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The blue wave just keeps getting bigger (1 Viewer)


Formerly, MovingPictures
DP Veteran
Jul 27, 2017
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Slightly Liberal
GOP Rep. Denham loses as latest ballot counts show Republicans Walters and Kim in growing danger - Los Angeles Times

California Republicans lost a fourth seat in the House on Tuesday as Democrat Josh Harder gained enough votes to oust GOP Rep. Jeff Denham in the San Joaquin Valley.

Denham’s loss, projected by the Associated Press, came amid signs that two other Republican seats are also in growing jeopardy. The continuing tallies of hundreds of thousands of ballots cast in the Nov. 6 midterm election are consistently favoring Democrats, underscoring the increasingly bleak fortunes of the California GOP.

In Orange County’s latest ballot count Tuesday, Republican Rep. Mimi Walters fell 261 votes behind her Democratic challenger, Katie Porter. Walters finished election night more than 6,200 votes ahead, but her lead steadily dwindled until it vanished on Tuesday.

Young Kim, the Republican running to succeed GOP Rep. Ed Royce of Fullerton, saw her lead over Democrat Gil Cisneros shrink to 711 votes in the updated Orange and Los Angeles county tallies.

If Republicans lose all six contests, they will be left with just eight of the state’s 53 House seats and neither of its two U.S. Senate seats.

The four House defeats, combined with the party’s routinely dismal results in races for state office, have already prompted a reckoning among Republican leaders trying to come to grips with the GOP’s seemingly unstoppable decline in California.

“The California Republican Party isn’t salvageable at this time,” Kristin Olsen, a former Assembly GOP leader, wrote Tuesday on the CalMatters website. “The Grand Old Party is dead — partly because it has failed to separate itself from today’s toxic, national brand of Republican politics.”

Any election where Orange County goes blue is definitely a blue wave.

California looks better every day.
Way to go!

Too bad Democrats had to defend so many seats in the Senate. Was the wrong point in the cycle.

So now do we hope that Republicans start acting decently so that it won't matter so much who has the Senate? Or do we hope Republicans continue to behave egregiously so that enthusiasm stays high to remove them the next time there is half a chance?

It's moot, isn't it. What are the odds that they suddenly decide they want to pass good laws?
GOP Rep. Denham loses as latest ballot counts show Republicans Walters and Kim in growing danger - Los Angeles Times


Any election where Orange County goes blue is definitely a blue wave.

California looks better every day.

Even with the elections they are stealing Dems still have smaller than average pick up in congress. While the GOP has an increase in the Senate only the 3rd time in 100 years that has happened in a first mid term.

All of America seeing the Democrat electoral corruption is one of the biggest wins for the GOP and all other Americans.
Way to go!

Too bad Democrats had to defend so many seats in the Senate. Was the wrong point in the cycle.

So now do we hope that Republicans start acting decently so that it won't matter so much who has the Senate? Or do we hope Republicans continue to behave egregiously so that enthusiasm stays high to remove them the next time there is half a chance?
Republicans are not going to change, forget it.

The way Republicans are behaving now is how they've behaved since Clinton took office in 1992. Power hungry, ruthless, and mentally disturbed. Don't think they're going to learn from the backlash. They didn't in 1992, they didn't in 2008, and they're not about to learn now.

They'll simply regroup, reload, and wait for every to forget how awful they are.

It's moot, isn't it. What are the odds that they suddenly decide they want to pass good laws?
Way to go!

Too bad Democrats had to defend so many seats in the Senate. Was the wrong point in the cycle.

So now do we hope that Republicans start acting decently so that it won't matter so much who has the Senate? Or do we hope Republicans continue to behave egregiously so that enthusiasm stays high to remove them the next time there is half a chance?

It's moot, isn't it. What are the odds that they suddenly decide they want to pass good laws?

Cheer up, the GOP has 20 Senate seats to defend in 2020. I have not looked at those paticulars but its going to a tough slog for the GOP to hang on to the Senate.
Even with the elections they are stealing Dems still have smaller than average pick up in congress. While the GOP has an increase in the Senate only the 3rd time in 100 years that has happened in a first mid term.

