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The Earth Is Flat!!![W:282] (1 Viewer)

Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

What would be the consequences if we all found out that the world is flat? It doesn't bear thinking about. Mind you it would be nice to find out that the universe revolves around the earth. Good for our self esteem.

They have complete control of your mind. They have you believing the oceans bend (curves), and it sticks to a ball spinning at over 1,000 mph, that man came from monkeys, that earth and everything therein is nothing larger than a pebble of sand in the cosmos, that space is the most violent place in the universe, and that the universe was created from nothing.

They realize it doesn't matter what they say, you will believe them. Thus they stay on top of humanity crushing those who get in the way of their agendas.

If space is the most violent place in the universe, tell me, how many space scenarios that you know of, has taken the lives of millions if not billions?
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

So...I just did some flat earth research, eclipses are caused by an invisible "anti moon" wtf? The north pole is the center of a flat, round disc and the Antarctic is actually a 150 tall ice wall surrounding the disc and holding in all the water, and nasa guards it? lol

And all gps units are programmed to fool people?

Forum members, want a good laugh? Go to a flat earth website, any one will do. lol
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

No they do not. They of the flat earth have control of your mind.

"They" made you say that. :lamo

It always fascinates me when someone has an opposing view uses the "controlling your mind", your just a govt. disinfo agent, etc.

Amazing how all the governments and majority of scientists of the world must be in on the flat earth conspiracy by telling the average person the world is not flat.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

"They" made you say that. :lamo

It always fascinates me when someone has an opposing view uses the "controlling your mind", your just a govt. disinfo agent, etc.

Amazing how all the governments and majority of scientists of the world must be in on the flat earth conspiracy by telling the average person the world is not flat.

Still no word about how and when and why this conspiracy started and how it is organized and how they get all sailors to lie about navigation. Instead we are told that "they" control our minds. That is not exactly convincing evidence.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

So...I just did some flat earth research, eclipses are caused by an invisible "anti moon" wtf? The north pole is the center of a flat, round disc and the Antarctic is actually a 150 tall ice wall surrounding the disc and holding in all the water, and nasa guards it? lol

And all gps units are programmed to fool people?

Forum members, want a good laugh? Go to a flat earth website, any one will do. lol

You're wrong. Totally wrong. It's not a good laugh. That makes my brain hurt. Makes me...start typing...like...Bill Shatner...talks. KAAAAAHHHHNNNNNN!!!!!!!
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Still no word about how and when and why this conspiracy started and how it is organized and how they get all sailors to lie about navigation. Instead we are told that "they" control our minds. That is not exactly convincing evidence.

Yes jrr777. We are still waiting for explanations as to why the huge ass conspiracy started in the first place.

1. Why are they making us believe in a global Earth if the reality is a flat Earth.
2. How are they doing this on such a huge, global scale?
3. How are they snow-jobbing 7.5 billion people?
4. How do they edit every photo that has ever been made including amateur ones taken by Joe Average Geek and his Genuine Military Surplus Acme Weather Balloon and a GoPro?
5. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor?
6. Why damn near kill people in the "phony" excursions to the South Pole?
7. How do they control the media?
8. If they have this level of control, why do they allow flat earthers to keep preaching the "truth"?
9. With the massive freaking expense of all of that above...what are they gaining that would be worth the expenditure of time, money and resources?

Riddle me that.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Yes jrr777. We are still waiting for explanations as to why the huge ass conspiracy started in the first place.

1. Why are they making us believe in a global Earth if the reality is a flat Earth.
2. How are they doing this on such a huge, global scale?
3. How are they snow-jobbing 7.5 billion people?
4. How do they edit every photo that has ever been made including amateur ones taken by Joe Average Geek and his Genuine Military Surplus Acme Weather Balloon and a GoPro?
5. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor?
6. Why damn near kill people in the "phony" excursions to the South Pole?
7. How do they control the media?
8. If they have this level of control, why do they allow flat earthers to keep preaching the "truth"?
9. With the massive freaking expense of all of that above...what are they gaining that would be worth the expenditure of time, money and resources?

Riddle me that.[/QUOTE

You can't even figure those out. WOW!!
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Still no word about how and when and why this conspiracy started and how it is organized and how they get all sailors to lie about navigation. Instead we are told that "they" control our minds. That is not exactly convincing evidence.

Yep. I could understand if someone was raised and lived in some amazon jungle away from technology to believe the earth was flat. Not so much for those who have a computer and are posting on this forum. The flat earth conspiracy must be one doozy of a conspiracy.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Yes jrr777. We are still waiting for explanations as to why the huge ass conspiracy started in the first place.

1. Why are they making us believe in a global Earth if the reality is a flat Earth.
2. How are they doing this on such a huge, global scale?
3. How are they snow-jobbing 7.5 billion people?
4. How do they edit every photo that has ever been made including amateur ones taken by Joe Average Geek and his Genuine Military Surplus Acme Weather Balloon and a GoPro?
5. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor?
6. Why damn near kill people in the "phony" excursions to the South Pole?
7. How do they control the media?
8. If they have this level of control, why do they allow flat earthers to keep preaching the "truth"?
9. With the massive freaking expense of all of that above...what are they gaining that would be worth the expenditure of time, money and resources?

Riddle me that.[/QUOTE

You can't even figure those out. WOW!!

another post that is so convincing that the earth is flat.

Try answering the questions.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Yes jrr777. We are still waiting for explanations as to why the huge ass conspiracy started in the first place.

