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Stephen Curry says the U.S. never landed on the moon. NASA cries foul. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Curry was a guest on the “Winging It” podcast, hosted by Vince Carter and Kent Bazemore of the Atlanta Hawks. The Warriors guard was supposed to talk about the endless comparisons to dynamic rookie point guard Trae Young, but things veered off script. At one point, the players were talking about the sounds dinosaurs make when Curry abruptly changed the subject to his belief that human beings have never landed on the moon.

“We ever been to the moon?” he asked.

The others agreed the answer was no.

“They’re going to come get us,” Curry replied. “Sorry, I don’t want to start conspiracies.”


What an idiot this man is.
Kyrie Irving apologized for promoting a Flat Earth theory. I doubt Stephen Curry truly believes humans have not visited the moon.

I sense some tongue-in-cheek comments for the sake of publicity in the manner described by Oscar Wilde:

"There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary."

Kyrie Irving apologized for promoting a Flat Earth theory. I doubt Stephen Curry truly believes humans have not visited the moon.

I sense some tongue-in-cheek comments for the sake of publicity in the manner described by Oscar Wilde:

"There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary."

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That is not a real picture... nice try but we need actual evidence, not fairy tails.
I think, not only have we been to the moon, we've never left.

Disseminating conspiracy theories that the moon landings were fake sounds like the perfect psi-op/distraction to stop people from looking for the evidence that there are secret military bases on the moon. Or, they were simply started by a bunch of stoners with time on their hands. Either way, I think humans have maintained a presence on the moon in some form since the conclusion of Apollo, unknown to the general public.
Another exhibit in my bemused and/or worried objection to people listening to what famous people say simply because they are famous.
I think, not only have we been to the moon, we've never left.

Disseminating conspiracy theories that the moon landings were fake sounds like the perfect psi-op/distraction to stop people from looking for the evidence that there are secret military bases on the moon. Or, they were simply started by a bunch of stoners with time on their hands. Either way, I think humans have maintained a presence on the moon in some form since the conclusion of Apollo, unknown to the general public.

What would be the point, though? Unless it also happens to be a military installation with nukes capable of making it all the way to Earth (and actually hitting the target), there really wouldn't be any reason to keep it secret. Especially so during the Cold War. They'd probably have bragged about it..
What would be the point, though? Unless it also happens to be a military installation with nukes capable of making it all the way to Earth (and actually hitting the target), there really wouldn't be any reason to keep it secret. Especially so during the Cold War. They'd probably have bragged about it..

I guess the moral of the story is don't be so pessimistic here people...

EDIT: Probably as an ace-in-the-hole, only the need to do so disappeared with the end of the Cold War. Could be they all died, never to be heard from again, and it was kept secret due to the civil unrest it would cause in the USSR/US. Any number of reasons.
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