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The Global-governance Deception (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
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Lakeport CA
Political Leaning


By Steven Yates
February 12, 2006

Those following my work know that what motivates much of my writing is the conviction that we are in the midst of an ongoing process—a revolution in permanence, one might call it, aimed at transforming every institution and ultimately enslaving individuals. This process aims at erasing America (as I put it in an earlier article). Once, not terribly long ago, it worked its effects in secret. Now, those who know what to look for can see evidence of this process everywhere, operating almost in the open. Its short term goals: regional economic integration and the gradual erosion of national sovereignty. Its long term goal: world government. Its advocates call this “global governance,” of course.

One of the process’s major strategic tools is “free trade” ideology, which pursues global micromanagement behind a rhetoric of democracy, prosperity, and so on. Another is sustainable development (Agenda 21, public-private partnerships, Smart Growth, economic development in “corridors,” the New Urbanism, the Wildlands Project, etc.). Still another is the dumbing down of all state-sponsored education. This has involved the ratcheting down of subjects like history and logic in favor of pure vocationalism, so graduates will have “job skills” or be “lifelong learners” without learning of this country’s founding documents or their historical and philosophical background. These strategic tools are different strands of an integrated package, the goal of which is a totally managed and administered planet.

Those who believe this are still often dismissed as “conspiracy kooks.” These days, it is hard to resist the urge to return the ridicule.

For today, we have the World Wide Web. Most of the evidence for the process I and many others describe is available not merely on conspiracy-focused Web sites but on the advocates’ own home bases on the Web.

Hyperlinks to source data of the article at link

COMMENT: its being talked about in the open if one would just take the time to look.

And speaking of the UN, the organization’s self-conception as an incipient world government ought to be considered fully out in the open, with the UN Development Programme just unveiled at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Take this garbage to the Conspiracy Theories board where it belongs. Are you MickyJayStoned, by any chance?
Kandahar said:
Take this garbage to the Conspiracy Theories board where it belongs. Are you MickyJayStoned, by any chance?

Well if we had a Conspiracy forum that would be good, but all we have is a Theory forum, which this doesn't not apply to.

I don't know who Mickyjaystoned is.
why does it matter if in 200 years america as we know it won't survive, but instead will probably be a bigger congregation of states? It will be inevitable evolution.

Many cultures have lost out over thousands of years, cultures continually change, ours will too. So... I don't see this "erasing of America" as big news. The same argument applies to any nation in this world.
nkgupta80 said:
why does it matter if in 200 years america as we know it won't survive, but instead will probably be a bigger congregation of states? It will be inevitable evolution.

We aren't talking about 200 years we are talking about today with delays.

Many cultures have lost out over thousands of years, cultures continually change, ours will too. So... I don't see this "erasing of America" as big news. The same argument applies to any nation in this world.

America was the first in 6000 stinking years to make the claims we did.

Daniel Webster
"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."

We are the first in 6000 stinking years to make our claims, woe to the people today who do not see it, but it is by design we do not see it...by those who oppose the claim.

And who would that be?
Robodoon said:
Well if we had a Conspiracy forum that would be good, but all we have is a Theory forum, which this doesn't not apply to.

I don't know who Mickyjaystoned is.

We do have a Conspiracy Theories Forum. I'll make it easy for you, its on this link:


Mickyjaystoned was another big-time conspiracy theorist, like you.
Comrade Brian said:
We do have a Conspiracy Theories Forum. I'll make it easy for you, its on this link:


Mickyjaystoned was another big-time conspiracy theorist, like you.

I think you missed the point, Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories are two different things., the above listed in the Article is happening, they are real programs in real time, its not a Theory...its not a guess, its whats happening, it is Hidden Crime in plan sight because of the lack of understanding most people have about those topics, cuz TV hasn't told them yet,,nor will it...its owners are in agreement with World government.
Kandahar said:
Take this garbage to the Conspiracy Theories board where it belongs. Are you MickyJayStoned, by any chance?

Don't know if you watch King Of The Hill, but I've been thinking Dale Gribble.

One common theme in the MJS' postings was an intense hatred of Jews, as most of them involved their time-honored demonization as them as plotting their way to world domination. With Robo, it's the U.N. instead.

One seems rooted in an extreme left sort of antiglobalist paranoia, and one in an extreme right religious paranoia. I might be wrong, but as soon as I saw Robo, I thought MJS, but the more I read, the more they seemed different. This stuff *DOES* belong in the forum specially set aside for PCS, though.
Gardener said:
Don't know if you watch King Of The Hill, but I've been thinking Dale Gribble.

One common theme in the MJS' postings was an intense hatred of Jews, as most of them involved their time-honored demonization as them as plotting their way to world domination. With Robo, it's the U.N. instead.

One seems rooted in an extreme left sort of antiglobalist paranoia, and one in an extreme right religious paranoia. I might be wrong, but as soon as I saw Robo, I thought MJS, but the more I read, the more they seemed different. This stuff *DOES* belong in the forum specially set aside for PCS, though.

Just because you are unaware about what is going on, doesn't mean its not happening, and "Jew" thing is for the Simple people to misled them away from the real concerns, and it is not the UN that is the trouble, but the Masters of the UN ,those who created it for control, the AAE


"The Anglo-American Establishment" by Carroll Quigley.
Written by Bill Clinton's mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, this book remained unpublished for 20 years because no major publisher dared print the true story of the secret society that set out to dominate the world and ultimately came to control both England and the United States

America is just about over, and the people at this point do not have the understanding to stop it. we are going to be slaves on this trend. Hope you don't have children ;)

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