1. Why are they making us believe in a global Earth if the reality is a flat Earth.
2. How are they doing this on such a huge, global scale?
3. How are they snow-jobbing 7.5 billion people?
4. How do they edit every photo that has ever been made including amateur ones taken by Joe Average Geek and his Genuine Military Surplus Acme Weather Balloon and a GoPro?
5. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor?
6. Why damn near kill people in the "phony" excursions to the South Pole?
7. How do they control the media?
8. If they have this level of control, why do they allow flat earthers to keep preaching the "truth"?
9. With the massive freaking expense of all of that above...what are they gaining that would be worth the expenditure of time, money and resources?

Riddle me that.[/QUOTE

You can't even figure those out. WOW!!
If you have figured them out then please tell us the answers. I believe that you have no answers and are talking out of your rear end, as usual. Learn to quote, it isn't difficult.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

He doesn't have any answers. Those questions are much too difficult for a flat earther.

Why don't you go back through the thread, you will see those have already been answered.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Still no word about how and when and why this conspiracy started and how it is organized and how they get all sailors to lie about navigation. Instead we are told that "they" control our minds. That is not exactly convincing evidence.

I will be on a "Live Flat Earth Hangout", if you would like to join the conversation and state your knowledge and opinion on the matter, let me know. The host and moderator do a good job on having an equal panel. (5 flat earthers and 5 globetards). Let's see what kind of argument you can bring to the table in a Live Broadcast.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Why don't you go back through the thread, you will see those have already been answered.

They have not been answered. Let's take one. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor? Details please.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I will be on a "Live Flat Earth Hangout", if you would like to join the conversation and state your knowledge and opinion on the matter, let me know. The host and moderator do a good job on having an equal panel. (5 flat earthers and 5 globetards). Let's see what kind of argument you can bring to the table in a Live Broadcast.

No thanks, my ribs break easily. Globetards? That sounds like a promising start to a discussion. If you want to convince us then you will have to answer our questions.

1. Why are they making us believe in a global Earth if the reality is a flat Earth.
2. How are they doing this on such a huge, global scale?
3. How are they snow-jobbing 7.5 billion people?
4. How do they edit every photo that has ever been made including amateur ones taken by Joe Average Geek and his Genuine Military Surplus Acme Weather Balloon and a GoPro?
5. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor?
6. Why damn near kill people in the "phony" excursions to the South Pole?
7. How do they control the media?
8. If they have this level of control, why do they allow flat earthers to keep preaching the "truth"?
9. With the massive freaking expense of all of that above...what are they gaining that would be worth the expenditure of time, money and resources?

I'll add one of my own. When, how and why did this conspiracy start? The only answer that you have given is that "they" want to control our minds. That is in tinfoil hat land. Give us some real answers, if you can.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I will be on a "Live Flat Earth Hangout", if you would like to join the conversation and state your knowledge and opinion on the matter, let me know. The host and moderator do a good job on having an equal panel. (5 flat earthers and 5 globetards). Let's see what kind of argument you can bring to the table in a Live Broadcast.

why would anyone take you up on this offer after the insulting label of "globetards"?
If the moderator of the panel has a similar attitude, it would not be worth the time.

If the questions asked have been answered
1. Why are they making us believe in a global Earth if the reality is a flat Earth.
2. How are they doing this on such a huge, global scale?
3. How are they snow-jobbing 7.5 billion people?
4. How do they edit every photo that has ever been made including amateur ones taken by Joe Average Geek and his Genuine Military Surplus Acme Weather Balloon and a GoPro?
5. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor?
6. Why damn near kill people in the "phony" excursions to the South Pole?
7. How do they control the media?
8. If they have this level of control, why do they allow flat earthers to keep preaching the "truth"?
9. With the massive freaking expense of all of that above...what are they gaining that would be worth the expenditure of time, money and resources?

Then it would be no issue you for you to provide the thread number. I suspect they have not been answered. Much like most of the ones I have asked have not.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I will be on a "Live Flat Earth Hangout", if you would like to join the conversation and state your knowledge and opinion on the matter, let me know. The host and moderator do a good job on having an equal panel. (5 flat earthers and 5 globetards). Let's see what kind of argument you can bring to the table in a Live Broadcast.

Please provide the web address and time of the panel discussion.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

why would anyone take you up on this offer after the insulting label of "globetards"?
If the moderator of the panel has a similar attitude, it would not be worth the time.

If the questions asked have been answered
1. Why are they making us believe in a global Earth if the reality is a flat Earth.
2. How are they doing this on such a huge, global scale?
3. How are they snow-jobbing 7.5 billion people?
4. How do they edit every photo that has ever been made including amateur ones taken by Joe Average Geek and his Genuine Military Surplus Acme Weather Balloon and a GoPro?
5. How to they manage to control every pilot and every sailor?
6. Why damn near kill people in the "phony" excursions to the South Pole?
7. How do they control the media?
8. If they have this level of control, why do they allow flat earthers to keep preaching the "truth"?
9. With the massive freaking expense of all of that above...what are they gaining that would be worth the expenditure of time, money and resources?

Then it would be no issue you for you to provide the thread number. I suspect they have not been answered. Much like most of the ones I have asked have not.

As a flat earther I have been called all kind of names. I just look past it. Are you saying that globetards is so bad, you cannot look past it?
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

As a flat earther I have been called all kind of names. I just look past it. Are you saying that globetards is so bad, you cannot look past it?

Yes, I can look past it. It just shows me the attitude of the poster.

What I don't look past is when one fails to answers questions asked of them. Responding to a post with a comment or question does not address the questions asked.

If the panel goes the way you address questions it would be very one sided.

So jrr answer the questions.

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