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Sperm count 50 percent lower in sons of fathers who smoke (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Studies have repeatedly linked maternal smoking during pregnancy with reduced sperm counts in male offspring. Now a research team at Lund University in Sweden has discovered that, independently of nicotine exposure from the mother, men whose fathers smoked at the time of pregnancy had half as many sperm as those with non-smoking fathers.

The study was conducted on 104 Swedish men aged between 17 and 20. Once the researchers had adjusted for the mother's own exposure to nicotine, socioeconomic factors, and the sons' own smoking, men with fathers who smoked had a 41 per cent lower sperm concentration and 51 per cent fewer sperm than men with non-smoking fathers. The research team at Lund University is the first to have reported this finding.
This could be a lead for smokable forms of male birth control.

Studies have repeatedly linked maternal smoking during pregnancy with reduced sperm counts in male offspring. Now a research team at Lund University in Sweden has discovered that, independently of nicotine exposure from the mother, men whose fathers smoked at the time of pregnancy had half as many sperm as those with non-smoking fathers.

The study was conducted on 104 Swedish men aged between 17 and 20. Once the researchers had adjusted for the mother's own exposure to nicotine, socioeconomic factors, and the sons' own smoking, men with fathers who smoked had a 41 per cent lower sperm concentration and 51 per cent fewer sperm than men with non-smoking fathers. The research team at Lund University is the first to have reported this finding.
This could be a lead for smokable forms of male birth control.

If this is true and they are just now figuring this out then our leaders failed us.

So did science.

Studies have repeatedly linked maternal smoking during pregnancy with reduced sperm counts in male offspring. Now a research team at Lund University in Sweden has discovered that, independently of nicotine exposure from the mother, men whose fathers smoked at the time of pregnancy had half as many sperm as those with non-smoking fathers.

The study was conducted on 104 Swedish men aged between 17 and 20. Once the researchers had adjusted for the mother's own exposure to nicotine, socioeconomic factors, and the sons' own smoking, men with fathers who smoked had a 41 per cent lower sperm concentration and 51 per cent fewer sperm than men with non-smoking fathers. The research team at Lund University is the first to have reported this finding.
This could be a lead for smokable forms of male birth control.

then maybe we should reconsider our food stamp policy and allow cigarettes to be purchased with them
then maybe we should reconsider our food stamp policy and allow cigarettes to be purchased with them

RIGHT!...this would have been a very nice bit of information to have 40 YEARS AGO!
RIGHT!...this would have been a very nice bit of information to have 40 YEARS AGO!
Why not send each career criminal a prize letter giving away a free bicycle with free Gatorade for life. Then pull an Idi Amin on each of them as they come to claim it.
then maybe we should reconsider our food stamp policy and allow cigarettes to be purchased with them
And remove all taxes from tobacco products.
And remove all taxes from tobacco products.

When I was in college I traveled up to visit a friend who had become an officer in the Army. He was stationed at a former Nike anti-aircraft missile site in Bristol, RI. I recall buying cigarettes at the station PX for $0.35/pack.
When I was in college I traveled up to visit a friend who had become an officer in the Army. He was stationed at a former Nike anti-aircraft missile site in Bristol, RI. I recall buying cigarettes at the station PX for $0.35/pack.
I had a similar experience back in the late 80's at Osan Air Base. $7.50 a carton w/ a $5.00 off coupon = $0.25/pack.

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