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Sword And Knife Rights (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 30, 2017
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Slightly Conservative
So the gun control topic is a very hot topic, both in this forum and in politics in general, but aside from that I would like to talk about something else, sword and knife rights. The right to own and carry bladed weapons. Bladed weapons are different from guns and so that's why Im not posting this in the gun control folder but I do believe very strongly that people should have the right to own and carry bladed weapons for defense or for any other lawful purpose or purposes. In some ways, bladed weapons are even more restricted than guns. So I would like to discuss bladed weapon rights.
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So the gun control topic is a very hot topic, both in this forum and in politics in general, but aside from that I would like to talk about something else, sword and knife rights. The right to own and carry bladed weapons. Bladed weapons are different from guns and so that's why Im not posting this in the gun control folder but I do believe very strongly that people should have the right to own and carry bladed weapons for defense or for any other lawful purpose or purposes. In some ways, bladed weapons are even more restricted than guns. So I would like to discuss bladed weapon rights.

I think bladed weapons including swords, knives, bayonets and pikes (all weapons that were in relatively common use at the time of our Nation's founding) fall under the Second Amendment as "arms" in the most classic sense, and their use should be no more restricted than the ownership and use of firearms.
I think bladed weapons including swords, knives, bayonets and pikes (all weapons that were in relatively common use at the time of our Nation's founding) fall under the Second Amendment as "arms" in the most classic sense, and their use should be no more restricted than the ownership and use of firearms.

Well those who want more gun control like to argue how over 38,000 people a year in the USA are killed by being shot. Of course you also have to take into account how many of those deadly shootings are justifiable homicides, suicides, ect. but since this is not the gun control folder that's not what this thread is about. The point is, how many people are killed by swords per year? I haven't heard of anybody being killed by swords since at least a few centuries ago. Therefore there shouldn't be restrictions for the ownership, possession, and carrying of swords and other bladed weapons.
So the gun control topic is a very hot topic, both in this forum and in politics in general, but aside from that I would like to talk about something else, sword and knife rights. The right to own and carry bladed weapons. Bladed weapons are different from guns and so that's why Im not posting this in the gun control folder but I do believe very strongly that people should have the right to own and carry bladed weapons for defense or for any other lawful purpose or purposes. In some ways, bladed weapons are even more restricted than guns. So I would like to discuss bladed weapon rights.

This is just ridiculous. Why not keep moving the goal post and argue a justification for clubs and quaterstaffs. Or even more basic and carry a rock or a large bone.

Basically your argument is that your country is such a ****ed up ****hole that you cannot even walk down the street without having to arm yourself.

Please do not give me any ****ty reply on the even more idiotic suggestion of " or for any other lawful purpose or purposes.". What legal reason have you for carrying a sword beside defense from living in a ****hole where you can be attacked at any moment.

What you are really asking for here is the right to kill up close and personal. This thread is really another example of the childish mentality of americans who think it is fun to kill. Instead of thinking up novel ways of trying to prove to yourself that you are manly your time would be better used trying to build a society where you do not have to fear meeting someone so desperate that they will kill you for the small change in your pocket.
Well those who want more gun control like to argue how over 38,000 people a year in the USA are killed by being shot. Of course you also have to take into account how many of those deadly shootings are justifiable homicides, suicides, ect. but since this is not the gun control folder that's not what this thread is about. The point is, how many people are killed by swords per year? I haven't heard of anybody being killed by swords since at least a few centuries ago. Therefore there shouldn't be restrictions for the ownership, possession, and carrying of swords and other bladed weapons.

Still a thing in the US and U.K. apparently.

So are we supposed to focus on sword rights or the number of people killed each year.

Both. They go hand in hand. As far as I know close to zero people are killed each year with swords, and that goes a long way towards promoting the right to own and carry swords and other bladed weapons.
Heller applies to knives and swords

one of the reasons why many of the best "Switchblade" knives are made in Oregon (Benchmade, Kershaw among others) is that their Supreme Court ruled that the Oregon Second amendment applied to knives.
Both. They go hand in hand. As far as I know close to zero people are killed each year with swords, and that goes a long way towards promoting the right to own and carry swords and other bladed weapons.

always carry a knife unless its in a controlled area where its banned (like past the checkpoint in an airport or a courthouse)
always carry a knife unless its in a controlled area where its banned (like past the checkpoint in an airport or a courthouse)
Well that would depend on what kind of knife. In most states the switchblade is banned. In some states you cannot carry a knife with a blade over a certain length such as three inches which I suppose would also include swords and other bladed weapons which would have blades over that length.
I don't want people who are not from the USA posting on this thread.
Well that would depend on what kind of knife. In most states the switchblade is banned. In some states you cannot carry a knife with a blade over a certain length such as three inches which I suppose would also include swords and other bladed weapons which would have blades over that length.

you can own and carry auto knives in many states if not concealed. Ohio bans the SALE of auto knives not the ownership but gun shows have people selling them openly and notoriously. several years ago, I asked both a county prosecutor and the FBI's counsel about that-both said they know the law would lose if ever challenged in court after Heller. Switchblades have been in common use for decades and cannot be said to be "unusually dangerous"

ask any knife expert and they will note a "Spyderco" clipit knife can be opened faster than an auto knife
Both. They go hand in hand. As far as I know close to zero people are killed each year with swords, and that goes a long way towards promoting the right to own and carry swords and other bladed weapons.

