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Sturgis motorcycle rally was a 'superspreader event' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2019
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Sturgis motorcycle rally was a 'superspreader event'

In early August, more than 460,000 motorcycle enthusiasts converged on Sturgis, S.D., for a 10-day celebration where few wore facial coverings or practiced social distancing. A month later, researchers have found that thousands have been sickened across the nation, leading them to brand the Sturgis rally a “superspreader” event.

The researchers found that the rally, which hosted 462,182 people between Aug. 7 and 16, “generated substantial public health costs,” totaling $12.2 billion. (That calculation is based on figures on health care costs associated with the coronavirus from another IZA study.)

The authors note that the cost was “enough to have paid each of the estimated 462,182 rally attendees $26,553.64 not to attend.”

The full expanse of this tragedy is actually unknown... as to how many have been and continue to be infected, by the collateral infections resulting from those who attended.
No peer review so it the claim is absolutely worthless. Only a fool believes anyone tracked down everyone who attended Sturgis and exactly none of them had ever left their home for anything for at least a month before or ever since that rally.

It has been figured out that most Americans are 100% gullible chumps and idiots so any lies can be told no matter how absurd and most people will fall for like they have the intellect of someone with Down Syndrome.
Sturgis motorcycle rally was a 'superspreader event'

The full expanse of this tragedy is actually unknown... as to how many have been and continue to be infected, by the collateral infections resulting from those who attended.

So far, 1 person out of the nearly half a million has died from Covid. That's less than the typical DAILY rate of deaths for the general population, and we're talking about weeks, not one day.
And the riots had zero effect on the spread. :lamo
Keep Living in Denial....
I'm surprised the gov of California didn't have a heart attack last Sunday ...


Last night 12,000 people gathered at California's state capitol and worshipped our Lord!! Its was a wonderful night!! Did you hear about it?

11:06 AM · Sep 7, 2020·Twitter for Android



This images shows white people are not very respectful of society and don't respect the nature and deadly consequences of the virus.
This images shows white people are not very respectful of society and don't respect the nature and deadly consequences of the virus.

I guess you would have preferred them to be of darker skin pigmentation, setting fires and smashing/looting businesses.
I guess you would have preferred them to be of darker skin pigmentation, setting fires and smashing/looting businesses.

No, not like white people did throughout history in the savage attacks of black people, black communities, black churches.....
You need to pay attention to who the looters were, and the white supremacist they identified... You also should pay attention to the gun packing racist that act just like their parents and grandparents, still fighting against Civil Rights with their same motivation of promoting racist ignorance.

The point was of the comment you responded to was about... the people "did not have on mask", by why would anyone expect you to notice that fact... your delusion of superiority fiction likely makes you think you are immune to COVID-19.

Nothing is more savage and detestable than white people who promote racism, after 100's of years they can't grow beyond such savagery... You should be asking why do they cling to racist ignorance.

Maybe you should research and read with white people who have evolved beyond racism have to say about "white racist"... it might wake you up. If you can break away from that right wing 'racism grooming programming that you absorb yourself within".
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No, not like white people did throughout history in the savage attacks of black people, black communities, black churches..... You need to pay attention to who the looters were, and the white supremacist they identified... You also should pay attention to the gun packing racist that act just like their parents and grandparents, still fighting against Civil Rights with their same motivation of promoting racist ignorance.

The point was... the people "did not have on mask", by why would anyone expect you to notice that fact... your delusion of superiority fiction likely makes you think you are immune to COVID-19.

Nothing is more savage and detestable than white people who promote racism, after 100's of years they can't grow beyond such savagery... You should be asking why do they cling to racist ignorance.

think about how we ridicule racism and slavery in places like old Egypt and current day Somalia. and then we have to turn around and argue with current day (fake) religious people about the sins of racism and slavery.


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