Billo_Really said:That was beautiful. And right on the money. Have you heard of Gerry Manders book, "Four Arguements for the Elimination of Television"?
mistermain said:Canuck, why is it that you bash America in nearly all your posts? Who the hell are you? Is Canada really that great? I could care less when whiny liberal AMERICANS bitch about America, but when outsiders do it it makes my blood boil. Go watch some hockey, and kiss Celine Dion for me. That's your only claim to fame, sad as it is.
Caine said:What about Shania Twain?
mistermain said:We'll keep Shania, and Jim Carrey. They can have Dion, and Hockey.
mistermain said:Canuck, why is it that you bash America in nearly all your posts? Who the hell are you? Is Canada really that great? I could care less when whiny liberal AMERICANS bitch about America, but when outsiders do it it makes my blood boil. Go watch some hockey, and kiss Celine Dion for me. That's your only claim to fame, sad as it is.
Caine said:**** you I love hockey
Right there.....Columbusite said:The problem is that stupid, ignorant parents beget stupid, ignorant children by passing on their non-values to them. Making it worse is the large number of them. Saying "God Bless America", pledging allegiance to the flag, and being pious are what too many parents think is all that is needed for them and their kids to be good Americans. Not to mention whining about parential responsibility while letting TV raise their children and pushing for the government to take care of them so they don't have to. All this instead of valuing education, critical thought, and understanding the basic principles of this country.
mistermain said:Canada can take you too then.
Canuck, I am not referring to just this post. Every post is in regards to America. You seem to be consumed with the actions of Americans. Maybe that is why Canada means nothing to the rest of the world.
teacher said:True Canuck enjoys bashing America but his point, or Jeff Renses point, has merit. How can such a great country on the leading edge of technology have so many stupid people? How does one pass 2nd grade and not be able to read "Fox in Sox"? Billo's reason is obvious but the teachers and parents of those that can't got some splaining to do. Find the kids that can't read, find the teacher and the personnel that passed them and fire them.
Or is it a government conspiracy to keep people stupid and easily controlled?
UtahBill said:The parents come in and insist they be passed on to the next grade!!!!!
And in answer to your conspiracy question, yes, that is the way it was. Anymore, a conspiracy is not needed. Being stupid is the new educational standard. Our government has achieved optimum dumbness among the masses.:mrgreen:
teacher said:True Canuck enjoys bashing America but his point, or Jeff Renses point, has merit. How can such a great country on the leading edge of technology have so many stupid people? How does one pass 2nd grade and not be able to read "Fox in Sox"? Billo's reason is obvious but the teachers and parents of those that can't got some splaining to do. Find the kids that can't read, find the teacher and the personnel that passed them and fire them.
Or is it a government conspiracy to keep people stupid and easily controlled?
Canuck said:I can tell your over 20 you only make a few lapses from the english languge
splaining ?
Canuck said:Is the term
in the dictionary,prove it,im calling you out on it.
or do you cede ,that it is a non english *grunt*
I have never seen it before , Just curious as to what it means.
by your sentence I thought you meant explaining but it can't
there is no s in explaining
and I dont see how an S fits in
would all apply by your using splaining if that were the case
did you get dumbed down by your schools too
UtahBill said:splaining is slang for what Ricky Ricardo used to say to Lucy.
as in "Lucy, you got some splainin' to do".
That is OLD American TV, maybe you are too young for it.....
Canuck said:got it bill ,im slow too many hot totties
I WISH i was too young to know about it I would have an excuse
Those were the days of good TV now we get to listen to dribbling
chaos and cnn with the nothing is happening syndrom
sorry about the calling you out on the term splaining :3oops: