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Television is here to LIE to us (1 Viewer)

Pin dÁr

DP Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Political Leaning
We have to face the FACT that television is used for propaganda and sheer lies.

So, we better call it, what it really is: TELL LIE VISION.

Talk about 'in your face!


So, Better stop watching it, or be very very critical when you do!
We have to face the FACT that television is used for propaganda and sheer lies.

So, we better call it, what it really is: TELL LIE VISION.

Talk about 'in your face!


So, Better stop watching it, or be very very critical when you do!

Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah.
We have to face the FACT that television is used for propaganda and sheer lies.

So, we better call it, what it really is: TELL LIE VISION.

Talk about 'in your face!


So, Better stop watching it, or be very very critical when you do!
All forms of media, from writing, to radio, to tv to the Internet, are used for "propaganda and sheer lies" as you put it. They are all tools and as such cannot, in and of themselves, tell the truth or lies. Only those using them can. Now can tv be the more effective tool for "propaganda and sheer lies"? That could be argued. But the only lie here is that tv itself has some sort of sentience that allows it to speak truth or lie separate and apart from those using it.
Move along people. (As usual) nothing to see here. Feeding of trolls is expressly forbidden - or at least highly frowned upon.
Move along people. (As usual) nothing to see here. Feeding of trolls is expressly forbidden - or at least highly frowned upon.

But it's so fun!:twisted:
So when I watched that show on TV that said men didn't land on the moon, it was lying to me? :shock:
So when I watched that show on TV that said men didn't land on the moon, it was lying to me? :shock:


I am limited to only 5, including yours, otherwise I'd have put more in there. You earned them!
yes indeed just FOLLOW THE MONEY to know all of this

the media and entertainment industry gets their money from drugging out the population and they push for low IQ's so they can be fooled more easy.. this wastes time and drops productivity harming the whole nation

Umm....you do realize that you just blew out your own CT claiming that men didn't land on the moon in order to push THIS CT....right? IE: By saying "yep" to Spuds question your are acknowledging that we actually did land on the moon. Which in turn means that the show that talks about us landing on the moon being real is telling the truth, which in turn disproves your OP.

Man...with one single word you managed to blow both of your CT argument's to the moon. (pun intended)
When I watch 2 Broke Girls on TV, it's not lying to me, it is merely entertaining me.

Like a gun, a TV is an inanimate object. Any harm or good brought by such objects come from the human operator.
Umm....you do realize that you just blew out your own CT claiming that men didn't land on the moon in order to push THIS CT....right? IE: By saying "yep" to Spuds question your are acknowledging that we actually did land on the moon. Which in turn means that the show that talks about us landing on the moon being real is telling the truth, which in turn disproves your OP.

Man...with one single word you managed to blow both of your CT argument's to the moon. (pun intended)

so you didn't get it?
When I watch 2 Broke Girls on TV, it's not lying to me, it is merely entertaining me.

Like a gun, a TV is an inanimate object. Any harm or good brought by such objects come from the human operator.

that is not quit right, if I understand you correctly:

A total departure from previous writing about television, this book is the first ever to advocate that the medium is not reformable. Its problems are inherent in the technology itself and are so dangerous - to personal health and sanity, to the environment, and to democratic processes - that TV ought to be eliminated forever.
When I watch 2 Broke Girls on TV, it's not lying to me, it is merely entertaining me.

Like a gun, a TV is an inanimate object. Any harm or good brought by such objects come from the human operator.

actually yes, it Is lying to you, for sure on a subliminal level. It literally is 'programming' you.

The 'entertaining' you see is ALWAYS a kind of indoctrination,

There is NO innocent entertainment. There never was.

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actually yes, it Is lying to you, for sure on a subliminal level. It literally is 'programming' you.

The 'entertaining' you see is ALWAYS a kind of indoctrination,

Do you believe the same thing about information on the internet?

According to you then, all material presented on tv are lies. That includes shows that support you position on the faked moon mission. The faked moon mission info is All lies.:lamo
Do you believe the same thing about information on the internet?

According to you then, all material presented on tv are lies. That includes shows that support you position on the faked moon mission. The faked moon mission info is All lies.:lamo

I bet you reality is a lie too, by PindÁr's standards.
Do you believe the same thing about information on the internet?

No, why should I? I am talking about television.

According to you then, all material presented on tv are lies. That includes shows that support you position on the faked moon mission. The faked moon mission info is All lies.:lamo

There is NO show supporting my postion on the moon landings.
Of course they throw in sometimes some half truths.

But the gap between what we see on television and what reality is, is HUGE.

Television is just a propaganda tool for the elite.
No, why should I? I am talking about television.

There is NO show supporting my postion on the moon landings.
Of course they throw in sometimes some half truths.

But the gap between what we see on television and what reality is, is HUGE.

Television is just a propaganda tool for the elite.

Now Pin believe all things on the internet are true., but TV is a propaganda tool and full of lies.

Your not telling the truth. Fox aired a show in Feb 2001
Here is a quick search for you. You really should check things out before posting such lies.

Now Pin believe all things on the internet are true.,


Were did I wrote that according to you???
Now Pin believe all things on the internet are true., but TV is a propaganda tool and full of lies.

Your not telling the truth. Fox aired a show in Feb 2001
Here is a quick search for you. You really should check things out before posting such lies.


they showed it so they could ridicule it. please do some research next time.

So, they DIDN"T show my, and other peepples, positions
Do you believe the same thing about information on the internet?

According to you then, all material presented on tv are lies. That includes shows that support you position on the faked moon mission. The faked moon mission info is All lies.:lamo

this is why the unwise should not use the internet or media or to vote.... who wants the unwise to vote and use the internet and to use the media?? yep its the crooks who make their money from having as many unwise voting and watching tv and using the internet to waste time and lower productivity in the long term..

the media and entertainment industry wants drugged out low wisdom people which helps bring them money its ALL RIGGED

Were did I wrote that according to you???

Look how you answered my question to you about the internet. What other conclusion could there be?
they showed it so they could ridicule it. please do some research next time.

So, they DIDN"T show my, and other peepples, positions

How does your position differ from peepples position?
this is why the unwise should not use the internet or media or to vote.... who wants the unwise to vote and use the internet and to use the media?? yep its the crooks who make their money from having as many unwise voting and watching tv and using the internet to waste time and lower productivity in the long term..

the media and entertainment industry wants drugged out low wisdom people which helps bring them money its ALL RIGGED


and they seem to have found some .
actually yes, it Is lying to you, for sure on a subliminal level. It literally is 'programming' you.

The 'entertaining' you see is ALWAYS a kind of indoctrination,

There is NO innocent entertainment. There never was.

Perhaps one difference between you and me is that I was an English Major in college, and therefore studied drama even from the time of the Greeks. I was taught that the most important requirement for drama is the "willing suspension of disbelief" on the part of the audience. So when I watch drama on TV, in the movie theater, or live on stage, I always suspend my disbelief. That is, I know it's just theater, just a movie, and therefore not true.

I know 2 Broke Girls is just another sitcom, as was Mary Tyler Moore and all the rest over the decades. I know it's not a true story, but it is still entertaining.

You are very correct that TV can be and usually is a tool for propaganda. Yes, I do understand that point. It might be argued that out of the 24 hour cycle, more is devoted to propaganda than is devoted to entertainment. I suppose that depends upon which network or channel one is watching.

But there are some good things that come from TV. I enjoy watching some sports on TV, and some documentaries are very informative. Netflix just achieved some measure of justice by using the TV to expose the fraud and injustice delivered in the Steven Avery case.

My only point is your statement is too broad.

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