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Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class president (1 Viewer)


Rule of Two
DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
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Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class president - Yahoo! News

Myers was angry that many of the most visible female politicians were seen as fodder for jokes and ridicule, which made her peers think it was ok to mock her political aspirations, too. She singled out Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) after her father noticed the congresswoman had incorrectly stated the Revolutionary War Battles of Lexington and Concord happened in New Hampshire. (She told a group of conservatives in Manchester in March: "You're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord.") In January, Myers watched agasp as Bachmann said America's founding fathers "worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States."


When asked about female politicians she admires, Myers lists Abigail Adams, Sandra Day O'Connor, Margaret Thatcher, and Eleanor Roosevelt. But when we asked her about current officer-holders, she paused. "I'm trying to think," she says. "Generally the people I admire, most of them are deceased or they are retired from office," she concluded.

This is great. Michelle Bachmann has become such a political joke that now even kids are calling her out for her ignorance. Tea Party Revisionism has reached new heights. Now the Founders were not only 'working' to end slavery, they ended it before the Civil War even took place. Next we'll be hearing about how the Founders predicted the Cold War and ended that too. I see a bright future for this young lady. Hopefully she'll dispel some of the myths surrounding female politicians.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

I was just reading this article and busted out laughing! No, not at the 16-year old girl, but at her commentary concerning Michelle Backmann's gaffs concerning her knowledge of U.S. history. This part had me rolling:

Myers was angry that many of the most visible female politicians were seen as fodder for jokes and ridicule, which made her peers think it was ok to mock her political aspirations, too. She singled out Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) after her father noticed the congresswoman had incorrectly stated the Revolutionary War Battles of Lexington and Concord happened in New Hampshire. (She told a group of conservatives in Manchester in March: "You're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord.") In January, Myers watched agasp as Bachmann said America's founding fathers "worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States."

"We covered the presidents, and we're currently at Jackson," Myers says. She says that though John Adams (and his son John Quincy Adams, who was not a founding father) objected to slavery, the other founding fathers did own slaves. They were all dead before slavery was officially abolished in 1865, during the Civil War.

Now, I've watched Jay Leno's "JayWalking" segment on his show dozens of times, and I know he loves to poke fun at young adults - usually college kids - about their lack of knowledge on U.S. history or current events, but this kid apparently pays attention in class. I'd love to see her debate Bachmann just to see "if she (Bachmann) really is smarter than a 5th grader". (Okay, so the teen is atleast a junior in high school, but even a 5th grader knows when the slaves were freed. LOL)

Also from the article:

She [Myers] decided that Bachmann's inaccurate historical statements were irresponsible, since they reflected badly on women everywhere, and particularly on Myers herself. The forceful letter Myers ended up writing to Bachmann, challenging her to a showdown over the Constitution and civics generally, quickly went viral on political blogs.

Myers still hasn't received a response from Bachmann, but says she's ready to make good on the debate challenge at a time and venue of the congresswoman's choosing. A request for comment from Bachmann's spokesman has gone unanswered.

All I can say is, "You go, girl!" LMAO
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Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Watching my daughter watch Newt Gingerich yesterday on Meet the Press was pretty hilarious. She drew the conclusion: "he's a douche."
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Watching my daughter watch Newt Gingerich yesterday on Meet the Press was pretty hilarious. She drew the conclusion: "he's a douche."

she's got a great future ahead.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Somebody doesn't know the word "aghast"?
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Somebody doesn't know the word "aghast"?

I've pretty much given up being surprised at the astonishingly poor level of spelling here at DP and from supposedly professional journalists. Just today I've noticed 'to' being used in place of 'too', and 'mute' instead of 'moot'. Gah! What's the point? I'm agasp.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Inorite!? I'm completely ajar. ;)

Except in Hatuey's defense? That "agasp" was actually from the Yahoo article.
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Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Except in Hatuey's defense? That "agasp" was actually from the Yahoo article.

No, I wasn't actually having a go at Hatuey, hence my comment about 'professional' journalists. Buchurite.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

I've pretty much given up being surprised at the astonishingly poor level of spelling here at DP and from supposedly professional journalists. Just today I've noticed 'to' being used in place of 'too', and 'mute' instead of 'moot'. Gah! What's the point? I'm agasp.

ya know, for all intensive porpoises, grammifying on the internets shuld be takin litely. :p
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

How does this rate as breaking news

or worthy of a thread

now if the Headline was "girl who challenged Bachman kidnapped" now that would be newsworthy

but an insignificant hs kid who already had her 15 minutes of fame?
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

She'll have a lot more than 15 minutes. Girl's got chutzpah, and she'll likely go much further than Bachmann.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

She'll have a lot more than 15 minutes. Girl's got chutzpah, and she'll likely go much further than Bachmann.

