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Soviet scientist backs UK over Skripal poisoning (1 Viewer)

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Soviet scientist backs UK over Skripal poisoning


Vladimir Uglev worked on the development of the Novichok stable of chemical weapons from the 1970s until the 1990s

April 8, 2018

A key member of the Soviet research team that developed the nerve agent the UK claimed was used to poison the former double agent Sergei Skripal has sided with the British government in its dispute with Moscow. Vladimir Uglev said he was convinced Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia had been attacked in the English city of Salisbury with a compound he had developed in 1975. However, he cautioned it would be impossible to prove beyond doubt where the nerve agent had originated. Mr Uglev worked on the program, code-named Foliant by the Soviets, that led to the development of the Novichok stable of chemical weapons from the 1970s until the 1990s. His comments come as the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is expected to complete its analysis of samples of the substance used in the Salisbury attack this week. Britain’s defense research laboratory at Porton Down has identified one of a group of nerve agents collectively referred to as Novichok — a name one of Mr Uglev’s colleagues coined for the group of substances — as having been used in the poisoning. “I have no doubt that it was precisely A-234 which was used!” Mr Uglev said in comments emailed to the Financial Times from his retirement home on the Black Sea coast. He said judging by comments made by Porton Down scientists and other information he had received, the substance had to be the compound he had first synthesized in December 1975 at the State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, in the southern Russian town of Shikhany.

He was also heavily critical of Vladimir Putin, Russian president, and his administration. “As a Russian citizen, I do not accept the great-power chauvinism fanned by the regime of Kremlin-Lubyanka thieves and killers, and therefore fully understand and support the policy of the British government towards Russia,” Mr Uglev said. “At the same time, as a professional chemist, I perfectly understand that we will not get 100 per cent proof of the guilt of the Kremlin-Lubyanka killers, neither from the English specialists, nor from the experts of the OPCW,” added Mr Uglev. He said he did not expect the OPCW to be able to prove either where the substance had been manufactured or how it had found its way to Salisbury. UK investigators would not be able to rely on methods they used to trace the source of the polonium-210 that was used to murder the former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006 because that was a radioactive substance and was relatively easy to detect unlike a nerve agent like A-234, he said. More than 20 EU and NATO members and other European countries have expelled a total of almost 150 Russian diplomats in solidarity with the UK over what they said was the first offensive use of a chemical weapon in Europe since the second world war.

Occam's Razor -- The simplest explanation is usually the correct explanation.
Soon to be dead Soviet scientist?
Yep one of the men who made the nerve agent lives in the UK, hence the UK is behind it.

Your 'logic' is a wonder to behold lol.
On a side note, Britain's MI6 is seriously considering relocating the Skripal's to the US where they would be provided with new identities in a CIA protection program.

Both Britain and the US noted that all double Russian agents now living in the West are in grave danger of assassination.

Moscow has broken a Cold War gentleman's agreement that prohibits hits on spies traded for spies.
Your 'logic' is a wonder to behold lol.
Well it is as valid as blaming Russia because they invented the agent. I mean is China at fault for gun violence in the US because they invented gunpowder?

Sendt fra min SM-N9005 med Tapatalk
Yep one of the men who made the nerve agent lives in the UK, hence the UK is behind it.

I know your hatred of the UK knows no bounds, but you have evidence for that?
I know your hatred of the UK knows no bounds, but you have evidence for that?

I know your hatred of Russia knows no bounds, but do you have evidence that they did it? The British MOD does not..

See how that goes?
I know your hatred of Russia knows no bounds, but do you have evidence that they did it? The British MOD does not..

See how that goes?

So your claim is BS then. No surprise.
So your claim is BS then. No surprise.

My claim is as valid as it was Russia who did it.... which was my point.

It is also strange how this absolutely deadly nerve agent with zero chance of getting better for the victims.. suddenly the victims are getting better..
My claim is as valid as it was Russia who did it.... which was my point.

It is also strange how this absolutely deadly nerve agent with zero chance of getting better for the victims.. suddenly the victims are getting better..

No surprise at all that you're defending a Putin regime with a history of killing Russian ex-spies on British soil.
No surprise at all that you're defending a Putin regime with a history of killing Russian ex-spies on British soil.
Not defending Putin at all. He most likely killed the other Russian who was strangled and others. Funny how the Brits and the media don't talk about him....

Point is that Putin ain't stupid and using a nerve agent made by the Soviets is stupid. Not to mention that they are now recovering from something that was a death sentence according to the Brits.... the daughter was just released from hospital.

So now you are going to tell me that not only did Putin attack these people with a weapon that leads the attack directly back to him and his goverment but that he some how failed spectacularly since his victims of this nerve agent that is a death sentence, are now recovering? Does that really sound like Putin?

