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The Coronavirus Is the Worst Intelligence Failure in U.S. History (1 Viewer)

I am not a Trump supporter.

Yeah, I know I've heard that before on this forum several times.

But oddly enough when it's time for people like you to speak up you guys are nowhere to be found.

I don't have any patience for it anymore.
Yeah, I know I've heard that before on this forum several times.

But oddly enough when it's time for people like you to speak up you guys are nowhere to be found.

I don't have any patience for it anymore.

You must have missed my thread opposing the 2017 tax cut. My dislike of Trump does not require me to admire his opponents.
Nope. Clearly Wison's failure to prevent the Spanish Flu outbreak was magnitudes worse.

Even though there exists evidence that strongly suggests the 'Spanish Flu" may have originated here in the US.
There's plenty of blame to go around, Trump included but not alone. Had he moved hard against the Chinese in January he would have been accused of trying to divert attention from impeachment. Henry Kissinger once pointed out that the problem with preemptive action is that if you're successful then the preempted threat never materializes, and you're criticized for your aggressive, provocative behavior.

That's a bunch of hooey. Taking action Chinese, or anyone else, doesn't even enter into the picture. The action he should've taken was to heed the warnings from our intelligence people way back in January that this virus was very likely to go pandemic and that we should begin making preparations for that eventuality here accordingly. But he largely ignored those warnings and instead chose to downplay the threat. Even now he still refuses to bring the full force of the federal government into the fight against this virus despite the desperate pleadings from governors across the country for him to do so.
Point of origin remains in dispute.

That it did not originate in Spain however is not in doubt. The 3 leading candidates for it's point of origin are the US, United Kingdom, and China
If the POTUS had put the entire country under martial law because of one case, people would have lost their ****.

Who said Trump needed to do that?

He could have told people that it was serious and to listen to the CDC and the surgeon general.

But he didn't. He told people it wasn't worth being concerned about, until it was too late.
That's a bunch of hooey. Taking action Chinese, or anyone else, doesn't even enter into the picture. The action he should've taken was to heed the warnings from our intelligence people way back in January that this virus was very likely to go pandemic and that we should begin making preparations for that eventuality here accordingly. But he largely ignored those warnings and instead chose to downplay the threat. Even now he still refuses to bring the full force of the federal government into the fight against this virus despite the desperate pleadings from governors across the country for him to do so.

The Dems don't get a pass.

Henry Olsen column: Impeachment hurt Trumps response to coronavirus


That's complete horse****. Only he can invoke the emergency wartime production act. He directs the federal government response. Not the Democrats. If it wasn't for Governors of various states taking matters into their own hands there would not be much of a response at all. His primary job is to protect the American people and he's failing to do so. But let someone start a migrant caravan in Bolivia with a couple of thousand of poor people and point it toward Mexico then he doesn't hesitate to mobilize our military then. The level of idiocy and incompetence here is simply astounding. Even for Trump.
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That's complete horse****. Only he can invoke emergency wartime production act. He directs the federal government response.No the Democrats. If it wasn't for Governors of various states taking matters into their own hands there would not be much of a response at all. His primary job is to protect the American people and he's failing to do so. But let someone start a migrant caravan in Bolivia with a couple of thousand of poor people and point it toward Mexico then he doesn't hesitate to mobilize our military then. The level of idiocy and incompetence here is simply astounding. Even for Trump.

What's funnier is the people that continue to support him despite his record of lies and abject failure.
That's complete horse****. Only he can invoke emergency wartime production act. He directs the federal government response.No the Democrats. If it wasn't for Governors of various states taking matters into their own hands there would not be much of a response at all. His primary job is to protect the American people and he's failing to do so. But let someone start a migrant caravan in Bolivia with a couple of thousand of poor people and point it toward Mexico then he doesn't hesitate to mobilize our military then. The level of idiocy and incompetence here is simply astounding. Even for Trump.

From the link in #85:

[FONT=&quot]". . . It seems forever ago, but Trump’s impeachment was the major story in January and early February - the same time that disease was forcing China to lock down cities. Despite the near certainty that Republicans would not vote to convict the president, Democrats and most of the major media were almost entirely focused on impeachment. As a result, the White House was focused on addressing this threat to its survival, not on preparing for a threat from China that might never even materialize.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Trump’s efforts to prepare the nation for this pandemic has been far from perfect, but the one thing the president did do to stop the virus’s spread to the United States during that period - stopping air travel from China - was heavily criticized. Even former vice president Joe Biden criticized the president’s ban as “hysterical xenophobia.” At the time, partisan vituperation had reached a fever pitch because of impeachment. Given that impeachment managers were regularly calling Trump a king or incipient dictator, a more forceful response against the virus in January or early February likely wouldn’t have gone over well. . . . "[/FONT]
From the link in #85:

