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Stern on Sirius... (1 Viewer)


Oct 11, 2005
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So Stern goes on Sirius tomorrow morning and I have to say that he is the one major reason I bought XM. He is getting a ridiculous amount of money and I for one refuse to give any money to his salary. He's disgusting. Way to make a practical smut-peddler the face of your company Sirius...
Originally posted by getinvolved:
So Stern goes on Sirius tomorrow morning and I have to say that he is the one major reason I bought XM. He is getting a ridiculous amount of money and I for one refuse to give any money to his salary. He's disgusting. Way to make a practical smut-peddler the face of your company Sirius...
Sex is only dirty, when you do it right.
getinvolved said:
So Stern goes on Sirius tomorrow morning and I have to say that he is the one major reason I bought XM. He is getting a ridiculous amount of money and I for one refuse to give any money to his salary. He's disgusting. Way to make a practical smut-peddler the face of your company Sirius...

I have Sirius, but going with Sirius had nothing to do with Howard Stern. I just thought the programming was better in general.

That said, I am not much of a Howard Stern fan, but he has the right to say what ever he wants and you have the right to choose to not listen to it. I suppose that Sirius wanted him because he has something like 12 million listeners a day. He probably wanted to go to Satellite Radio because it is a cash cow for him, and he has virtually no restrictions on what he can say on it. Either way, its not like it’s the end of morality or something. Stern makes a living out of interviewing porn stars and describing their anatomical features to his audience. I suppose that’s pretty crass, but when you consider that at one time in this country we saw nothing immoral about horsewhipping slaves and slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Indians, that in terms of social morality, shock jocks are quite a step up from our past.
Too bad you feel that way, getinvolved.
SouthernDemocrat said:
I have Sirius, but going with Sirius had nothing to do with Howard Stern. I just thought the programming was better in general.

That said, I am not much of a Howard Stern fan, but he has the right to say what ever he wants and you have the right to choose to not listen to it. I suppose that Sirius wanted him because he has something like 12 million listeners a day. He probably wanted to go to Satellite Radio because it is a cash cow for him, and he has virtually no restrictions on what he can say on it. Either way, its not like it’s the end of morality or something. Stern makes a living out of interviewing porn stars and describing their anatomical features to his audience. I suppose that’s pretty crass, but when you consider that at one time in this country we saw nothing immoral about horsewhipping slaves and slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Indians, that in terms of social morality, shock jocks are quite a step up from our past.

Yeah, I agree that if I don't want to listen I can turn the channel. For me, though, it comes down to the fact that Sirius is paying Stern 500 million dollars for five years. I have to believe that a good amount of each subscription is going to paying that ungodly amount. I mean, don't get me wrong -I'd love to be able to get that much money for interviewing strippers and prostitutes... but I'm not about to pay him to do it.

I'm just exercising my right to consumer choice, and I'd just rather not support him. You know what I mean?
getinvolved said:
Yeah, I agree that if I don't want to listen I can turn the channel. For me, though, it comes down to the fact that Sirius is paying Stern 500 million dollars for five years. I have to believe that a good amount of each subscription is going to paying that ungodly amount. I mean, don't get me wrong -I'd love to be able to get that much money for interviewing strippers and prostitutes... but I'm not about to pay him to do it.

I'm just exercising my right to consumer choice, and I'd just rather not support him. You know what I mean?

Howard who?:roll:
I can't believe so many people care about this clown. If you ask me, his only schtick is pushing the envelope. With no envelope to push, he may just be in for a declining career.
KCConservative said:
I can't believe so many people care about this clown. If you ask me, his only schtick is pushing the envelope. With no envelope to push, he may just be in for a declining career.

My thing about it as well, is that sirius seems to be banking on Stern to be one of their biggest draws to get consumers to buy thier service. The luster will soon wear off- I just hope that Siruis has more to give. B/c if its best thing is Stern, then they have a long way to go.
Stern came galloping into our locality a couple years ago. There was much fanfare and soon rivalry between him and the local hit morning show. He lost and was soon replaced by Imus and even he faded away quickly. There was a novelty about Stern that was interesting for about a week and then the thrill was over.

I've watched his show on E! too and it was pretty much the same schtick. Maybe I'm watching it with glazed eyes, but it's edgy once. Once done, where's the excitement?

Although, I was on another message board and they were talking about comedians and, well, this is what they said:
I used to hate Gilbert Godfried with a passion, till I heard him on Howard Stern. Gilbert is unfunny when he's trying to be generally annoying. When he's being specifically annoying to somebody, that's when he can get painfully funny.

One woman called in intending to discredit Godfried. She said she once drove him to a gig and he started saying cruel things about her family and she wanted him to apologize.

Godfried explained that she was one of those people who were children of Holocaust survivors who started telling him right away from the moment he got in the car about how much her parents went through and how much they suffered. She continued in this manner till he finally got tired of it and started making tasteless jokes about it. He asked her if she ever had panic attacks while taking a shower.

Every time the woman got angry, Godfried would crack another tasteless joke and get her more agitated. He asked her if she ever imagined her pizza screaming when she put it in the oven.
:shock: Not as much Stern but Godfriend. Still, that's hilarious in the most offensive way possible.
Stern is a God that walks on water. Next to Kinison, he is my hero.
getinvolved said:
Yeah, I agree that if I don't want to listen I can turn the channel. For me, though, it comes down to the fact that Sirius is paying Stern 500 million dollars for five years. I have to believe that a good amount of each subscription is going to paying that ungodly amount. I mean, don't get me wrong -I'd love to be able to get that much money for interviewing strippers and prostitutes... but I'm not about to pay him to do it.

