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The Green Party should ask Bernie to be the VP (1 Viewer)

Skeptic Bob

DP Veteran
Oct 6, 2014
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Ok, I know it is crazy but I thought it would be fun to discuss.

Bernie has always railed against the two-party system. Obviously the Green and Libertarian parties aren't huge fans of it either.

Jill Stein will likely win the Green nominee. What if she asked Bernie to be her VP? Green Party popularity and awareness would spike. By virtue of bringing a third party into the media spot light the Libertarian party's popularity would also climb. I think both Libertarian and Green party's could get the 15% needed to be included in the debates, which would further increase their numbers.

I think we could have a four-way election if Bernie were the Green Party VP. Not likely to happen.

But what if? :)
Jill Stein at the debates would be entertaining.
Ok, I know it is crazy but I thought it would be fun to discuss.

Bernie has always railed against the two-party system. Obviously the Green and Libertarian parties aren't huge fans of it either.

Jill Stein will likely win the Green nominee. What if she asked Bernie to be her VP? Green Party popularity and awareness would spike. By virtue of bringing a third party into the media spot light the Libertarian party's popularity would also climb. I think both Libertarian and Green party's could get the 15% needed to be included in the debates, which would further increase their numbers.

I think we could have a four-way election if Bernie were the Green Party VP. Not likely to happen.

But what if? :)

God, wouldn't that be great.
Ok, I know it is crazy but I thought it would be fun to discuss.

Bernie has always railed against the two-party system. Obviously the Green and Libertarian parties aren't huge fans of it either.

Jill Stein will likely win the Green nominee. What if she asked Bernie to be her VP? Green Party popularity and awareness would spike. By virtue of bringing a third party into the media spot light the Libertarian party's popularity would also climb. I think both Libertarian and Green party's could get the 15% needed to be included in the debates, which would further increase their numbers.

I think we could have a four-way election if Bernie were the Green Party VP. Not likely to happen.

But what if? :)

That would cool and deliver the championship to Trump. I really think BS could top his performance with that.
That would cool and deliver the championship to Trump. I really think BS could top his performance with that.

If only the Green party was in the debate it might benefit Trump but as I said, I think it would pull the Libertarian party up as well. The last I checked the Libertarian party was already at 10% so all it would take is a little more coverage to get them to the 15% needed.

The Greens might take away from the Democratic voting base, but the Libertarians would take away from the Republicans. A general election is a hell of a lot different than a primary where in many places you have to actually belong to the party to vote. I think in a 4-way election, in which the two main parties are running the two least popular candidates in US history, a 3rd party could actually win. Hillary wouldn't even be able to use the "First Woman President" selling point because she would be sharing the stage with Dr. Jill Stein.

It would be fun.
Ok, I know it is crazy but I thought it would be fun to discuss.

Bernie has always railed against the two-party system. Obviously the Green and Libertarian parties aren't huge fans of it either.

Jill Stein will likely win the Green nominee. What if she asked Bernie to be her VP? Green Party popularity and awareness would spike. By virtue of bringing a third party into the media spot light the Libertarian party's popularity would also climb. I think both Libertarian and Green party's could get the 15% needed to be included in the debates, which would further increase their numbers.

I think we could have a four-way election if Bernie were the Green Party VP. Not likely to happen.

But what if? :)

Sounds great to me, but I am a Green. I also abhor Hillary. Warmonger, weasel, CIA insider, proven liar. I will either write-in Sanders or vote for Trump.
Not a wise idea because Bernie would upstage Stein.
If only the Green party was in the debate it might benefit Trump but as I said, I think it would pull the Libertarian party up as well. The last I checked the Libertarian party was already at 10% so all it would take is a little more coverage to get them to the 15% needed.

The Greens might take away from the Democratic voting base, but the Libertarians would take away from the Republicans. A general election is a hell of a lot different than a primary where in many places you have to actually belong to the party to vote. I think in a 4-way election, in which the two main parties are running the two least popular candidates in US history, a 3rd party could actually win. Hillary wouldn't even be able to use the "First Woman President" selling point because she would be sharing the stage with Dr. Jill Stein.

It would be fun.

Interesting idea. Hope it happens.

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