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Sweden was right, latest numbers from there (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 26, 2012
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Sweden Debunks the Covid Hysteria: No Lockdown, No Masks, No Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

More bad news for the Fauci Faithful--more evidence that Sweden did it right.

No anxiety, no hatred and recrimination, no fear of fellow citizens, no fear of a virus.

Without letting politics and graft rule, while keeping cool heads and showing responsible leadership, Sweden is way ahead.

Yes, because being in the elite, worst in the world club for deaths per million (Sweden is 6th worst!! Yeah Sweden!!), and 10x more per capita deaths than their next door neighbors Finland and Norway clearly prove they did it all right.
Sweden Debunks the Covid Hysteria: No Lockdown, No Masks, No Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

More bad news for the Fauci Faithful--more evidence that Sweden did it right.

No anxiety, no hatred and recrimination, no fear of fellow citizens, no fear of a virus.

Without letting politics and graft rule, while keeping cool heads and showing responsible leadership, Sweden is way ahead.

Sweden deaths per capita is one of the top of the world and by far far far ahead of its neighbors which are the most comparable countries to it (based on population density, use of public transportation, culture, environment, etc.)

Sweden economy suffered just as much as rest of the EU.
Sweden Debunks the Covid Hysteria: No Lockdown, No Masks, No Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

More bad news for the Fauci Faithful--more evidence that Sweden did it right.

No anxiety, no hatred and recrimination, no fear of fellow citizens, no fear of a virus.

Without letting politics and graft rule, while keeping cool heads and showing responsible leadership, Sweden is way ahead.

Are you aware that Global Research provides conspiracy theory articles and pseudo-science meant for anti-vaccination believers? Quite the reputable source you chose.
Sweden Debunks the Covid Hysteria: No Lockdown, No Masks, No Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

More bad news for the Fauci Faithful--more evidence that Sweden did it right.

No anxiety, no hatred and recrimination, no fear of fellow citizens, no fear of a virus.

Without letting politics and graft rule, while keeping cool heads and showing responsible leadership, Sweden is way ahead.

Except for the killing of a lot of people part
Yes, because being in the elite, worst in the world club for deaths per million (Sweden is 6th worst!! Yeah Sweden!!), and 10x more per capita deaths than their next door neighbors Finland and Norway clearly prove they did it all right.

Some people still argue New York and Sweden did things right. Some people will always argue silly things.
Except for the killing of a lot of people part

The Sweden/New York model supporters don't really care about death numbers. I'm not sure why.
Who cares if sweden did it right. There just lucky,that's all.
Yes, because being in the elite, worst in the world club for deaths per million (Sweden is 6th worst!! Yeah Sweden!!), and 10x more per capita deaths than their next door neighbors Finland and Norway clearly prove they did it all right.

Cherry picking and ignoring Belgium again. Youre so predictable lol
As bad as the numbers in Sweden were, it appears they "flattened" the curve. Our approach hasn't, and we have one of the highest death rates in the world. And Sweden's economy was not hit as hard because they did not shut down.
As bad as the numbers in Sweden were, it appears they "flattened" the curve. Our approach hasn't, and we have one of the highest death rates in the world. And Sweden's economy was not hit as hard because they did not shut down.

They killed a lot of people though
We tried that here in Texas and started dropping like flies, wear your Mask when you go out or stay home.
They did, but we're still killing people and they are not.

We should have been more like Germany, then. One of the lowest infection and death rates of Europe, far better than Sweden.
Some people still argue New York and Sweden did things right. Some people will always argue silly things.
Traitor Trump sabotaged New York and other Blue states as told to us by Jared Kushner.
We should have been more like Germany, then. One of the lowest infection and death rates of Europe, far better than Sweden.

Neither is most of Europe

I think we simply don't have all of the right information yet to know what the right approach is. TBF, Sweden is more like a large state in the US rather than thinking of it as another country. NY and other states in proximity had the higher rates at first and now they are down.

But we have the double whammy of both high death rate and economic calamity. We ****ed everything up.
Are you aware that Global Research provides conspiracy theory articles and pseudo-science meant for anti-vaccination believers? Quite the reputable source you chose.

He ONLY sites to get his info
I think we simply don't have all of the right information yet to know what the right approach is. TBF, Sweden is more like a large state in the US rather than thinking of it as another country. NY and other states in proximity had the higher rates at first and now they are down.

But we have the double whammy of both high death rate and economic calamity. We ****ed everything up.

We did not handle this well, that is true. There was too much variation, and Trump sowed seeds of chaos and resistance instead of some coherent federal response aimed to bolster suggestions from the scientific community and communications between States and help manage State responses. We did, indeed, do a **** job at it.
Another thing to factor in is that Swedish people are healthier than Americans. If we took the same route as Sweden, I believe we'd have double the rate of deaths that we have now.
We did not handle this well, that is true. There was too much variation, and Trump sowed seeds of chaos and resistance instead of some coherent federal response aimed to bolster suggestions from the scientific community and communications between States and help manage State responses. We did, indeed, do a **** job at it.

Back up to 1,334 deaths yesterday. It’s the 7-day average to look at, as numbers are variable on different days of the week, such as lower on Saturday and Sunday. Last week had 7,223 deaths, or 1,032 a day.
Sweden Debunks the Covid Hysteria: No Lockdown, No Masks, No Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

More bad news for the Fauci Faithful--more evidence that Sweden did it right.

No anxiety, no hatred and recrimination, no fear of fellow citizens, no fear of a virus.

Without letting politics and graft rule, while keeping cool heads and showing responsible leadership, Sweden is way ahead.

Trusting politicians with your health rather than doctors and science.

Seems smart.
Cherry picking and ignoring Belgium again. Youre so predictable lol

Fine - so the claim is Sweden did everything right because THEY ARE NOT WORSE THAN BELGIUM!!!!! Sweden's NOT THE WORST!! Sweden's NOT THE WORST!! Sweden is only 6th worst of all countries on the planet!! WIN!!!

And Belgium and Sweden aren't at all similar. Population density - Belgium: 975/sq mile, Sweden: 57/sq mile. It's like comparing NYC to Bozeman, Montana. And if you want to include Belgium in the comparison, then you also need to account for Finland and Norway, between which Sweden is sandwiched and who do have comparable population densities.

Bottom line is we'll know some time in 2021 which approach worked out best. What we can't say in August 2020 is that Sweden's approach was the best. They have more deaths per capita, in a small, sparsely populated country, than just about any country on the planet - only 5 did worse and that top group, including Belgium (which also very aggressively counted deaths many suspicious deaths as "COVID" deaths) are pretty indistinguishable.
people from a (US) political party that claims that life is sacred cheering a country that has a ton of people rotting in graves up front during a pandemic (and not giving the medical community a chance to catch up and save lives, etc).


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