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The Coronavirus Is the Worst Intelligence Failure in U.S. History (1 Viewer)

Isn't it just easier to say he's an immature politician who only cares about money?
Pearl clutching at its finest right there ^. Trump did not design the system that made one lab in Atlanta ground zero for testing results. What they did do was try to come up with a better testing kit that could be used nationally. Unfortunately it did not work out. We have a highly fragmented health care model in the US without uniformity of equipment, training, and capabilities. That is not Trump's fault either. They continue to work on that test kit as well as test at home kits, but declaring we should already have them is a lot easier than actually inventing them.

Trump spent the entire time downplaying it. He spent months lying to the American people about the potential for a Covid-19 pandemic. He did nothing, that is the problem. Trump's problem is Malignant Solipsism, combined with an extreme inferiority complex, combined with a lack of ability to digest new information. When FDR warned this country during the Great Depression that we must always be on guard against "foolish optimism", he may as well have been describing Trump a man who's ego is so fragile that he takes every bit of possible good news as a referendum on him, and every shred of bad news as a criticism.

This lead to a total failure: Why doesn't America have enough coronavirus tests? | Advisory Board Daily Briefing

He bragged about shutting down travel to China early on, but did nothing at all with the time it gave him. Moreover, you are ignoring the fact that the Administration did not opt to use WHO tests. Now you might argue that in the past, the CDC has opted to develop its own testing, but how many times has Trump bragged about the fact he changed how this country did something?

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S. - POLITICO
Had they used the time we had between the outbreak in China and the outbreak in the United States to ensure we had adequate testing in place, we could have contained this outbreak like South Korea did without shutting down our economy. That is a failure of the Trump Administration no matter how you slice it.

Your are exactly correct. That is likely how history will read.
But facts make no difference to the folks who are infected with the Trump Virus.
Sadly, the Trump Virus affects the centers of the brain that control logical thought processing.
Once affected, patients show an inability to separate truth from propaganda.
According to the CDC, it will be after the November election before will we have data to confirm how prevalent the Trump Virus is on the national level.
Trump spent the entire time downplaying it. He spent months lying to the American people about the potential for a Covid-19 pandemic. He did nothing, that is the problem. Trump's problem is Malignant Solipsism, combined with an extreme inferiority complex, combined with a lack of ability to digest new information. When FDR warned this country during the Great Depression that we must always be on guard against "foolish optimism", he may as well have been describing Trump a man who's ego is so fragile that he takes every bit of possible good news as a referendum on him, and every shred of bad news as a criticism.

This lead to a total failure: Why doesn't America have enough coronavirus tests? | Advisory Board Daily Briefing

He bragged about shutting down travel to China early on, but did nothing at all with the time it gave him. Moreover, you are ignoring the fact that the Administration did not opt to use WHO tests. Now you might argue that in the past, the CDC has opted to develop its own testing, but how many times has Trump bragged about the fact he changed how this country did something?

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S. - POLITICO

Tell it like it is. You may reach a few who are open minded. You speak truth and that is all one can do when faced with stubborn ignorance. God help us all!
Trump spent the entire time downplaying it. He spent months lying to the American people about the potential for a Covid-19 pandemic. He did nothing, that is the problem. Trump's problem is Malignant Solipsism, combined with an extreme inferiority complex, combined with a lack of ability to digest new information. When FDR warned this country during the Great Depression that we must always be on guard against "foolish optimism", he may as well have been describing Trump a man who's ego is so fragile that he takes every bit of possible good news as a referendum on him, and every shred of bad news as a criticism.

This lead to a total failure: Why doesn't America have enough coronavirus tests? | Advisory Board Daily Briefing

He bragged about shutting down travel to China early on, but did nothing at all with the time it gave him. Moreover, you are ignoring the fact that the Administration did not opt to use WHO tests. Now you might argue that in the past, the CDC has opted to develop its own testing, but how many times has Trump bragged about the fact he changed how this country did something?

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S. - POLITICO

Testing wasn't going to stop this outbreak.
The coronavirus intelligence was there and was presented to both President Trump and Congress.

Trump ignored it or called it a hoax. At least 4 Congress critters called their brokers and sold vulnerable stocks.

Trump spent the entire time downplaying it. He spent months lying to the American people about the potential for a Covid-19 pandemic. He did nothing, that is the problem. Trump's problem is Malignant Solipsism, combined with an extreme inferiority complex, combined with a lack of ability to digest new information. When FDR warned this country during the Great Depression that we must always be on guard against "foolish optimism", he may as well have been describing Trump a man who's ego is so fragile that he takes every bit of possible good news as a referendum on him, and every shred of bad news as a criticism.

