and concur. I guess that makes me hypocritical but just being truthful here.

I am not judging.
This is why personal preferences are personal.
The PC world has no business in your sexual desires and preferences.
Nothing hypocritical about it.
Why can’t we all just get along?
With all the legitimate issues out there, THIS is Trumpsters have been freaking out over, and is exemplified by the following tweet by a so-called family values organization:

"Millions of small children just watched two girls kiss and had their innocence broken this morning. @nbc and @Macys just blindsided parents who expected this to be a family program, so they could push their agenda on little kids. #macysthanksgivingdayparade #MacysDayParade"

Trump supporters questioning the moral values of other people? Hah!! My wife directed me to the perfect Twitter comeback..... Kaboom!!

"Uh, have parents been quarantining their children in hermetically sealed bomb shelters the past 22 months, because I’m pretty sure that’s how long Donald Trump has been president. If their innocence hasn’t been broken by now, you’d pretty much have to turn Nickelodeon into a 24/7 Tijuana donkey show channel to make that happen."

And Trump IS a Tijuana donkey show all by himself, and people who claim to be evangelicals (but are really not - The Bible actually has some pretty nasty things to say about them) support him. Biblically speaking, they have already sold their souls, and dare to question the morals of others?

And now to address the lesbians who kissed on national TV - Being a straight guy, I will probably never understand why some people are gay, but as someone who supports the Constitution, I wish both of you a wonderful life together, if that is where that kiss is heading. God bless both of you.

And as for the LGBT thing, I am giving that a try. I got the lettuce, bacon, and tomato, but I can't for the life of me understand what the G is. Gorgonzola? Nah, not a great match. In fact, any kind of cheese on a BLT ruins the whole concept. So, to everyone in the LGBT community, please help me out. I'm hungry as hell, and can't finish making the damn sandwich. What the hell is the ****ing G?

"G" is the first letter of "Gomorrah."
I don't have a problem with people doing what they do in private but, forcing it on everyone during a family event will get you accused of having an indoctrination 'agenda'.
"freaking out over" I didn't even hear about until you brought up, but somehow i'm freaking out over it, as I watch lesbian porn.
The way these things usually go:

"Oh, boy, those rubes are really going to freak out over this!" (Rubs hands gleefully together.)

(No significant freakout happens.)


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