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Texas abortion bill fails after Sen. Wendy Davis' filibuster (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Despite barely beating a midnight deadline, hundreds of jeering protesters helped stop Texas lawmakers from passing one of the toughest abortion measures in the country.
As the protesters raised the noise to deafening levels in the Texas Senate chamber late Tuesday, Republicans scrambled to gather their colleagues at the podium for a stroke-of-midnight vote.

After Channel 13 here in Houston directed people to the live broadcast on the internet, during the 10:00 news, I went there and watched. And there was far more to this than what was on the news.

1) First of all, Republicans stopped the filibuster, claiming that what Wendy Davis was talking about during the filibuster was not germane. What Wendy had brought up was how the bill, coupled with the sonogram bill that had already passed earlier in the year, would impact the ability of women to get an abortion, even if it meant saving the woman's life. This, of course, WAS germane to the discussion, but this is not a point that the parliamentarian decides. David Dewhurst, the Lieutenant Governor, made this ruling himself, and without submitting it to the body for a vote, as required by the rules. He did this, of course, knowing that time was running short, and the special session was about to end.

2) This ruling was appealed directly by a Democratic Senator, and David Dewhurst recused himself from the chair, while another Republican took his place.

3) As debate began on the appeal, a motion was made by a Republican Senator to table the appeal, while the Democrat still had the floor. According to the rules of the Senate, this cannot be done while someone has the floor.

4) At this point, the Democrats began gumming up the works with countless parliamentary inquiries. With 20 minutes left in the special session, the motion to table the appeal still had not been voted on.

5) Now it gets very interesting. Democratic Senator Letitica Van de Putte makes a motion to adjourn the Senate, another stalling tactic. She is not recognized, but a Republican who makes a motion to vote on the preceding question AFTER she made hers is recognized instead. Van de Putte then calls for another parliamentary inquiry, and says the following: "How high must a female Senator raise her hand before she is recognized by her male collegues".

6) At that point, the gallery erupts with applause and yelling and screaming, disrupting the proceedings, and this does not end until midnight.

7) At 11:58 PM, the Republicans stop the Senate clock, and in the next several minutes, table the motion to appeal, and then pass the bill. It is AFTER midnight, and the special session is over, but the bill passes, nonetheless.

8) For the next 3 hours there is a conference between the Republicans and Democrats, as the Democrats are preparing to file a lawsuit against David Dewhurst in court.

9) At 3 in the morning, a compromise is worked out which states that the bill was passed in time, but was not signed out of the Senate by Dewhurst before midnight, therefore the bill did not pass.

The special session has ended with Governor Rick Perry's plan to shut down almost every abortion clinic in Texas going down in flames, in what has become known as "The Peoples' Filibuster".

Article is here
After Channel 13 here in Houston directed
people to the live broadcast on the internet, during the 10:00 news, I went there and watched. And there was far more to this than what was on the news.

1) First of all, Republicans stopped the filibuster, claiming that what Wendy Davis was talking about during the filibuster was not germane. What Wendy had brought up was how the bill, coupled with the sonogram bill that had already passed earlier in the year, would impact the ability of women to get an abortion, even if it meant saving the woman's life. This, of course, WAS germane to the discussion, but this is not a point that the parliamentarian decides. David Dewhurst, the Lieutenant Governor, made this ruling himself, and without submitting it to the body for a vote, as required by the rules. He did this, of course, knowing that time was running short, and the special session was about to end.

2) This ruling was appealed directly by a Democratic Senator, and David Dewhurst recused himself from the chair, while another Republican took his place.

3) As debate began on the appeal, a motion was made by a Republican Senator to table the appeal, while the Democrat still had the floor. According to the rules of the Senate, this cannot be done while someone has the floor.

4) At this point, the Democrats began gumming up the works with countless parliamentary inquiries. With 20 minutes left in the special session, the motion to table the appeal still had not been voted on.

5) Now it gets very interesting. Democratic Senator Letitica Van de Putte makes a motion to adjourn the Senate, another stalling tactic. She is not recognized, but a Republican who makes a motion to vote on the preceding question AFTER she made hers is recognized instead. Van de Putte then calls for another parliamentary inquiry, and says the following: "How high must a female Senator raise her hand before she is recognized by her male collegues".

6) At that point, the gallery erupts with applause and yelling and screaming, disrupting the proceedings, and this does not end until midnight.

