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The democrats took control of the House. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Yes the democrats now control the House. Do notice that republicans are NOT out rioting in the streets, looting, burning and whining. How do democrats explain this fact. It pretty much indicates which is the adult responsible party.
Yes the democrats now control the House. Do notice that republicans are NOT out rioting in the streets, looting, burning and whining. How do democrats explain this fact. It pretty much indicates which is the adult responsible party.

BLOOD AND SOIL with Tiki torches.

How soon we forget.
Yes the democrats now control the House. Do notice that republicans are NOT out rioting in the streets, looting, burning and whining. How do democrats explain this fact. It pretty much indicates which is the adult responsible party.

One of your guys ran someone over in Charlottesville.

There were no "riots" when the GOP took over the House, either.
The sheep haven't been given their marching orders yet.

......President Donald Trump says in a new interview that he is not concerned about being impeached by Democrats, saying, “I think that the people would revolt if that happened.”......

Trump Says '''People Would Revolt''' if He Were Impeached | Time

Remember when....


The time will come, maybe he will be more successful now that he is officially the cult leader.


One of your guys ran someone over in Charlottesville.

There were no "riots" when the GOP took over the House, either.
But there were plenty of weirdos dressing up like Thomas Paine, running around with racist signs during Obama's first term.
yes the democrats now control the house. Do notice that republicans are not out rioting in the streets, looting, burning and whining. How do democrats explain this fact. It pretty much indicates which is the adult responsible party.

The sheep haven't been given their marching orders yet.

Remember when....


The time will come, maybe he will be more successful now that he is officially the cult leader.



Responsible adults.
The sheep haven't been given their marching orders yet.

Remember when....


The time will come, maybe he will be more successful now that he is officially the cult leader.



I'd give this a like, but I fear this is more possible than we'd like to think.
Riots? Over midterm elections? I have never heard of that being a thing.
Second day has gone by with NO republican riots, burnings, and lootings.
Second day has gone by with NO republican riots, burnings, and lootings.

Are you pointing out horrible things the Republican party hasn't done and assuming that this is somehow a victory for the Republican Party?

Look how gymnasts Larry Nassar didn't sexually assault. It's like hundreds of gymnasts.
Second day has gone by with NO republican riots, burnings, and lootings.

I'll breathlessly await videos of Democrats rioting, looting and burning that occurred when the Republicans last took over the House from the Democrats.

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