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The Earth Is Flat!!![W:282] (1 Viewer)

Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

They have complete control of your mind.
I thought that's what chemtrails were for.

They have you believing the oceans bend (curves)
Anyone seeing a boat come over the horizons could figure that one out!

, and it sticks to a ball spinning at over 1,000 mph,
It takes 24 hours to rotate. Stand on a merry-go-round that spins once every 24 hours and tell me whether you get flung off. (the absolute velocity doesn't matter, acceleration matters)

If you do the math, you find that the centripetal force on a 60kg person on the equator is about two newtons. You're suggesting this will fling someone off?

that man came from monkeys,
Wrong. Monkeys and man share a common ancestor. Monkeys did not turn into humans.

that earth and everything therein is nothing larger than a pebble of sand in the cosmos,
Dramatically overstating the relative size of the earth. Space is big.

that space is the most violent place in the universe,
Well, it's incredibly violent in some places. But these places account for like .0000000001% of the volume. The rest is mostly empty except a few stray specks of dust or maybe some hydrogen atoms.

and that the universe was created from nothing.
Isn't that what you people believe?

If space is the most violent place in the universe, tell me, how many space scenarios that you know of, has taken the lives of millions if not billions?
Imagine being in the center of the world's biggest sports stadium. There is only one fan in the stands. You fire a gun in a random direction. The fan lives most of the time. Space is big. It's not filled with violence. It's filled with, well, mostly nothing.
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Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

You can't even figure those out. WOW!!

Well if as you claim I've been brainwashed into believing this, then how in the name of Zeus' asshole am I supposed to know these things if you won't [smurf]ing tell me!

You are the one claiming to know the truth about it all. You're the one who is here trying to get us to see the light. Tell us the answers to these questions or unplug the [smurf]ing interweb and make another tin foil hat or two.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I will be on a "Live Flat Earth Hangout", if you would like to join the conversation and state your knowledge and opinion on the matter, let me know. The host and moderator do a good job on having an equal panel. (5 flat earthers and 5 globetards). Let's see what kind of argument you can bring to the table in a Live Broadcast.

Wow. Globetards? Really? Not gonna be much of an equal panel if one side is being derided before the even even starts.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!


if "we" are all brainwashed, how did you miss being brainwashed by "them"?
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

You're wrong. Totally wrong. It's not a good laugh. That makes my brain hurt. Makes me...start typing...like...Bill Shatner...talks. KAAAAAHHHHNNNNNN!!!!!!!
I'm not kidding, I did some google, made my noggin hurt, also, to....much...reeddd pillll!
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Why if you drive east into a rising sun, the faster you travel, the longer it takes the sun to rise, relative to a fixed point, of observation, if the earth is flat?
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I thought that's what chemtrails were for.

Anyone seeing a boat come over the horizons could figure that one out!

It takes 24 hours to rotate. Stand on a merry-go-round that spins once every 24 hours and tell me whether you get flung off. (the absolute velocity doesn't matter, acceleration matters)

If you do the math, you find that the centripetal force on a 60kg person on the equator is about two newtons. You're suggesting this will fling someone off?

Wrong. Monkeys and man share a common ancestor. Monkeys did not turn into humans.

Dramatically overstating the relative size of the earth. Space is big.

Well, it's incredibly violent in some places. But these places account for like .0000000001% of the volume. The rest is mostly empty except a few stray specks of dust or maybe some hydrogen atoms.

Isn't that what you people believe?

Imagine being in the center of the world's biggest sports stadium. There is only one fan in the stands. You fire a gun in a random direction. The fan lives most of the time. Space is big. It's not filled with violence. It's filled with, well, mostly nothing.
well spoken:applaud
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

why would anyone take you up on this offer after the insulting label of "globetards"?
If the moderator of the panel has a similar attitude, it would not be worth the time.

If the questions asked have been answered
1. Why are they making us believe in a global Earth if the reality is a flat Earth.
2. How are they doing this on such a huge, global scale?
3. How are they snow-jobbing 7.5 billion people?
4. How do they edit every photo that has ever been made including amateur ones taken by Joe Average Geek and his Genuine Military Surplus Acme Weather Balloon and a GoPro?
5. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor?
6. Why damn near kill people in the "phony" excursions to the South Pole?
7. How do they control the media?
8. If they have this level of control, why do they allow flat earthers to keep preaching the "truth"?
9. With the massive freaking expense of all of that above...what are they gaining that would be worth the expenditure of time, money and resources?

Then it would be no issue you for you to provide the thread number. I suspect they have not been answered. Much like most of the ones I have asked have not.
Now if he gives reasonable answers to all of the above, then we got some discussion on our hands!
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Now if he gives reasonable answers to all of the above, then we got some discussion on our hands!

He has no answers and has abandoned the thread, defeated.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!


if "we" are all brainwashed, how did you miss being brainwashed by "them"?

What are you talking about? I was brainwashed as well. Almost all my life I thought the earth was a ball. Indoctrinated since we learned our abc's and 123's, talking about "you live here", on a ball as they showed us the globe. With no intellect or intelligence to argue the claim. We simply believed the world in the way in which it was presented. This is an old tactic, the best way to indoctrinate is at a young age, get them before they can even question it.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Now if he gives reasonable answers to all of the above, then we got some discussion on our hands!

In an investigative point of view, your questions are good. Your only problem with investigation, is finding the answers to those questions. Obviously for you to believe the ball earth, you need someone to convince you. For the flat earth, it's the same for you, always asking other people for your answers, instead of seeking them out on your own.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

In an investigative point of view, your questions are good. Your only problem with investigation, is finding the answers to those questions. Obviously for you to believe the ball earth, you need someone to convince you. For the flat earth, it's the same for you, always asking other people for your answers, instead of seeking them out on your own.

Answer the questions if you can. I would bet that you can't. We know the answers and they show that the earth is a globe. If you have alternative answers then feel free to present them here.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Are you seriously using an imaginary television show in your defense?

Are you seriously using an old book of fiction in your defense?
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Answer the questions if you can. I would bet that you can't. We know the answers and they show that the earth is a globe. If you have alternative answers then feel free to present them here.

He who answereth a matter before he first hear it, folly and shame unto him.

You don't care to hear the argument, you don't care to research it yourself, you don't care period. I'm not wasting my time with those of close minds.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

He who answereth a matter before he first hear it, folly and shame unto him.

You don't care to hear the argument, you don't care to research it yourself, you don't care period. I'm not wasting my time with those of close minds.

You have not presented an argument. You could start by answering the questions. As for research all the evidence points to the earth being a globe.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

What are you talking about? I was brainwashed as well. Almost all my life I thought the earth was a ball. Indoctrinated since we learned our abc's and 123's, talking about "you live here", on a ball as they showed us the globe. With no intellect or intelligence to argue the claim. We simply believed the world in the way in which it was presented. This is an old tactic, the best way to indoctrinate is at a young age, get them before they can even question it.

Yet, you were able to break the "brain washing" and spread the word of flatness. The brain washing must not be that effective.

I hardly would call learning the abc's as brainwashing.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Yet, you were able to break the "brain washing" and spread the word of flatness. The brain washing must not be that effective.

I hardly would call learning the abc's as brainwashing.

Why we started having to believe that the earth is a globe has yet to be explained.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Why we started having to believe that the earth is a globe has yet to be explained.

Good point.

Camlock. Why did "they" need to brainwash the masses to believe the earth is round/globe? What would be the purpose?
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Good point.

Camlock. Why did "they" need to brainwash the masses to believe the earth is round/globe? What would be the purpose?

He says that we can research the answer to that. I cannot find the answer on any flat earth site. There is not a mention of how , where and why anyone would wish to start such a global conspiracy involving royalty, governments, scientists, astronomers, sailors and explorers and how they could all be coerced into going along with it over the centuries.

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