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The Fed Cannot Issue Product Recalls on Firearms (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2007
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Watching a documentary on the Remington 700 hunting rifle last night the statement was made the federal government cannot issue product recalls on firearms because of the Second Amendment. Apparently the Remington 700 has a long running safety mechanism problem. It is comforting to know the feds cannot stick their useless opinions in to our firearms. However, with the possibility of the Clinton thing getting elected this may soon come up for "reconsideration" and that is very dangerous. It was pointed out that if the government is allowed to jump in they will create so many safety stipulations the weapons won't fire and that we all know is the the truth. So if Hillary gets elected over the idiot Trump keep three eyes open so when she tries to slide some new legislation under the door we can swing it open and smack her in the skull.
Watching a documentary on the Remington 700 hunting rifle last night the statement was made the federal government cannot issue product recalls on firearms because of the Second Amendment. Apparently the Remington 700 has a long running safety mechanism problem. It is comforting to know the feds cannot stick their useless opinions in to our firearms. However, with the possibility of the Clinton thing getting elected this may soon come up for "reconsideration" and that is very dangerous. It was pointed out that if the government is allowed to jump in they will create so many safety stipulations the weapons won't fire and that we all know is the the truth. So if Hillary gets elected over the idiot Trump keep three eyes open so when she tries to slide some new legislation under the door we can swing it open and smack her in the skull.

She might. She is certainly a more manly tough than Obama is, any day. But she will lose.
So, if there were numerous cases of a particular model of gun exploding in the hands of the person firing it the government couldn't do anything about it?
We can quit buying them. Course we might never know.
So, if there were numerous cases of a particular model of gun exploding in the hands of the person firing it the government couldn't do anything about it?
Watching a documentary on the Remington 700 hunting rifle last night the statement was made the federal government cannot issue product recalls on firearms because of the Second Amendment. Apparently the Remington 700 has a long running safety mechanism problem. It is comforting to know the feds cannot stick their useless opinions in to our firearms. However, with the possibility of the Clinton thing getting elected this may soon come up for "reconsideration" and that is very dangerous. It was pointed out that if the government is allowed to jump in they will create so many safety stipulations the weapons won't fire and that we all know is the the truth. So if Hillary gets elected over the idiot Trump keep three eyes open so when she tries to slide some new legislation under the door we can swing it open and smack her in the skull.

There was a recall that effected rifles with the XMP trigger. I don't know how many rifles it actually effected. The recall WAS the result of pending litigation but a judge had already dismissed most (if not all) of the charges. Remington opted (voluntarily) for replacing the triggers as a defense against additional litigation costs and the potential for negative press.
Watching a documentary on the Remington 700 hunting rifle last night the statement was made the federal government cannot issue product recalls on firearms because of the Second Amendment. Apparently the Remington 700 has a long running safety mechanism problem. It is comforting to know the feds cannot stick their useless opinions in to our firearms. However, with the possibility of the Clinton thing getting elected this may soon come up for "reconsideration" and that is very dangerous. It was pointed out that if the government is allowed to jump in they will create so many safety stipulations the weapons won't fire and that we all know is the the truth. So if Hillary gets elected over the idiot Trump keep three eyes open so when she tries to slide some new legislation under the door we can swing it open and smack her in the skull.

Just how stupid are we? The idea, as Bob Brewer says, a particular gun model can be blowing up in people's hands and CANNOT be recalled by the gvmt is ludicrous.
Just how stupid are we? The idea, as Bob Brewer says, a particular gun model can be blowing up in people's hands and CANNOT be recalled by the gvmt is ludicrous.

Why? They can still be sued for their defective product, so there is still motivation for the company to resolve the problem.
Just how stupid are we? The idea, as Bob Brewer says, a particular gun model can be blowing up in people's hands and CANNOT be recalled by the gvmt is ludicrous.

Really? The idea that the federal government can simply declare that a given gun is dangerous Because Reasons and seize them all is something I find ludicrous, if not downright dangerous.
So, if there were numerous cases of a particular model of gun exploding in the hands of the person firing it the government couldn't do anything about it?

The manufacturer, Remiigton, did its own "recall" in response to a class action lawsuit. The more amazing fact is that the Takata airbag "recall" does not prohibit still selling more new vehicles which contain that "defective" part. Big business gives campaign cash to those who may (or may not) decide to make them fix or even stop selling new defective products.

Massive Takata Airbag Recall: Everything You Need to Know ? News ? Car and Driver | Car and Driver Blog
There was a recall that effected rifles with the XMP trigger. I don't know how many rifles it actually effected. The recall WAS the result of pending litigation but a judge had already dismissed most (if not all) of the charges. Remington opted (voluntarily) for replacing the triggers as a defense against additional litigation costs and the potential for negative press.

That there was. I had one affected, never had a problem with the gun though.
Just how stupid are we? The idea, as Bob Brewer says, a particular gun model can be blowing up in people's hands and CANNOT be recalled by the gvmt is ludicrous.

What if that same "safety conscious" government decided that any gun that could be fired by an unauthorized user was "too dangerous" to be owned? Once a power is granted to the government it can then be used for "government approved" purposes. Lawsuits are sufficient to force "recalls" but they at least keep due process in the loop.

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