For the fifth time, or is it sixth now as it jumped to another thread, as you were thread banned from the original... please answer the question to the statement you made. And... just to stop you from playing your little game... I am not interested in knowing anything about the Constitution. What I want to know is your defense/explanation of the statement and how it fits with the Constitution.Once again, for the forth time... answer the question in bold. I don't want to know anything about the Constitution per se, I do want to know your defense of your statement and where in the Constitution it is supported.Quote Originally Posted by haymarket View Post
So what? Those who control the most wealth should pay the most. This is not rocket science. At least to most of us who know the difference between the words TO and TOO.
You have had a week to think about it, you have been PM'd... I await your reply.
I offer it to other Leftists who have similar beliefs too. Step up to the plate, and take a swing.