All of America seeing the Democrat electoral corruption is one of the biggest wins for the GOP and all other Americans.
Nobody outside the people that watch FOX all day believe the idiotic, lunatic conspiracy theories of the right-wing.
Cheer up, the GOP has 20 Senate seats to defend in 2020. I have not looked at those paticulars but its going to a tough slog for the GOP to hang on to the Senate.

Those 9 seats the GOP won in 2014 won't be easy to defend in 2020, and Arizona, Maine, and Texas will be battle grounds, too.

We'll get the Senate back, it's just a matter of how big.

Those 9 seats the GOP won in 2014 won't be easy to defend in 2020, and Arizona, Maine, and Texas will be battle grounds, too.

We'll get the Senate back, it's just a matter of how big.

My brother and family relocated to Main, he states Collins is deeply unpopular. That will be an easy seat to flip if the Dems run a decent canidate who has Mains interest at heart, not Trumps.
This Blue wave, at least in terms of the house, is looking more impressive each and every day. 538.com is predicting 38 pick-ups.

Those 9 seats the GOP won in 2014 won't be easy to defend in 2020, and Arizona, Maine, and Texas will be battle grounds, too.

We'll get the Senate back, it's just a matter of how big.

With the corruption Dems use to win most elections being exposed, by 2020 they will more likely be another Whig party.
This Blue wave, at least in terms of the house, is looking more impressive each and every day. 538.com is predicting 38 pick-ups.

Even with those stolen elections it's still a smaller than average pickup. While the GOP has increased their hold in the Senate, only the 3rd time in a 100 years that has happened on a first mid term.

All America seeing the typical Democrat election fraud/corruption is a huge win for the GOP,,, and all other Americans as well.

Those 9 seats the GOP won in 2014 won't be easy to defend in 2020, and Arizona, Maine, and Texas will be battle grounds, too.

We'll get the Senate back, it's just a matter of how big.

With the electoral corruption being exposed Dems are losing their most effective weapon.
This Blue wave, at least in terms of the house, is looking more impressive each and every day. 538.com is predicting 38 pick-ups.
Don't forget that since Arizona and Nevada flipped, the Republicans only had a net gain of two seats. Considering the map Democrats had to deal with, that's not too bad.

In 2020 Republicans will have to defend all the seats they flipped in 2014. Of those, Alaska, Colorado, North Carolina, and Louisiana can flip right back pretty easy, and Arizona, Maine, and Texas will be very competitive, too.

It can't come soon enough.
Don't forget that since Arizona and Nevada flipped, the Republicans only had a net gain of two seats. Considering the map Democrats had to deal with, that's not too bad.

In 2020 Republicans will have to defend all the seats they flipped in 2014. Of those, Alaska, Colorado, North Carolina, and Louisiana can flip right back pretty easy, and Arizona, Maine, and Texas will be very competitive, too.

It can't come soon enough.
Considering that was the worst Senate map for the Dems in a century, I don't think we can complain.

My thoughts:

1] Wow, the polls were nearly perfect. 38 House seats gained, 7 govs flipped, 2 Senate loses, and a +7 pt Dem advantage. That's virtually perfect predictions from both the aggregators (RCP, 538) and the predictors (Cook's, Sebato).

2] In the Senate, the Dems have a geography problem that seems problematic. Red states are rural, with few voters but still get two Senators. This will continue to cause tyranny of the minority in the Senate, at least for now. 500K Wyoming voters = 40M California voters. Yow!
This Blue wave, at least in terms of the house, is looking more impressive each and every day. 538.com is predicting 38 pick-ups.

The popular vote for the Dems this mid-term already surpassed the GOP's popular vote win in 2010. So that means more Americans actually voted against Trump in 2018 than they did Obama in 2010, and this is despite Trump benefitting from an excellent economy. Any other normal GOP president would have gained seats in the house, not lose them the way president orange did.
Considering that was the worst Senate map for the Dems in a century, I don't think we can complain.