Your title says and knives. Those are still pretty commonly used to kill people everyday.

It appears the conscience here is that swords and knives are covered under the 2nd.
you can own and carry auto knives in many states if not concealed. Ohio bans the SALE of auto knives not the ownership but gun shows have people selling them openly and notoriously. several years ago, I asked both a county prosecutor and the FBI's counsel about that-both said they know the law would lose if ever challenged in court after Heller. Switchblades have been in common use for decades and cannot be said to be "unusually dangerous"

ask any knife expert and they will note a "Spyderco" clipit knife can be opened faster than an auto knife

Have you ever opened a fulcrum action knife? IMO they are the fastest to open, got the scare to back that opinion up
Have you ever opened a fulcrum action knife? IMO they are the fastest to open, got the scare to back that opinion up

I don't know that term. I know "flipper" style blades are faster than Autos. I find it funny that Californian Politicians wet themselves over butterfly knives though
I don't know that term. I know "flipper" style blades are faster than Autos. I find it funny that Californian Politicians wet themselves over butterfly knives though

We may be talking same action. This video dosent really do it justice but should give you an idea how fast one can be opened with just a few practice attempts the newer ones it's simply an up down on handle
Butterfly knives are good for showy effect but wouldn't be my choice as a carry knife.
This is just ridiculous. Why not keep moving the goal post and argue a justification for clubs and quaterstaffs. Or even more basic and carry a rock or a large bone.

Basically your argument is that your country is such a ****ed up ****hole that you cannot even walk down the street without having to arm yourself.

Please do not give me any ****ty reply on the even more idiotic suggestion of " or for any other lawful purpose or purposes.". What legal reason have you for carrying a sword beside defense from living in a ****hole where you can be attacked at any moment.

What you are really asking for here is the right to kill up close and personal. This thread is really another example of the childish mentality of americans who think it is fun to kill. Instead of thinking up novel ways of trying to prove to yourself that you are manly your time would be better used trying to build a society where you do not have to fear meeting someone so desperate that they will kill you for the small change in your pocket.

Don't post in this thread. You're not from the USA.
Don't make me laugh. I do not have to be from the usa to post here. I merely need to point out what a **** argument you have just made.

You don't live in the USA so how things are done in the USA is none of your business.
This is just ridiculous. Why not keep moving the goal post and argue a justification for clubs and quaterstaffs. Or even more basic and carry a rock or a large bone.

Basically your argument is that your country is such a ****ed up ****hole that you cannot even walk down the street without having to arm yourself.

Please do not give me any ****ty reply on the even more idiotic suggestion of " or for any other lawful purpose or purposes.". What legal reason have you for carrying a sword beside defense from living in a ****hole where you can be attacked at any moment.

What you are really asking for here is the right to kill up close and personal. This thread is really another example of the childish mentality of americans who think it is fun to kill. Instead of thinking up novel ways of trying to prove to yourself that you are manly your time would be better used trying to build a society where you do not have to fear meeting someone so desperate that they will kill you for the small change in your pocket.

WHat other reason you ask to carry a sword? LIBERTY.
I think bladed weapons including swords, knives, bayonets and pikes (all weapons that were in relatively common use at the time of our Nation's founding) fall under the Second Amendment as "arms" in the most classic sense, and their use should be no more restricted than the ownership and use of firearms.

Taking a sword in public will get you in trouble, I'm pretty sure. It's not something one can conceal, even if it's a smaller wakizashi. Knives are no problem though. I even carried an extra long stiletto in my backpack, on vacation. Carried it in case of snakes while hiking.
You don't live in the USA so how things are done in the USA is none of your business.

What complete bull****. This is a debate site not a site for bigots and racists.
You have nothing to offer as a rebuttal to the fact that your op is a ridiculous argument. So instead your just desperate to deny.
WHat other reason you ask to carry a sword? LIBERTY.

What liberty? Next you will be demanding the liberty to shout fire in a crowded room where there is none.

The only reason you or any have for carrying a sword is also an admittance that you live in a ****hole of an area where you need to defend yourselves at all times. Is america really that bad? I doubt it.

So basically this thread is another really stupid argument that someone is desperate to prove their manhood by demanding the right to kill.

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