This lead to a total failure: Why doesn't America have enough coronavirus tests? | Advisory Board Daily Briefing

He bragged about shutting down travel to China early on, but did nothing at all with the time it gave him. Moreover, you are ignoring the fact that the Administration did not opt to use WHO tests. Now you might argue that in the past, the CDC has opted to develop its own testing, but how many times has Trump bragged about the fact he changed how this country did something?

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S. - POLITICO

There is no indication that the WHO test would have made a bit of difference given the demand for them outpacing the supply, the global shortage of reagents, and oh yea, the part you ignored---the lack of labs capable of processing the tests in a timely fashion.
There is no indication that the WHO test would have made a bit of difference given the demand for them outpacing the supply, the global shortage of reagents, and oh yea, the part you ignored---the lack of labs capable of processing the tests in a timely fashion.

He had nearly 3 months. You are telling me that in nearly 3 months we could not have upped our lab capacity for the WHO test? How the hell do you think South Korea did it? They had their first case the same day we did.
There is no indication that the WHO test would have made a bit of difference given the demand for them outpacing the supply, the global shortage of reagents, and oh yea, the part you ignored---the lack of labs capable of processing the tests in a timely fashion.

The WHO test could have acted as a template for a CDC test. Instead, the CDC rolled out a flawed test (the N3 component).

There are 20 large independent labs in the US, plus plenty of university/hospital labs, that can decipher such tests.
Those millions should have made better life choices.

Some people don't think before they blurt obscenities. Your smugness might be altered were you to lose a loved one during this epidemic.
He had nearly 3 months. You are telling me that in nearly 3 months we could not have upped our lab capacity for the WHO test? How the hell do you think South Korea did it? They had their first case the same day we did.

South Korea built that capacity over 5 YEARS as a result of MERS. :doh
I'm not blaming Trump for the virus; I'm blaming him for his reckless incompetence-like stating that all will be back to normal by Easter.

Trump did not use words like normal. He said he hoped the well can return to work. Right now since most are not impacted by having the disease, they too are forced to suffer. Trump wants that to stop.
The WHO test could have acted as a template for a CDC test. Instead, the CDC rolled out a flawed test (the N3 component).

There are 20 large independent labs in the US, plus plenty of university/hospital labs, that can decipher such tests.

Literally every hospital in American has its own labs. It's one of the ways they extort patients (example, charging 450 dollars for a 20 dollar metabolic panel). Moreover, a high percentage of primary care groups have labs on site. The notion that there is not capacity is laughable.
South Korea built that capacity over 5 YEARS as a result of MERS. :doh

We have more labs per-capita than South Korea does. In fact, we have more labs per-capita than just about any other county on earth because its such a money maker for health systems. Billing 400 dollars for a 20 dollar metabolic panel is a huge money maker for health systems. For example, between Labcorp, Quest, Hospital labs, and Primary Care group labs, within 5 miles of my house, there are literally dozens of labs.

Hell, Labcorp and Quest Diagnostics are literally the two largest lab diagnostic systems on earth.
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The WHO test could have acted as a template for a CDC test. Instead, the CDC rolled out a flawed test (the N3 component).

There are 20 large independent labs in the US, plus plenty of university/hospital labs, that can decipher such tests.

Not without the reagents
No, they do not make national policy. A fish rots from the head.

Medical PPE has nothing to do with national policy. The medical community should have employed some personal initiative and stocked up.
It is far too early for us to flatly say that. Sadly, we will wait weeks before possibly experiencing the peaks in reported infections and deaths.
But the key point of the OP that our president and Commander in Chief has falsely claimed this threat represents "a hoax" and that its severity was overblown can not be dismissed.
History will record the facts after the dust settles. But here in America's Covid-19 epicenter, we New Yorkers are counting bodies.

I get daily updates from my son living there.
Nope. Clearly Wison's failure to prevent the Spanish Flu outbreak was magnitudes worse.

Consider the time period and the sophistication of the health system back then. They didn't have ventilators back then. They didn't have test kits. All of these tools were available to us just a few months ago, and Trump sat on his hands.

Yeah, I guess human civilization should have done a better job during the various bouts of the plague too? Should we compare Trump's policies to the various kingdoms during medieval times as well?
That's not an intelligence failure. It's a policy failure.

Well, I'm glad you understand enough to know that Trump failed.

Can't say the same for the other Trump supporters.
Yep, and all of those demorat congress critters in the know were busy having their states and districts gearing up for the coming pandemic - look it up. ;)
They were too busy screaming about Boltons book.
Whatever happened to that supposed bombshell? At the time it was important thsn preparing for an impending pandemic that according them was very obviously on its way. If that books content was more important then a pandemic, why haven't they made its contents known to the public?

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