[FONT="]". . . It seems forever ago, but Trump’s impeachment was the major story in January and early February - the same time that disease was forcing China to lock down cities. Despite the near certainty that Republicans would not vote to convict the president, Democrats and most of the major media were almost entirely focused on impeachment. As a result, the White House was focused on addressing this threat to its survival, not on preparing for a threat from China that might never even materialize.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#232323][FONT="]Trump’s efforts to prepare the nation for this pandemic has been far from perfect, but the one thing the president did do to stop the virus’s spread to the United States during that period - stopping air travel from China - was heavily criticized. Even former vice president Joe Biden criticized the president’s ban as “hysterical xenophobia.” At the time, partisan vituperation had reached a fever pitch because of impeachment. Given that impeachment managers were regularly calling Trump a king or incipient dictator, a more forceful response against the virus in January or early February likely wouldn’t have gone over well. . . . "[/FONT]

Trump's response was "It's no big deal".

No amount of weaseling will change that.
Read the link in #85. The Dems pursued feckless impeachment and boosted partisan vituperation.

They were following the proper process.

Unless you prefer a monarchy, I guess.
From the link in #85:

[FONT="]". . . It seems forever ago, but Trump’s impeachment was the major story in January and early February - the same time that disease was forcing China to lock down cities. Despite the near certainty that Republicans would not vote to convict the president, Democrats and most of the major media were almost entirely focused on impeachment. As a result, the White House was focused on addressing this threat to its survival, not on preparing for a threat from China that might never even materialize.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#232323][FONT="]Trump’s efforts to prepare the nation for this pandemic has been far from perfect, but the one thing the president did do to stop the virus’s spread to the United States during that period - stopping air travel from China - was heavily criticized. Even former vice president Joe Biden criticized the president’s ban as “hysterical xenophobia.” At the time, partisan vituperation had reached a fever pitch because of impeachment. Given that impeachment managers were regularly calling Trump a king or incipient dictator, a more forceful response against the virus in January or early February likely wouldn’t have gone over well. . . . "[/FONT]

Unbelievable! Even more horse****! If Trump was obsessed with the impeachment. That's on him. He still had a country to run and protect. Clinton did it. So there's no excuse why he couldn't. He should've been focusing more on that than staying up late with cheeseburger in hand watching Fox News every night. The fact that the China was undertaking such extreme and harsh measures to contain it should've a been a clear indication just how much of a threat this posed to everyone. Our intelligence people saw it that way. But what we did we get instead? Pretty much a repeat of Helsinki. Where he believes anyone else but them. Hell, everyone knew that Trump was not going to be convicted before the impeachment even began. Since there doesn't appear to be anyone in the GOP, outside of perhaps Romney, with any semblance of a moral conscience. And please he didn't "stop" air travel from China. And there wasn't any sort of large criticism of his decision to restrict travel to and from China. But even so 300,000 people still managed transit between the US and China despite the 'restrictions'. So the horse was let out of barn and the numbers we're seeing now reflect that.
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They were following the proper process.

Unless you prefer a monarchy, I guess.

Unbelievable! Even more horse****! If Trump was obsessed with the impeachment. That's on him. He still had a country to run and protect. Clinton did it. So there's no excuse why he couldn't. He should've been focusing more on that than staying up late with cheeseburger in hand watching Fox News every night. The fact that the China was undertaking such extreme and harsh measures to contain it should've a been a clear indication just how much of a threat this posed to everyone. Our intelligence people saw it that way. But what we did we get instead? Pretty much a repeat of Helsinki. Where he believes anyone else but them. Hell, everyone knew that Trump was not going to be convicted before the impeachment even began. Since there doesn't appear to be anyone in the GOP, outside of perhaps Romney, with any semblance of a moral conscience. And please he didn't "stop" air travel from China. And there wasn't any sort of large criticism of his decision to restrict travel to and from China. But even so 300,000 people still managed transit between the US and China despite the 'restrictions'. So the horse was let out of barn and the numbers we're seeing now reflect that.

Impeachment was a feckless exercise in partisan hate-mongering.
Trump is not up to his responsibilities.
As I said, enough blame for all.
Impeachment was a feckless exercise in partisan hate-mongering.
Trump is not up to his responsibilities.
As I said, enough blame for all.

So yes, you want a monarchy.
That's not an intelligence failure. It's a policy failure.
C'mon, man; you know there are only policy successes and intelligence failures :D.

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