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Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he attacked (1 Viewer)


Rule of Two
DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
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Hours after getting booed for not endorsing Donald Trump in his primetime speech at the Republican National Convention, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said he wasn’t going to be a “servile puppy dog” to the party’s nominee given Trump’s personal attacks against him during the primary season.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father,” Cruz told his state’s GOP delegation at a breakfast in Cleveland Thursday morning.

Trump’s former GOP rival, who like the rest of the field signed a pledge during the primaries to support the party’s nominee, said that agreement was “abdicated” when the brash real estate mogul mocked his wife, Heidi, and suggested that his father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Good for him. I wouldn't support somebody who went directly after my wife. Cruz took a direct blow to the face, but he kept his principles . That makes alright in my book.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Is anyone watching this news conference? What a freakin' embarrassment.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

He's desperately trying to ease the blow of his latest **** up with the ones who might save him from career death due to his very public suicide speech and failed campaign.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Cruz PAC attacks Trump, Trump swings back.
All is fair in love, war and politics.

Cruz's supporters attacked Trump's wife. Trump attacked Cruz's wife. That's not 'swinging back'. It's essentially saying that if my friend punches you, and you punch me, you're defending yourself even though I've done nothing to you.

It's ridiculous.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

He's desperately trying to ease the blow of his latest **** up with the ones who might save him from career death due to his very public suicide speech and failed campaign.

Lol, Cruz will be in politics long after Trump loses the election.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Cruz's supporters attacked Trump's wife. Trump attacked Cruz's wife. That's not 'swinging back'. It's essentially saying that if my friend punches you, and you punch me, you're defending yourself even though I've done nothing to you.

It's ridiculous.

I know that's good for cover.
Don't do it Hatuey, don't defend Cruz. :2razz:
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

I know that's good for cover.
Don't do it Hatuey, don't defend Cruz. :2razz:

When Ted Cruz is the only person making sense, there isn't much of a choice.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

When Ted Cruz is the only person making sense, there isn't much of a choice.

Yea technically they did and not he.
With that said, it would be hard for me to believe that they act truly independent of the candidates campaign.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Lol, Cruz will be in politics long after Trump loses the election.

He will be seen as a traitor to his party. Not to be trusted.

P.S. Did he apologize to Trump for his PAC posting nude photos of Melanie? Should he have? Are you capable of an honest answer here? We'll see.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Good bye, Ted Cruz. Big mistake.

Disagree. Ted Cruz has a lot of people who still back him even after refusing to endorse Trump. And after last night's narcissistic scream-fest and today's manic bathsalts news conference, who can blame him?
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Lol, Cruz will be in politics long after Trump loses the election.

If he keeps his support in Texas, yes. He may not keep that support if Trump wins, or even if Trump loses. If the voters in Texas blame the loss, even in part, on him - he's toast and he knows it. Thus this excuse fest before the TEXAS delegation.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Cruz PAC attacks Trump, Trump swings back.
All is fair in love, war and politics.

I'm not sure about that. I think war has rules.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

He will be seen as a traitor to his party. Not to be trusted.

P.S. Did he apologize to Trump for his PAC posting nude photos of Melanie? Should he have? Are you capable of an honest answer here? We'll see.

He did eventually disavow the ad - but not until after that caucus was over (where he reaped the benefit of the ad) and he got called on it.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

He will be seen as a traitor to his party. Not to be trusted.

Isn't that what people are looking for though? Outsiders who aren't always beholden to the party, when it requires supporting things you don't believe in?

Regardless. Cruz is still very popular in Texas and should easily be able to keep his seat there for as long as he wants. Which is unfortunate, because I really don't like a lot of Cruz's politics.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Disagree. Ted Cruz has a lot of people who still back him even after refusing to endorse Trump. And after last night's narcissistic scream-fest and today's manic bathsalts news conference, who can blame him?

Were you actually talking about Trump's news conference??? I can't believe you are. I'm speechless. It was a breath of fresh air. How can you and I hear the same words and be such polar opposites? I'm stunned.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Isn't that what people are looking for though? Outsiders who aren't always beholden to the party, when it requires supporting things you don't believe in?

Regardless. Cruz is still very popular in Texas and should easily be able to keep his seat there for as long as he wants. Which is unfortunate, because I really don't like a lot of Cruz's politics.

Outsider does not equal traitor.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Isn't that what people are looking for though? Outsiders who aren't always beholden to the party, when it requires supporting things you don't believe in?

Regardless. Cruz is still very popular in Texas and should easily be able to keep his seat there for as long as he wants. Which is unfortunate, because I really don't like a lot of Cruz's politics.

The power of incumbency. It surely doesn't serve citizens.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

If he keeps his support in Texas, yes. He may not keep that support if Trump wins, or even if Trump loses. If the voters in Texas blame the loss, even in part, on him - he's toast and he knows it. Thus this excuse fest before the TEXAS delegation.

Lmao, Ted Cruz is a Tea Party darling. His support goes way beyond Texas.

He will be seen as a traitor to his party. Not to be trusted.

... A traitor... for what? Asking people to vote how they feel? Or not supporting somebody who went after his family?

P.S. Did he apologize to Trump for his PAC posting nude photos of Melanie? Should he have? Are you capable of an honest answer here? We'll see.

Why would he need to apologize for what other people did? Lmao. Do you know how PACs work?

Yea technically they did and not he.
With that said, it would be hard for me to believe that they act truly independent of the candidates campaign.

I welcome evidence showing otherwise.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

Were you actually talking about Trump's news conference??? I can't believe you are. I'm speechless. It was a breath of fresh air. How can you and I hear the same words and be such polar opposites? I'm stunned.

A breath of fresh air? I'm stunned that anyone could've watched that news conference and came out saying anything positive about Trump.
Re: Ted Cruz: I’m not going to support Trump ‘like a servile puppy dog’ after he atta

The power of incumbency. It surely doesn't serve citizens.

Then citizens should stop electing incumbents.

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