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The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Right (1 Viewer)

Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

again.. I will let the mod take care of you..not my job..

Can you defend your attack, calling me a racist?

How do you justify that personal attack?
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

No such thing as a non-taxpayer. Even the wino living on your stoop pays taxws everytime they purchase their MD 20/20

Yea yea yea.. yawn.. we all know that.. and cigarettes etc..we know everyone pays those taxes..
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

No such thing as a non-taxpayer.

When you say "non-taxpayer" are you trying to provoke this image in peoples' heads? --


IMO - This false impression of the typical person who owes no taxes or takes some form or welfare is common with the GOP base.
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Yea yea yea.. yawn.. we all know that.. and cigarettes etc..we know everyone pays those taxes..

So IOW you are wrong when you say "non-tax payers" because even as you just admitted everyone pays taxes.
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

and Obama's budget was---------------uh-------------------hmm---------------------duh-----------a---------------voted down 99-0 in the senate.

It's strange that you, and the folks who clicked "like" on this post, seem to be under the impression that the Democrats are this Big Spending Soak the Rich Entitlement party, and yet you don't seem to have bothered asking why exactly Obama's budget was voted down unanimously. I mean really, not one? None of those ultra-left people you keep complaining about supported it? Not even one?

This actually happened more than once, and you folks fell for it every time. A couple of times "Obama's budget" wasn't actually remotely resembling Obama's budget, it just had some of the same numbers. Another time it happened because by the time Obama's budget came to floor vote, a different budget had already been pushed through with bigger spending cuts, so there was no longer any intention from either party to pass the original budget. (Obama included)

The GOP knew that, of course, but that didn't stop them from lying to you about it.
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

When you say "non-taxpayer" are you trying to provoke this image in peoples' heads? --


IMO - This false impression of the typical person who owes no taxes or takes some form or welfare is common with the GOP base.

Non-taxpayers look like this. . .


1) Exxon Mobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009. Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes, it actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS, according to its SEC filings. (Source: Exxon Mobil's 2009 shareholder report filed with the SEC here.)

10 Giant Corporations that Don't Pay Taxes | LifesLittleMysteries.com
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Obama is building his voting block of non tax payers faster then jobs are being created...Obama is aware of that... its his goal..

game over..

enjoy your hope and change poster...


Question: does any GOPer know how to do a citation?

Or did rush just tell his flock that babbling will wear down the opponents? :lol:
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

So IOW you are wrong when you say "non-tax payers" because even as you just admitted everyone pays taxes.

you can avoid those taxes.. so you can pay zero.. not the same as Fed or State..
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Non-taxpayers look like this. . .

total nonsense...and please stop with the blog links, they are frowned upon
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ


you can avoid those taxes.. so you can pay zero.. not the same as Fed or State..

Not if you want to buy something.
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

total nonsense...and please stop with the blog links, they are frowned upon

Everything that doesn't come out of rush's mouth is frowned upon by GOPers,

even if the site clearly listed the SEC filing on which the figures are based. . .


(too many big number for a right winger to process, don't ya think :lol: )
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Not if you want to buy something.

if yoru on welfare your not using your money.. so are you really paying the tax? your not paying period.
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Everything that doesn't come out of rush's mouth is frowned upon by GOPers,

even if the site clearly listed the SEC filing on which the figures are based. . .


(too many big number for a right winger to process, don't ya think :lol: )

16 trillion in debt.. can you handle it?

hit me with Immelts numbers as he workds for Obama..
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

I'm still wondering why the right opposes tax cuts for < $250K earners. Please enlighten me.
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

16 trillion in debt.. can you handle it?

and are you using Bernie Sanders?... thats guy is a moron..

What does Bernie Sanders have to do w/the SEC?

Do you not trust SEC filings because rush limbaugh told you that they cook up everything, too?
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

if yoru on welfare your not using your money.. so are you really paying the tax? your not paying period.

yes you are really paying a tax. and the business' who accept that money are also paying a tax,,,,and on and on.
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Everything that doesn't come out of rush's mouth is frowned upon by GOPers,

even if the site clearly listed the SEC filing on which the figures are based. . .


(too many big number for a right winger to process, don't ya think :lol: )

Will you please stop relying on your one trick pony that is disguised as debate? Screaming "you listen to Rush Limbaugh" is not a rebuttal.

You're embarrassing yourself
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

So, the government is supposed to just allow major industries to tank under conditions that were not their fault.

Yes, as opposed to spending loads of taxpayers money (taxpayers that were not at fault either).
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

I'm still wondering why the right opposes tax cuts for < $250K earners. Please enlighten me.

try this.. because Obama is moving the target... its either for all or nobody...we dont get into "perception" of what is rich and we know that number is a lie anyway.. like all things Obama its a FRAUD...

this is strictly Obama playing class warfare and glass ceilings...GOP called him out on this... this is smoke and mirrors time for Obama..

Your hero is a scumbag..a pathetic phoney..
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Will you please stop relying on your one trick pony that is disguised as debate? Screaming "you listen to Rush Limbaugh" is not a rebuttal.

You're embarrassing yourself

Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

if yoru on welfare your not using your money.. so are you really paying the tax? your not paying period.

If you're on welfare then you have little or no income. Why would we tax the poorest people?
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Yes, as opposed to spending loads of taxpayers money (taxpayers that were not at fault either).

Great. So our country should just sink when a bad thing happens.

good thinking

Next time there's a war, we'll all just stay home and let the government go and fight it. I'm sure that illegal immigrant labor will provide great cheap soldiering.
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

Non-taxpayers are irrelevant--they don't need a tax cut since they pay none.

The relevant issue is the vast majority of earners making < $250K who do pay taxes, and why the GOP didn't think Obama's plan to give them a tax cut was a bad idea, just because the wealthy paying 13% or less on taxes can't have one.

Obama has massively raised taxes on everyone. Obama has enslaved future generations to massive debt they can never hope to repay. Romney has proposed a 20% across the board marginal rate cut.

It's not the POTUS's place to give big firms taxpayer-funded welfare, regardless of whether it may create jobs, esp. when that welfare comes out of future generations' pockets.

Oh really?

White House analyst warned saving Solyndra could cost more than letting it fail - The Washington Post

Yadda yadda more mindless irrelevant name calling from someone who couldn't handle the facts relating to the topic of tax cuts.

You need to go back to rush and reload. Leave debating to the adults.

Hilarious irony and projection noted
Re: The Death Of So Called Liberal Fact Checkers: Video Proof Paul Ryan Was 100% Righ

yes you are really paying a tax. and the business' who accept that money are also paying a tax,,,,and on and on.

not really.. its the old "if I break a window, am I creating a job by fixing the window"...

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