7) At 11:58 PM, the Republicans stop the Senate clock, and in the next several minutes, table the motion to appeal, and then pass the bill. It is AFTER midnight, and the special session is over, but the bill passes, nonetheless.

8) For the next 3 hours there is a conference between the Republicans and Democrats, as the Democrats are preparing to file a lawsuit against David Dewhurst in court.

9) At 3 in the morning, a compromise is worked out which states that the bill was passed in time, but was not signed out of the Senate by Dewhurst before midnight, therefore the bill did not pass.

The special session has ended with Governor Rick Perry's plan to shut down almost every abortion clinic in Texas going down in flames, in what has become known as "The Peoples' Filibuster".

Article is here

Lol..the " peoples fillibuster".

More like the killing of the most innocent fillibuster.
The stopping of the human heart filibuster.
The murder of a human being fillibuster.

Sorry, Perry can call another special session.

I like the Davis's comment of this was "Democracy" in action.

It was exactly the opposite.
like i said in the other thread its good this bill died

its awesome this stupid nonsensical biased retarded bill is currently dead

while Im fine with the 20-22 week window and my PERSONAL opinion is that abortion should be vastly limited over 21 weeks (it already is over 24 weeks) but the rest of the bill is completely stupid.

any bill that could "possibly" close 37 of the 42 facilities providing safe, legal abortions in Texas is just stupid and not about rights/safety or anything else people try to say its about.

They should have stuck with the 20-22 week window and left it at that, honest, logical bills like that could actually work. The medical standards are already fine and not to be legislated in this fashion.
Lol..the " peoples fillibuster".

More like the killing of the most innocent fillibuster.
The stopping of the human heart filibuster.
The murder of a human being fillibuster.

Sorry, Perry can call another special session.

I like the Davis's comment of this was "Democracy" in action.

It was exactly the opposite.

The Republicans literally tried to cheat the rules of their state in order to pass a bill. How much would you be flipping your **** if Harry Reid just decided to start ignoring legal amendments, motions, and bills that Republicans put in the Senate?

Whether or not you like it, abortion is legal and is a right as defined by the United States Supreme Court. Bills like this one are a blatant attempt to circumvent that right by removing access to it. Turn it around. Instead of banning guns, a state just makes it illegal to run a gun store in the state and makes it illegal to bring a gun across the state border. Hey, you can still own a gun! That state isn't taking away any of your rights. You wouldn't complain, would you?
The Republicans literally tried to cheat the
rules of their state in order to pass a bill. How much would you be flipping your **** if Harry Reid just decided to start ignoring legal amendments, motions, and bills that Republicans put in the Senate?

Whether or not you like it, abortion is legal and is a right as defined by the United States Supreme Court. Bills like this one are a blatant attempt to circumvent that right by removing access to it. Turn it around. Instead of banning guns, a state just makes it illegal to run a gun store in the state and makes it illegal to bring a gun across the state border. Hey, you can still own a gun! That state isn't taking away any of your rights. You wouldn't complain, would you?

Your politicians target Conservatives via IRS harrasment, lie in front of Congress, ignore Contempt charges, leave people to die in Libya and then lie to the victims parents and your'e complaining about Texas puting limits on when a women can kill their babies ?


" Democracy" this was not. We have cowardly Democrats in Texas and instead of adhering to true Democratic principles, they pitch a fit or run away out of state.

Its why wer'e still a Republican run State.
Abortion is murder - plain and simple.

Any mother that has an abortion should be charged with first degree murder if her life is not threatened by the child or as the immoral like to call them "fetus."

Doctors who perform abortions should be charged with second degree murder for performing the procedure.

I hope to God that anyone who does have a legal abortion feels shame, guilt and depression for the rest of their lives.
Your politicians target Conservatives via IRS harrasment, lie in front of Congress, ignore Contempt charges, leave people to die in Libya and then lie to the victims parents and your'e complaining about Texas puting limits on when a women can kill their babies ?


" Democracy" this was not. We have cowardly Democrats in Texas and instead of adhering to true Democratic principles, they pitch a fit or run away out of state.

Its why wer'e still a Republican run State.

Nice attempt at a deflection there buddy, but you totally dodged the point. You call it "true Democratic principles." Does that include violating the established rules of the state congress? How come when a Democrat "runs away out of state," it's worthy of condemnation, but when a Republican literally ignores the rules when it suits him, you don't make a peep?