Putin is a bastard dictator but only the real perpetrators should be blamed for attacks like this and that requires evidence which the Brits have been unable to provide and have in fact blocked outside independent investigation...strange no?

Sendt fra min SM-N9005 med Tapatalk
Counter Point:

Skripal Case Descends into a Propaganda War
In its rush to assign guilt to Moscow for the nerve agent attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter, the British government now finds itself on the defensive. Some German politicians have their doubts

The alleged telephone call was just the most recent twist at the end of a turbulent week in which Britain suddenly found itself under growing pressure to provide more substantial evidence for the accusations it has leveled at Moscow. The facts of the case, of course, haven't changed much since British Prime Minister Theresa May delivered a caustic speech before the House of Commons three weeks ago. In that address, she said that British intelligence considered it "highly likely" that Russia was behind the attack, in part because the substance in question, Novichok, was developed in the former Soviet Union. It was the first use of such a chemical weapon in Europe since the end of World War II. Britain's allies in NATO and in the European Union quickly issued statements expressing support for May's position.

Nevertheless, London found itself on the defensive this week -- initially because of an interview, then because of a tweet and finally because of Boris Johnson, Britain's perpetually impetuous foreign secretary
And now, Britain's blundering is threatening to erode the solidarity of what had been a more or less united European front. London already encountered difficulty in getting countries like Italy and Greece to support accusations of guilt against Moscow in the statements they released on the attack, and not all European countries have been in favor of expelling Russian diplomats. Now, skeptical politicians in Germany have likewise begun speaking up. On Tuesday, North Rhine-Westphalia Governor Armin Laschet, a member of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and a close confidant of the chancellor's, tweeted: "If you force almost all NATO member states to show solidarity, shouldn't you also have clear proof?"
Britain on Defensive in Skripal Novichok Case - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Not defending Putin at all. He most likely killed the other Russian who was strangled and others. Funny how the Brits and the media don't talk about him.... Point is that Putin ain't stupid and using a nerve agent made by the Soviets is stupid. Not to mention that they are now recovering from something that was a death sentence according to the Brits.... the daughter was just released from hospital. So now you are going to tell me that not only did Putin attack these people with a weapon that leads the attack directly back to him and his goverment but that he some how failed spectacularly since his victims of this nerve agent that is a death sentence, are now recovering? Does that really sound like Putin? Putin is a bastard dictator but only the real perpetrators should be blamed for attacks like this and that requires evidence which the Brits have been unable to provide and have in fact blocked outside independent investigation...strange no?

The Brits have proved it to their allies. Novochok is not a death sentence. All depends on initial exposure and the application of Atropine and intensive care. Putin is not stupid, but he is aggressive. He has never before been made to pay any price commensurate with his actions, which is why he continues to murder, both at home and abroad.
The Brits have proved it to their allies.

No they have not.

Novochok is not a death sentence.

That is not what the British told the world. That is not what the maker of the nerve agent said on British TV.

Putin is not stupid, but he is aggressive. He has never before been made to pay any price commensurate with his actions, which is why he continues to murder, both at home and abroad.

And using a nerve agent made by your own people 40 years ago to kill a minor annoyance is stupid. And he aint aggressive.. he is calculated at best.
The Brits have proved it to their allies. Novochok is not a death sentence. All depends on initial exposure and the application of Atropine and intensive care. Putin is not stupid, but he is aggressive. He has never before been made to pay any price commensurate with his actions, which is why he continues to murder, both at home and abroad.

This can apply closer to home........
My claim is as valid as it was Russia who did it.... which was my point.

It is also strange how this absolutely deadly nerve agent with zero chance of getting better for the victims.. suddenly the victims are getting better..

And once again this proves you are out of your depth on a topic. It will always depend on quantity, environmental factors and method of contamination.
Not defending Putin at all. He most likely killed the other Russian who was strangled and others. Funny how the Brits and the media don't talk about him....

Point is that Putin ain't stupid and using a nerve agent made by the Soviets is stupid. Not to mention that they are now recovering from something that was a death sentence according to the Brits.... the daughter was just released from hospital.

So now you are going to tell me that not only did Putin attack these people with a weapon that leads the attack directly back to him and his goverment but that he some how failed spectacularly since his victims of this nerve agent that is a death sentence, are now recovering? Does that really sound like Putin?

Putin is a bastard dictator but only the real perpetrators should be blamed for attacks like this and that requires evidence which the Brits have been unable to provide and have in fact blocked outside independent investigation...strange no?

Sendt fra min SM-N9005 med Tapatalk

Just like you defend Pakistani grooming gangs. You have form for taking despicable and unpalatable positions.
And using a nerve agent made by your own people 40 years ago to kill a minor annoyance is stupid.

You actually think they use 40 year old stocks of CW? God, you're worse than I imagined.

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