I'm just exercising my right to consumer choice, and I'd just rather not support him. You know what I mean?

It's a good reason they FOX News and the new FOX Across the Nation talk channel. XM got quite a coup out of that since when they negotiated their contract SIRIUS was still carrying them, now XM has the FOX exclusive and it's the third most listened to channel.

And don't you just get sick of hearing the "Well he has a right to free speech" garbage when you voice your RIGHT to YOUR free speech? Of course he has his right to free speech and no one has said otherwise but a right to free speech doesn't give you a right to have someone listen to or agreed with what you have to say or thier right to change channels.
KCConservative said:
I can't believe so many people care about this clown. If you ask me, his only schtick is pushing the envelope. With no envelope to push, he may just be in for a declining career.

Well SIRIUS obviously thinks so. I have XM and get the Opie And Anthony show, note I said get not listen to. For the life of me I don't find the show that funny. Grossness just gets old real quick I guess. Same with Stern. I've never heard his radio show but have caught, just while pausing the channel surfing, his TV show. I'd much rather watch "Who's Line is It" or the Foxworthy guys or someone like Sinbad or an older generation real commediane. Did you catch any of the Bob Hope Christmas shows the Military Channel was showing? OH man where they good, and touchy at the same time.

Good point about the envelope. If I was ORielly I'd send you a signed copy!!!
Stern is nothing without the threat of censorship. Now that the threat is gone, he's washed up.
KCConservative said:
Stern is nothing without the threat of censorship. Now that the threat is gone, he's washed up.

I doubt that. Perhaps you just can't wrap your head around interviewers that aren't judging people.
independent_thinker2002 said:
I doubt that. Perhaps you just can't wrap your head around interviewers that aren't judging people.
I have no idea what this means. Stern's popularity has come from being a bad boy, from pushing the envelope and daring the censors. With Sirius, his schtick is removed. There won;t be anything left but locker room humor and the F word.
KCConservative said:
I have no idea what this means. Stern's popularity has come from being a bad boy, from pushing the envelope and daring the censors. With Sirius, his schtick is removed. There won;t be anything left but locker room humor and the F word.

Well, you logic sux. You say that Stern is nothing without the threat of censorship. But tell me, who censors locker room humor? It seems locker room humor and the F word are doing quite well regardless of censorship. Since you don't even listen to him regularly I would suggest you hardly can have a clue about his future.
Originally posted by KCConservative:
I have no idea what this means. Stern's popularity has come from being a bad boy, from pushing the envelope and daring the censors. With Sirius, his schtick is removed. There won;t be anything left but locker room humor and the F word.
There won't be any morallity dipsh!ts running around on their high horse thinking ther're above it all.
independent_thinker2002 said:
Well, you logic sux. You say that Stern is nothing without the threat of censorship. But tell me, who censors locker room humor? It seems locker room humor and the F word are doing quite well regardless of censorship. Since you don't even listen to him regularly I would suggest you hardly can have a clue about his future.

yeah, and you grammer sux. :lol:

Did I mention that I don;t listen to him or are you just inventing more facts?
KCConservative said:
yeah, and you grammer sux. :lol:

Did I mention that I don;t listen to him or are you just inventing more facts?

Regularly was the key word. If you did you would know that his show isn't what you say it is. His show on E! is edited down to the T&A, that is only a portion of what he does. It is easy to infer that you aren't a fan since you think that people only listen to him since he is censored.
I have only one thing to say...........

You cant be Sirius.

** gets ready for the rotten tomatoes that are about to sail his way **
and yet Stern is the #1 radio personality among successful men age 25-40
Originally posted by DeeJayH
and yet Stern is the #1 radio personality among successful men age 25-40
Stern is the most sucessful guy in the history of media when you break it down into dollars and cents.
And the fact remains that you can choose to listen or to not listen- that's a given. I love my fair share of shock jock radio - but Stern just doesn't do it for me anymore. His name comes is so much bigger than the man himself- its like you listen to hear "What he'll say next.." but he's said it all... i mean I don't really care what's next. Is it the tickle chair, oh wait how about beetlejuice getting a date with a porn star, or his political commentary...I'd rather listen to my father after a few whiskeys on the rocks. thanks.

I don't disagree that he should be able to say what he wants- rock on with the free speech sterny - but sirius has paid him so much money that it really does come down to the fact that even if I don't want to listen to him- a huge part of my subscription is going towards paying a piece of his salary. and i'd rather give it to the homeless herion addict I pass everyday...his jokes are funnier anyway.
Originally posted by getinvolved:
And the fact remains that you can choose to listen or to not listen- that's a given. I love my fair share of shock jock radio - but Stern just doesn't do it for me anymore. His name comes is so much bigger than the man himself- its like you listen to hear "What he'll say next.." but he's said it all... i mean I don't really care what's next. Is it the tickle chair, oh wait how about beetlejuice getting a date with a porn star, or his political commentary...I'd rather listen to my father after a few whiskeys on the rocks. thanks.

I don't disagree that he should be able to say what he wants- rock on with the free speech sterny - but sirius has paid him so much money that it really does come down to the fact that even if I don't want to listen to him- a huge part of my subscription is going towards paying a piece of his salary. and i'd rather give it to the homeless herion addict I pass everyday...his jokes are funnier anyway.
I never get tired of Lesbian Dial-a-Date or Homeless Hollywood Squares or Black Jepardy.
Billo_Really said:
I never get tired of Lesbian Dial-a-Date or Homeless Hollywood Squares or Black Jepardy.

As "shocking" as it may be?? ;)

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