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The far left, the intolerant left, the intimidating left, and Pelosi. (1 Viewer)


Active member
Feb 23, 2018
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Humble Texas
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
It has been said that our democracy is under attack. generally this is a criticism aimed at Trump.
However, the far left supports Pelosi and is threatening those that oppose her. Not move on .Pelosi.

If we objectively observe the Democrats choose their leader, does their selection look like a democratic process or more like an election in the USSR.

Whatever the far left pretends to be, the reality is that it is an authoritarian movement that relies on oppression and intimidation.

So democrats, step up, oppose your leader if you have the nerve. More concerning is that Pelosi seeks power and will not object to strong arm tactics of intimidation.

Wake up America, this is what the far left is like. They are undermining our democracy and blaming Trump.
It has been said that our democracy is under attack. generally this is a criticism aimed at Trump.
However, the far left supports Pelosi and is threatening those that oppose her. Not move on .Pelosi.

If we objectively observe the Democrats choose their leader, does their selection look like a democratic process or more like an election in the USSR.

Whatever the far left pretends to be, the reality is that it is an authoritarian movement that relies on oppression and intimidation.

So democrats, step up, oppose your leader if you have the nerve. More concerning is that Pelosi seeks power and will not object to strong arm tactics of intimidation.

Wake up America, this is what the far left is like. They are undermining our democracy and blaming Trump.

Good. Gooooood. Let your hate flow against one of the most powerful women in US politics. Show us who y'all really are. She can take it, unlike your president!
It has been said that our democracy is under attack. generally this is a criticism aimed at Trump.
However, the far left supports Pelosi and is threatening those that oppose her. Not move on .Pelosi.

If we objectively observe the Democrats choose their leader, does their selection look like a democratic process or more like an election in the USSR.

Whatever the far left pretends to be, the reality is that it is an authoritarian movement that relies on oppression and intimidation.

So democrats, step up, oppose your leader if you have the nerve. More concerning is that Pelosi seeks power and will not object to strong arm tactics of intimidation.

Wake up America, this is what the far left is like. They are undermining our democracy and blaming Trump.

The Republican base got tired of and rebelled against their Elites. The Democratic base hasn't reached that point yet. That's why Pelosi will be the Speaker.

Frankly, I don't hold out much hope of ever seeing the Dem Elites pushed out like so many GOP Elites have been. Too bad.
It has been said that our democracy is under attack. generally this is a criticism aimed at Trump.
However, the far left supports Pelosi and is threatening those that oppose her. Not move on .Pelosi.

If we objectively observe the Democrats choose their leader, does their selection look like a democratic process or more like an election in the USSR.

Whatever the far left pretends to be, the reality is that it is an authoritarian movement that relies on oppression and intimidation.

So democrats, step up, oppose your leader if you have the nerve. More concerning is that Pelosi seeks power and will not object to strong arm tactics of intimidation.

Wake up America, this is what the far left is like. They are undermining our democracy and blaming Trump.
It has been said that our democracy is under attack. generally this is a criticism aimed at Trump.
However, the far left supports Pelosi and is threatening those that oppose her. Not move on .Pelosi.

If we objectively observe the Democrats choose their leader, does their selection look like a democratic process or more like an election in the USSR.

Whatever the far left pretends to be, the reality is that it is an authoritarian movement that relies on oppression and intimidation.

So democrats, step up, oppose your leader if you have the nerve. More concerning is that Pelosi seeks power and will not object to strong arm tactics of intimidation.

Wake up America, this is what the far left is like. They are undermining our democracy and blaming Trump.

You would know what an election process looks like in the USSR. Firsthand, I bet.
I don’t know what this is even supposed to be
Good. Gooooood. Let your hate flow against one of the most powerful women in US politics. Show us who y'all really are. She can take it, unlike your president!

power and democracy, good combination.
The Republican base got tired of and rebelled against their Elites. The Democratic base hasn't reached that point yet. That's why Pelosi will be the Speaker.

Frankly, I don't hold out much hope of ever seeing the Dem Elites pushed out like so many GOP Elites have been. Too bad.

it is the process not the result in question.
It has been said that our democracy is under attack. generally this is a criticism aimed at Trump.
However, the far left supports Pelosi and is threatening those that oppose her. Not move on .Pelosi.

