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The gop outrage, where does it all come from? It seems never ending. This video might help us to understand. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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It seems her republican opponent told and untruth to start the whole ball of outrage rolling and once it started rolling, the lie was repeated over and over by the faithful.

You republicans, y'all proud of your elected officials for making such outrageous lies to get votes? Is this now acceptable in the gop because it seems to be the overriding tactic from the right.
The gop outrage, where does it all come from?




It seems her republican opponent told and untruth to start the whole ball of outrage rolling and once it started rolling, the lie was repeated over and over by the faithful.

You republicans, y'all proud of your elected officials for making such outrageous lies to get votes? Is this now acceptable in the gop because it seems to be the overriding tactic from the right.
It's the age old con man technique. One lies and then the other swears to it.

Nothing like defending an obvious lie by telling an even more obvious lie.
You people are the new American Marxists. Or commies
Do you prefer Bolsheviks?
The Red Menace has changed colors. To blue.
Actually it comes from people like you who post nothing but bull poop. Shouldn't you be spending most of your time hating on putin? He's a real communist.

Putin is much closer to Don Corleone than Stalin.
You guys and the Chi-coms are the real deal.

It seems her republican opponent told and untruth to start the whole ball of outrage rolling and once it started rolling, the lie was repeated over and over by the faithful.

You republicans, y'all proud of your elected officials for making such outrageous lies to get votes? Is this now acceptable in the gop because it seems to be the overriding tactic from the right.
That's how the current system works, and has done for at least a decade now, maybe 2.

Lie, have that lie reported by some sketchy org, get a more reputable org to run it by hyping it on social media, then refer to the BS as "this was reported" reality and let the social media spread it far and wide. Mix in some overly simplified memes that latch onto the prepared receptors in those primed to accept like some kind of virus and watch it go viral.
I'd prefer a characterization based even remotely on reality. But I know that is asking too much from you and like minded folks.
Rush Limbaugh and Fox News stole their souls.

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