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Stocks surge as Powell hints at slower interest rate hikes (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Libertarian - Right
Oh look! Pres.Trump PROVEN CORRECT AGAIN...this time about the FED needing to ease up on rate hikes for awhile....nice having a billionaire international entrepreneur as POTUS, who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS ECONOMICS...instead of the "PRINT MORE MONEY" Community Organizer...

Stocks surge as Powell hints at slower interest rate hikes

-- U.S. stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in eight months Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted that the Fed might not raise interest rates much further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 617 points.In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, Powell said that rates are close to "neutral," the level at which they neither hold back growth nor aid it. That might mean the Fed isn't planning to raise interest rates far above their current levels. Powell also appeared to suggest that the Fed might pause its cycle of interest rate increases next year so the central bank can assess the effects of its actions.

That relieved investors who feel the nine-year-old bull market could come to an end if rates rise too fast. Those worries have contributed to the market's big slump in October and November. The other major factor is the trade dispute between the U.S. and China. Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping are scheduled to discuss their differences this weekend at a meeting of the Group of 20.

Oh look! Pres.Trump PROVEN CORRECT AGAIN...this time about the FED needing to ease up on rate hikes for awhile....nice having a billionaire international entrepreneur as POTUS, who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS ECONOMICS...instead of the "PRINT MORE MONEY" Community Organizer...

Stocks surge as Powell hints at slower interest rate hikes

-- U.S. stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in eight months Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted that the Fed might not raise interest rates much further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 617 points.In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, Powell said that rates are close to "neutral," the level at which they neither hold back growth nor aid it. That might mean the Fed isn't planning to raise interest rates far above their current levels. Powell also appeared to suggest that the Fed might pause its cycle of interest rate increases next year so the central bank can assess the effects of its actions.

That relieved investors who feel the nine-year-old bull market could come to an end if rates rise too fast. Those worries have contributed to the market's big slump in October and November. The other major factor is the trade dispute between the U.S. and China. Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping are scheduled to discuss their differences this weekend at a meeting of the Group of 20.


How about you tell us how the market has done in the last few months...

Oh, and....FAIL....


Trump told Gary Cohn to 'print money' to lower the national debt, according to Bob Woodward's book

"Just run the presses — print money," Trump said, according to Woodward, during a discussion on the national debt with Gary Cohn, former director of the White House National Economic Council.
Cohn was "astounded at Trump's lack of basic understanding," Woodward writes.
Cohn pushed back on the book's claims Tuesday, while Trump has repeatedly called the book a "scam."
My eyes appreciate that there in no font above a #5 here............

Trump calling something a “scam!” :lamo
Oh look! Pres.Trump PROVEN CORRECT AGAIN...this time about the FED needing to ease up on rate hikes for awhile....nice having a billionaire international entrepreneur as POTUS, who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS ECONOMICS...instead of the "PRINT MORE MONEY" Community Organizer...

Stocks surge as Powell hints at slower interest rate hikes

-- U.S. stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in eight months Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted that the Fed might not raise interest rates much further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 617 points.In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, Powell said that rates are close to "neutral," the level at which they neither hold back growth nor aid it. That might mean the Fed isn't planning to raise interest rates far above their current levels. Powell also appeared to suggest that the Fed might pause its cycle of interest rate increases next year so the central bank can assess the effects of its actions.

That relieved investors who feel the nine-year-old bull market could come to an end if rates rise too fast. Those worries have contributed to the market's big slump in October and November. The other major factor is the trade dispute between the U.S. and China. Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping are scheduled to discuss their differences this weekend at a meeting of the Group of 20.


The Fed saying that the economy is weaker than they had hoped driving up the stock market 600+ points should make people go "Hmmmmm".

Also knowing that when the next downturn gets here the Fed will start with almost no ammo.

It is going to be bad almost certainly.
Oh look! Pres.Trump PROVEN CORRECT AGAIN...this time about the FED needing to ease up on rate hikes for awhile....nice having a billionaire international entrepreneur as POTUS, who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS ECONOMICS...instead of the "PRINT MORE MONEY" Community Organizer...

Stocks surge as Powell hints at slower interest rate hikes

-- U.S. stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in eight months Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted that the Fed might not raise interest rates much further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 617 points.In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, Powell said that rates are close to "neutral," the level at which they neither hold back growth nor aid it. That might mean the Fed isn't planning to raise interest rates far above their current levels. Powell also appeared to suggest that the Fed might pause its cycle of interest rate increases next year so the central bank can assess the effects of its actions.

That relieved investors who feel the nine-year-old bull market could come to an end if rates rise too fast. Those worries have contributed to the market's big slump in October and November. The other major factor is the trade dispute between the U.S. and China. Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping are scheduled to discuss their differences this weekend at a meeting of the Group of 20.