If we objectively observe the Democrats choose their leader, does their selection look like a democratic process or more like an election in the USSR.

Whatever the far left pretends to be, the reality is that it is an authoritarian movement that relies on oppression and intimidation.

So democrats, step up, oppose your leader if you have the nerve. More concerning is that Pelosi seeks power and will not object to strong arm tactics of intimidation.

Wake up America, this is what the far left is like. They are undermining our democracy and blaming Trump.

House Democrats are free to question who will be the next Speaker, and in the end Democrats will vote for that Speaker.

I, for one, support Pelosi.
The Republican base got tired of and rebelled against their Elites. The Democratic base hasn't reached that point yet. That's why Pelosi will be the Speaker.

Frankly, I don't hold out much hope of ever seeing the Dem Elites pushed out like so many GOP Elites have been. Too bad.

What elites have been pushed out by the GOP? Have you noticed Trump’s cabinet?
House Democrats are free to question who will be the next Speaker, and in the end Democrats will vote for that Speaker.

I, for one, support Pelosi.

I see you have not read the coverage on move on .org
I see you have not read the coverage on move on .org

I suppose from your post that they don't like the idea of Pelosi as Speaker. It's a free country and its their right to voice their opinion.

Frankly, it's good that Democrats are having their debate now rather than later.
When you post a link you're also supposed to copy and paste a section from the article supporting your point (whatever that is).

As Nancy Pelosi faces a grueling fight with her own members to regain the speaker’s gavel in January, pro-Pelosi left-wing activist groups are warning of a "backlash" against House Democrats who oppose her.

But now, with the California Democrat’s leadership on the line, left-wing activist groups and going to bat for her -- and warning of dire consequences for those who oppose her.
Left-wing group MoveOn.org tweeted Thursday that its members “strongly support and call on all members of the Democratic causus to support @NancyPelosi for Speaker."
As Nancy Pelosi faces a grueling fight with her own members to regain the speaker’s gavel in January, pro-Pelosi left-wing activist groups are warning of a "backlash" against House Democrats who oppose her.

But now, with the California Democrat’s leadership on the line, left-wing activist groups and going to bat for her -- and warning of dire consequences for those who oppose her.
Left-wing group MoveOn.org tweeted Thursday that its members “strongly support and call on all members of the Democratic causus to support @NancyPelosi for Speaker."

Um, okay. And...so? Democrats are having a debate about who the next Speaker should be. What's it to you?
Um, okay. And...so? Democrats are having a debate about who the next Speaker should be. What's it to you?

it is not a debate, it is vote for Pelosi or else. Strong arm tactics, authoritarianism. HYPOCRISY
it is not a debate, it is vote for Pelosi or else. Strong arm tactics, authoritarianism. HYPOCRISY

Uh huh. Again though: what's it to you?
It has been said that our democracy is under attack. generally this is a criticism aimed at Trump.
However, the far left supports Pelosi and is threatening those that oppose her. Not move on .Pelosi.

If we objectively observe the Democrats choose their leader, does their selection look like a democratic process or more like an election in the USSR.

Whatever the far left pretends to be, the reality is that it is an authoritarian movement that relies on oppression and intimidation.

So democrats, step up, oppose your leader if you have the nerve. More concerning is that Pelosi seeks power and will not object to strong arm tactics of intimidation.

Wake up America, this is what the far left is like. They are undermining our democracy and blaming Trump.

Its so funny hearing crappola like this from those in Texas. Have you ever looked at the gerrymandered map of the district in Texas? Talk about staking the deck. But I guess its okay since the cons are responsible. Wake up America! LOL! That abstinence only education is working out real well I understand, highest or at least top 5 in teenage pregnancy. Congrats!
It has been said that our democracy is under attack. generally this is a criticism aimed at Trump.
However, the far left supports Pelosi and is threatening those that oppose her. Not move on .Pelosi.

If we objectively observe the Democrats choose their leader, does their selection look like a democratic process or more like an election in the USSR.

Whatever the far left pretends to be, the reality is that it is an authoritarian movement that relies on oppression and intimidation.

So democrats, step up, oppose your leader if you have the nerve. More concerning is that Pelosi seeks power and will not object to strong arm tactics of intimidation.

Wake up America, this is what the far left is like. They are undermining our democracy and blaming Trump.

The House votes for the Speaker. This is normal. What are upset about?

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