My thoughts:

1] Wow, the polls were nearly perfect. 38 House seats gained, 7 govs flipped, 2 Senate loses, and a +7 pt Dem advantage. That's virtually perfect predictions from both the aggregators (RCP, 538) and the predictors (Cook's, Sebato).

2] In the Senate, the Dems have a geography problem that seems problematic. Red states are rural, with few voters but still get two Senators. This will continue to cause tyranny of the minority in the Senate, at least for now. 500K Wyoming voters = 40M California voters. Yow!
1. Indeed the polls were pretty accurate, and it seems moderates carried the Democrats across the board.

2. The solution for Democrats is to forget trying to win the South Dakota's and Utha's of this country. Those states are permanently red, and will stay so. However, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina are becoming more and more purple, and that is territory where Republicans are becoming vulnerable, and where Democrats can put the pressure on them.

For those that laugh at the idea, California was a red state for a long time (outside of LA), but eventually Republicans couldn't get the numbers anymore, because the urban areas were too blue. Same thing happened in New Mexico and Nevada.
The popular vote for the Dems this mid-term already surpassed the GOP's popular vote win in 2010. So that means more Americans actually voted against Trump in 2018 than they did Obama in 2010, and this is despite Trump benefitting from an excellent economy. Any other normal GOP president would have gained seats in the house, not lose them the way president orange did.
Dems also cast 12M more Senatoral votes, than the Repubs. But you know; geography.
1. Indeed the polls were pretty accurate, and it seems moderates carried the Democrats across the board.

2. The solution for Democrats is to forget trying to win the South Dakota's and Utha's of this country. Those states are permanently red, and will stay so. However, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina are becoming more and more purple, and that is territory where Republicans are becoming vulnerable, and where Democrats can put the pressure on them.

For those that laugh at the idea, California was a red state for a long time (outside of LA), but eventually Republicans couldn't get the numbers anymore, because the urban areas were too blue. Same thing happened in New Mexico and Nevada.
I think that's a fair argument (#2).
Dems also cast 12M more Senatoral votes, than the Repubs. But you know; geography.

If it wasn't for gerrymandering, and the fact that Dem voters don't always show up and vote the way GOP voters do, the Republican party would be finished as a national party. As things stand now, if everything was equal, and both parties bases showed up in strong numbers every election cycle, the GOP would literally lose every election. I've always said that they better be careful and not wake up that sleeping giant. But they haven't listened. Trump just may the one to wake up that sleeping giant that may very well put an end to the modern day GOP, either forcing them to drastically change, or having them being completely finished politically.
If it wasn't for gerrymandering, and the fact that Dem voters don't always show up and vote the way GOP voters do, the Republican party would be finished as a national party. As things stand now, if everything was equal, and both parties bases showed up in strong numbers every election cycle, the GOP would literally lose every election. I've always said that they better be careful and not wake up that sleeping giant. But they haven't listened. Trump just may the one to wake up that sleeping giant that may very well put an end to the modern day GOP, either forcing them to drastically change, or having them being completely finished politically.
I very much agree!

Think of it. The infrastructure is so stacked against the Dems, that last week they needed to be at +6 pts to reach parity! PARITY! And they still kicked ass, with around +7.5, putting them a point & a half or so over parity.

Now imagine if it was an even playing field? With the Dems essentially having an additional 6 pts last week? Wow! It would have been murderous!

So yeah, I agree with you, and I hope I was able to conceptualize our thoughts a bit further.
I very much agree!

Think of it. The infrastructure is so stacked against the Dems, that last week they needed to be at +6 pts to reach parity! PARITY! And they still kicked ass, with around +7.5, putting them a point & a half or so over parity.

Now imagine if it was an even playing field? With the Dems essentially having an additional 6 pts last week? Wow! It would have been murderous!

So yeah, I agree with you, and I hope I was able to conceptualize our thoughts a bit further.
And that's where the best part comes in.

Virginia, Illinois, Michigan, and North Carolina are poised to be de-gerrymandered, thanks to new governors and ballot votes.

That's a good dozen seats the GOP may lose permanently, much like what happened in Pennsylvania.

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