REALLY? you think she will make it to Congress and become nationally famous

Somehow I think the odds are against her

the best I see
some TV trivia show 25 years from now

or "Tell the Truth"
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Gracious. Sorry about the Cheerios pissing incident. Hope tomorrow is more kind to you.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Gracious. Sorry about the Cheerios pissing incident. Hope tomorrow is more kind to you.

today was great

I find it silly to worship kids who have done nothing of any real standing just because some people have serious derangement issues over right wing polticians.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

As a history major, I just want Bachmann to be smacked. As a liberal, I want this girl to totally school her.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

I was going to say, Turtle (such a perfect name for so very many reasons); do you really believe that if somebody is on the right, they are therefore sheer perfection, and nobody may speak ill of them? Do you know anything about Ms. Bachmann?

“She makes Sarah Palin look like Count Metternich,” groaned longtime GOP consultant Mike Murphy on Twitter after reading about the Concord confusion.
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Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

I was going to say, Turtle (such a perfect name for so very many reasons); do you really believe that if somebody is on the right, they are therefore sheer perfection, and nobody may speak ill of them? Do you know anything about Ms. Bachmann?

that is rather stupid

I find it amusing that the loony left lionizes some HS kid with a big mouth. I know plenty about Bachman and she isn't going to get my vote in the GOP Primary but the hatred the loony left has for her is hilarious.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Are you the alleged attorney?

Why do you insist on believing that anybody who isn't "on your side" either hates or fears everyone who is?
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

How does this rate as breaking news

or worthy of a thread

now if the Headline was "girl who challenged Bachman kidnapped" now that would be newsworthy

but an insignificant hs kid who already had her 15 minutes of fame?

I kind of agree with you. Everybody knows Bachmann would not have a chance against the girl so why is this news? I doubt if Bachmann even knows HOW to debate. She probably thinks all she has to do is stand there and pontificate about what she believes without offering any evidence or verifiable support. Even a high school kid knows better than that.
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Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

that is rather stupid

I find it amusing that the loony left lionizes some HS kid with a big mouth. I know plenty about Bachman and she isn't going to get my vote in the GOP Primary but the hatred the loony left has for her is hilarious.

It's sad that the HS kid with a big mouth possesses more sense than a career politician. Makes one wonder: who is more stupid, the ignorant politicians, or the people who manage to keep voting them into office?
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Are you the alleged attorney?

Why do you insist on believing that anybody who isn't "on your side" either hates or fears everyone who is?

why does this kid running for class president merit a breaking news thread?
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

It's sad that the HS kid with a big mouth possesses more sense than a career politician. Makes one wonder: who is more stupid, the ignorant politicians, or the people who manage to keep voting them into office?

can you prove that? has this kid's comments been tracked by a generally hostile media for at least a year? its really easy to make politicians look bad. My then 10 year old knew that the USA only has 50 states. Does that mean he understands geography better than President Obama of course not.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

I kind of agree with you. Everybody knows Bachmann would not have a chance against the girl so why is this news? I doubt if Bachmann even knows HOW to debate. She probably thinks all she has to do is stand there and pontificate about what she believes without offering any evidence or verifiable support. Even a high school kid knows better than that.

i bet bachman-who is clearly no Rob Portman or Rand Paul when it comes to brains would wipe the floor with you haymarket. Your speculating about Bachman is pathetic, unsupported by evidence and reeking of dem hack nonsense
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

that is rather stupid

I find it amusing that the loony left lionizes some HS kid with a big mouth. I know plenty about Bachman and she isn't going to get my vote in the GOP Primary but the hatred the loony left has for her is hilarious.

Bachmann is a complete idiot. I don't care about the Concord thing, but she actually told a group in Iowa that there was never any such thing as racism in America. Maybe you don't like affirmative action. Maybe you think racism is a thing of the past. Those are reasonable positions to have. To deny that it ever existed is either the stupidest or the craziest thing I have ever heard a politician say. And that includes Ross Perot's "aliens in his toaster" thing.
Re: Teen who challenged Bachmann to Constitution showdown is running for class presid

Bachmann is a complete idiot. I don't care about the Concord thing, but she actually told a group in Iowa that there was never any such thing as racism in America. Maybe you don't like affirmative action. Maybe you think racism is a thing of the past. Those are reasonable positions to have. To deny that it ever existed is either the stupidest or the craziest thing I have ever heard a politician say. And that includes Ross Perot's "aliens in his toaster" thing.

1) I am wondering why this girl running for class president merits a thread

2) apparently it is really an excuse to rant about Bachman

3) and Bachman does say lots of silly things

as does the President, the Vice President, the senate majority leader and a bunch of others I bet the Bachman haters all support

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