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The haymarket challenge... Can you answer a q about a simple statement you made? (1 Viewer)

Quote Originally Posted by haymarket View Post
So what? Those who control the most wealth should pay the most. This is not rocket science. At least to most of us who know the difference between the words TO and TOO.

Once again, for the forth time... answer the question in bold. I don't want to know anything about the Constitution per se, I do want to know your defense of your statement and where in the Constitution it is supported.
For the fifth time, or is it sixth now as it jumped to another thread, as you were thread banned from the original... please answer the question to the statement you made. And... just to stop you from playing your little game... I am not interested in knowing anything about the Constitution. What I want to know is your defense/explanation of the statement and how it fits with the Constitution.

You have had a week to think about it, you have been PM'd... I await your reply.

I offer it to other Leftists who have similar beliefs too. Step up to the plate, and take a swing.

Where did I mention the Constitution in the post you quoted?
Where did I mention the Constitution in the post you quoted?
you expect an honest answer from haymarket?

I am still waiting for my answer. Maybe Whovian can supply it?
This is yet another reason why the tax code should be simple, so people like Haymarket have a chance at accomplishing it without professional hand holders..

Haymarket, you made a claim, and I asked you to explain it in regards to the Constitution, and all you have done since that point is run away like a little girl.

Is it because you cannot clarify your statement above? The one in the blog's OP... in bold. Seems so.

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What does my statement of opinion based on my observations of American society have to do with you asking about something in the Constitution?

Clarify? I could not be clearer than I was originally. Those who control the mot wealth should pay the most. That is crystal clear and always was.
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nothing in the constitution supports his view of FROM EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY
It's not just 'calling someone out'. He did so under false pretense. Demanding haymarket explain it in Constitutional terms AS IF Haymarket had used such.

Further, it's fallacious debate. As many things (like abortion, drugs, etc) not being mentioned in the Constitution doesn't prevent/preclude either laws or rational debate for or against them.

And FYI, the founders did have opinions on Concentrated wealth.. which Only Taxes could remedy.

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the founders opposed income taxes. They also only wanted landowners voting.
yeah - back in 1787

my calendar says it is not 1787 anymore.

a nod of thanks to mbig. :peace
Hey Haymarket... it's been 3 weeks. Craft an answer yet?


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