Were you similarly critical of Republican filibusters during the whole Obamacare and immigration reform discussions at the Federal level? You don't think if the constitutionally-dictated 51 voters were the threshold instead of the filibuster-dictated 60 votes, the bill wouldn't have been a wee bit more "liberal?"

Plus, you also totally ignored the fact that abortions are legal. Apparently it's totally ok to prevent people from accessing something the courts have decided is a right. So you're ok with de facto gun bans, right?
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Abortion is murder - plain and simple.

Any mother that has an abortion should be charged with first degree murder if her life is not threatened by the child or as the immoral like to call them "fetus."

Doctors who perform abortions should be charged with second degree murder for performing the procedure.

I hope to God that anyone who does have a legal abortion feels shame, guilt and depression for the rest of their lives.

I disagree with you on only one aspect of what you have said - a contracted killing is a premeditated killing with malice aforethought; the killer's motive changes but the element of premeditation does not change.

Contract killers are charged with murder in the first degree. In some jurisdictions, the act of killing for financial remuneration elevates the charge for both the killer and the client to capital murder.

Granted I don't agree with capital punishment, but I'm just pointing out that killing innocent human beings for money generally gets you a minimum sentence of life in prison without possibility of parole. And that would be entirely appropriate for this sort of killing as well.
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Abortion is murder - plain and simple.

Any mother that has an abortion should be charged with first degree murder if her life is not threatened by the child or as the immoral like to call them "fetus."

Doctors who perform abortions should be charged with second degree murder for performing the procedure.

I hope to God that anyone who does have a legal abortion feels shame, guilt and depression for the rest of their lives.

You have a right to wish that all you want. Just like those filthy liberals have the right to wish nobody could own a gun.
I disagree with you on only one aspect of what you have said - a contracted killing is a premeditated killing with malice aforethought; the killer's motive changes but the element of premeditation does not change.

Contract killers are charged with murder in the first degree. In some jurisdictions, the act of killing for financial remuneration elevates the charge for both the killer and the client to capital murder.

Granted I don't agree with capital punishment, but I'm just pointing out that killing innocent human beings for money generally gets you a minimum sentence of life in prison without possibility of parole. And that would be entirely appropriate for this sort of killing as well.

Isn't an abortion premeditated murder? The intent of the mother is to kill the child (her reasoning is moot) hence under most state statutes that constitutes first degree murder because the intent is there.

With second degree murder intent isn't necessary. The hitman scenario fits perfectly. But at the same time you can still charge an abortion doctor with first degree murder if the doctor/individual performing the procedures intent was personal gain (money/fame etc).
Isn't an abortion premeditated murder? The intent of the mother is to kill the child (her reasoning is moot) hence under most state statutes that constitutes first degree murder because the intent is there.

With second degree murder intent isn't necessary. The hitman scenario fits perfectly. But at the same time you can still charge an abortion doctor with first degree murder if the doctor/individual performing the procedures intent was personal gain.

Yeah, I'm not sure if we're arguing semantics or if there are actual substantive legal differences between the criminal code where I live and where you live, but either way, not worth quibbling. In broad terms, I agree with you.
You have a right to wish that all you want. Just like those filthy liberals have the right to wish nobody could own a gun.

I don't wish I hope....

On a side note I would love how these progressives would feel if we executed terrorists or convicted murderers by using the same techniques we use to abort babies???

They would probably protest that and call that "cruel and unusual punishment" but couldn't cite the constitution for their claims....
Yeah, I'm not sure if we're arguing semantics or if there are actual substantive legal differences between the criminal code where I live and where you live, but either way, not worth quibbling. In broad terms, I agree with you.

I know and I appreciate there are people out there who feel the same way I do. I was just laying out the differences between first degree murder and second degree murder (at least in most states statutes).
I don't wish I hope....

On a side note I would love how these progressives would feel if we executed terrorists or convicted murderers by using the same techniques we use to abort babies???

They would probably protest that and call that "cruel and unusual punishment" but couldn't cite the constitution for their claims....

Why do you believe that sometimes it is ok to kill a baby?
Your politicians target Conservatives via IRS harrasment, lie in front of Congress, ignore Contempt charges, leave people to die in Libya and then lie to the victims parents and your'e complaining about Texas puting limits on when a women can kill their babies ?


" Democracy" this was not. We have cowardly Democrats in Texas and instead of adhering to true Democratic principles, they pitch a fit or run away out of state.