The left doesn't like when this president calls it right, do they? ;)
Tough ****ske...
How about you tell us how the market has done in the last few months...

Oh, and....FAIL....


Oh...there you go...cite a book of unsubstantiated rumors. LOL!!

Getting back to reality...one of the reasons for the badly performing stock market lately is the previous signals from the Fed that they were going to continue to raise rates. Believe it or not, things the Fed utters DO affect the Wall Street speculators...both for good and bad.

In any case, Wall Street is way down on the list of economic priorities where Trump is concerned. He is more interested in how well Main Street is doing. Powell, given his conflicting signals lately, doesn't seem to know which way to jump. Maybe this latest statement from him is an indication that he's starting to understand what Trump is doing.
Oh look! Pres.Trump PROVEN CORRECT AGAIN...this time about the FED needing to ease up on rate hikes for awhile....nice having a billionaire international entrepreneur as POTUS, who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS ECONOMICS...instead of the "PRINT MORE MONEY" Community Organizer...

Stocks surge as Powell hints at slower interest rate hikes

-- U.S. stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in eight months Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted that the Fed might not raise interest rates much further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 617 points.In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, Powell said that rates are close to "neutral," the level at which they neither hold back growth nor aid it. That might mean the Fed isn't planning to raise interest rates far above their current levels. Powell also appeared to suggest that the Fed might pause its cycle of interest rate increases next year so the central bank can assess the effects of its actions.

That relieved investors who feel the nine-year-old bull market could come to an end if rates rise too fast. Those worries have contributed to the market's big slump in October and November. The other major factor is the trade dispute between the U.S. and China. Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping are scheduled to discuss their differences this weekend at a meeting of the Group of 20.


LOL! What kind of chump thinks Trump is a billionaire, understands economics or is actually an entrepreneur?

He's a complete tool factory who doesn't understand what he's braying about.

Oh look! Pres.Trump PROVEN CORRECT AGAIN...this time about the FED needing to ease up on rate hikes for awhile....nice having a billionaire international entrepreneur as POTUS, who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS ECONOMICS...instead of the "PRINT MORE MONEY" Community Organizer...

Stocks surge as Powell hints at slower interest rate hikes

-- U.S. stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in eight months Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted that the Fed might not raise interest rates much further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 617 points.In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, Powell said that rates are close to "neutral," the level at which they neither hold back growth nor aid it. That might mean the Fed isn't planning to raise interest rates far above their current levels. Powell also appeared to suggest that the Fed might pause its cycle of interest rate increases next year so the central bank can assess the effects of its actions.

That relieved investors who feel the nine-year-old bull market could come to an end if rates rise too fast. Those worries have contributed to the market's big slump in October and November. The other major factor is the trade dispute between the U.S. and China. Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping are scheduled to discuss their differences this weekend at a meeting of the Group of 20.


Did you know the purpose of the Fed is not to provide temporary boosts to the stocks? It's true! It's true!
I'd just be a little weary about what this might mean for inflation, at this moment it's a little over 2%, around 2% a year is the Feds target inflation rate.

But I think if I remember, there has been some surprise inflation has remained reasonably low given the current economic condition.
I'd just be a little weary about what this might mean for inflation, at this moment it's a little over 2%, around 2% a year is the Feds target inflation rate.

But I think if I remember, there has been some surprise inflation has remained reasonably low given the current economic condition.

It has to because wages are stagnant.
I'd just be a little weary about what this might mean for inflation, at this moment it's a little over 2%, around 2% a year is the Feds target inflation rate.

But I think if I remember, there has been some surprise inflation has remained reasonably low given the current economic condition.

It's closer to "We dont have any clue what is going on, if we figure it out we will get back to you".
Oh look! Pres.Trump PROVEN CORRECT AGAIN...this time about the FED needing to ease up on rate hikes for awhile....nice having a billionaire international entrepreneur as POTUS, who ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS ECONOMICS...instead of the "PRINT MORE MONEY" Community Organizer...

Stocks surge as Powell hints at slower interest rate hikes

-- U.S. stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in eight months Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted that the Fed might not raise interest rates much further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 617 points.In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, Powell said that rates are close to "neutral," the level at which they neither hold back growth nor aid it. That might mean the Fed isn't planning to raise interest rates far above their current levels. Powell also appeared to suggest that the Fed might pause its cycle of interest rate increases next year so the central bank can assess the effects of its actions.

That relieved investors who feel the nine-year-old bull market could come to an end if rates rise too fast. Those worries have contributed to the market's big slump in October and November. The other major factor is the trade dispute between the U.S. and China. Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping are scheduled to discuss their differences this weekend at a meeting of the Group of 20.


So how is that stock market working out for you? https://thehill.com/policy/finance/419682-dow-plummets-800-points-over-economic-trade-concerns

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