Its why wer'e still a Republican run State.
Wow could you have plastered the "I'm a Fox (not)News watcher" any better than these few sentences? Thank you for such a quick and easy observation that allows for me to treat you thusly.

STUDY: Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business Insider

Study shows Fox News viewers less informed than those who watch no news - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

Restating the obvious: Fox News viewers are the least-informed cable news audience | Death and Taxes
Why do you believe that sometimes it is ok to kill a baby?

I don't advocated dead adult babies and I don't advocate the death penalty - much like many progressives - I'm opposed to the death penalty however, I would love to see how they would feel if living, breathing humans outside their mommies were executed in the same fashion a "fetus" was.....
Perry is calling another special session to attempt to ram this through. Davis has promised another filibuster.

'Ya know, I have no idea why the Democrats are attempting to stop this bill. Bills very similar to this, in South Carolina and Wisconsin, have already been struck down by the Supreme Court. This will be struck down too, if it passes. Seems to me the Dems are wasting resources on this fight.
like i said in the other thread its good this bill died

its awesome this stupid nonsensical biased retarded bill is currently dead

while Im fine with the 20-22 week window and my PERSONAL opinion is that abortion should be vastly limited over 21 weeks (it already is over 24 weeks) but the rest of the bill is completely stupid.

any bill that could "possibly" close 37 of the 42 facilities providing safe, legal abortions in Texas is just stupid and not about rights/safety or anything else people try to say its about.

They should have stuck with the 20-22 week window and left it at that, honest, logical bills like that could actually work. The medical standards are already fine and not to be legislated in this fashion.

Speaking to the closing of 37 or 42 facilities, that's exactly how the government does things. Since you can't directly effect a private business, you regulate it out of existence. And more to the point, the ACA will do the same thing(e.g. reduce care facility options) via regulation, as does the President's EO to the EPA which will reduce the number of coal and natural gas power plants.

In the end, it basically comes down to whether or not you agree with the wedge issue of the day
Perry is calling another special session to attempt to ram this through. Davis has promised another filibuster.

'Ya know, I have no idea why the Democrats are attempting to stop this bill. Bills very similar to this, in South Carolina and Wisconsin, have already been struck down by the Supreme Court. This will be struck down too, if it passes. Seems to me the Dems are wasting resources on this fight.

If he's calling a second special session, and everyone who is voting on the bill is informed of its content, as it sounds like both proponents and opponents are, how does one qualify this move as "ram this through"?
If he's calling a second special session, and everyone who is voting on the bill is informed of its content, as it sounds like both proponents and opponents are, how does one qualify this move as "ram this through"?

Because that is exactly what the GOP attempted to do this time, by repeatedly breaking the Senate rules. Before the 3AM compromise was reached between Democrats and Republicans, this was headed to court, where Republicans knew it would be quickly overturned. Why would next time be any different?
I don't advocated dead adult babies and I don't advocate the death penalty - much like many progressives - I'm opposed to the death penalty however, I would love to see how they would feel if living, breathing humans outside their mommies were executed in the same fashion a "fetus" was.....

My understanding is that you perceive a fetus and a baby to be the same thing, a living human, and that killing them is murder. And then you also said it's sometimes ok to kill it.
Nice attempt at a deflection there buddy,
but you totally dodged the point. You
call it "true Democratic principles." Does that include violating the established rules of the state congress? How come when a Democrat "runs away out of state," it's worthy of condemnation, but when a Republican literally ignores the rules when it suits him, you don't make a peep?

Were you similarly critical of Republican filibusters during the whole Obamacare and immigration reform discussions at the Federal level? You don't think if the constitutionally-dictated 51 voters were the threshold instead of the filibuster-dictated 60 votes, the bill wouldn't have been a wee bit more "liberal?"

Plus, you also totally ignored the fact that abortions are legal. Apparently it's totally ok to prevent people from accessing something the courts have decided is a right. So you're ok with de facto gun bans, right?

They are entirely within the law.

Where does it say in that law that now abortion is illegal in Texas ?

This post ^^^^ has to be the STUPIDEST post I've ever seen in a political forum.

What nonsense, what generic liberal drek.

And in typical Lib fasion the poster runs away.
I don't advocated dead adult babies and I don't advocate the death penalty - much like many progressives - I'm opposed to the death penalty however, I would love to see how they would feel if living, breathing humans outside their mommies were executed in the same fashion a "fetus" was.....
I would of course feel differently if a baby or child were killed, but not a fetus, not so long as it cannot survive outside a womb.

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